Chereads / Revolutionary against the revolution / Chapter 4 - Closer as Siblings (sisters)

Chapter 4 - Closer as Siblings (sisters)

It was a nice day today.

The sun was shining high in the sky, no clouds could be seen and it wasn't really hot if I had to guess it would be around 24OC outside.

So I figured why don't I go and walk around the beautiful gardens of the Palace of Versailles on this beautiful day as my lessons with Duc de La Vauguyon were over a little bit early due to some kind of message from his wife. I hope that it isn't something bad…

I walked out of the palace into the gardens and let me tell you the garden complex was really big it can accommodate more than 700 people at a time. The Garden of Versailles is spread across 1,976 acres and is one of the biggest gardens in the world. 210,000 flowers and 200,000 trees are planted annually in The Garden of Versailles; I wouldn't be surprised if someone actually got lost in these gardens.

I walked around until I heard talking and slight girly giggling and followed the noise, until I saw my two younger sisters talking and drinking tea at the white round table with servants, well serving them and a couple of red-dressed Swiss Guards standing dutifully watching over the female members of the royal family.

''Ah! Brother!''

The older one, Marie Clotilde, said to me as she noticed me staring at them.

''Good day, Marie and Elisabeth, do you have a room for one more?''

I greeted them.

Getting seal of approval from my two sisters I sat down at the table and immediately one of the servants poured me some tea then I looked at my sisters, Marie was wearing a light green dress that matched her green eyes, her brown hair was done in a bun. Elisabeth, on the other hand, had her auburn hair loose and was currently wearing a French royal blue dress, they looked extremely cute.

''So what were you talking about?''

I asked while sipping my black tea.


They both quickly replied and I just couldn't help it as teasing smirk started forming in my face.

''So about boys, right?''

It was really comical as both of them started coughing.


Marie shouted with red cheeks while Elisabeth just stared down her cheeks red too as I found out their secret.

''So who is that guy that who cached the attention of my two beautiful sisters? Maybe I should teach him a lesson about stealing my adorable sisters?''

I said with fake anger while my two sisters got even redder then I thought was possible at my compliments.

''N-No need, brother, for you to do that.''

Elisabeth said meekly as she tried to hide her embarrassment by looking as small as possible, it was definitely a cute sight to see my sisters acting like this.

Ha! This just fuels my drive to tease them even more!

''Haha! I'm kidding! But it was worth it to see your faces!''

I laughed and then took another seep of the tea.

''Humph! Brother is a big meanie!''

Marie pouted while Elisabeth just had a tiny smile on her cute little face.

I let myself relax in the chair as I embraced the natural sights and smells of the beautiful garden.

''So what do you want to talk about now, about boys again maybe?''

I smirked.


Both of them said at the same time and I let out another laugh indicating to them that I was just teasing them again.

''Oh right! Brother, there will be some kind of big ball tomorrow right?''

Marie said and I frowned.

That ball was a lot in my mind since the day I learned about it, I'm almost sure that Marie Antoinette will be there, I wonder just how she looks… Is she beautiful or is she isn't good looking? What about her character? Will she be a kind soul or arrogant as any other noble? So many things on my mind and plus it will be my first gathering since I got stuck in this body.

''Yes, I'm attending it.''

I replied shortly.

''Y-You will be going to the ball?''

Elisabeth asked me shyly.

''Most positive.''

I replied to my little sister with a gentle smile.

'��I'm so jealous of you brother, I want to go to a ball too! Dancing, laughing and talking with other people sounds such fun!''

Marie replied enthusiastically.

Elisabeth just nodded her little head in the approval of her elder sister's words.

''Don't worry you two, when you will get older I'm definitely bringing you with me to a ball.''


Both of them looked at me with pleading eyes.

Ugh! I just can't resist, this cuteness should be illegal I tell you!

''Of course, I will take my most beautiful sister with me!''

I teased them one again.

''By the way, did you see grandfather today?''

I inquired and both of them thought deeply.

I didn't see the King today which was strange as usually, he spends time at his court, hunting or with his mistress Madame du Barry which I won't go into much detail what are they doing, but to think that Louis XV is 60 years old and still is capable of erection, that really surprised me.

And no, I didn't see it, but I definitely heard when I accidentally passed his room when he was doing that and moaning with the creaking of the bed was a good indication that the old King still got it.

''Y-Yes I did. He was really happy today.''

Elisabeth said interrupting my thoughts which I'm thankful for…

''Do you know the reason?''

''I-I just heard a little. He said something about peasants liking 'her' and how successful it was, then he said something about a good day for hunting and how he will miss it, then he left in the carriage.''

She said as I attentively listened to her.

''Is that all?''

''Y-Yes, sorry…''

Elisabeth had downcast expression and I pated her head in reassurance.

''Thank you, Elisabeth.''

I said to her and a slight smile returned to her face.

''Brother, do you have any idea what the grandfather was talking about?''

Marie asked me curiously and I just slumped in my chair.

''I honestly don't know… There is not much information to work with, so I can only guess.''

I said to Marie, but deep down I knew that by 'her' the King meant my future wife…


Elisabeth apologized for one again.

''Don't worry your little head, Elisabeth, it's all good,''

I reassured my sister.

Who would have thought that being a royal could be so much stress?

''Now then would you like to hear a good story?''

I asked them both.

''What story?''

''Arthurian Legend''

And so I began telling them the tale about King Arthur.

Uther Pendragon, king of Britain, falls in love with Igraine, wife of Gorlois, Duke of Cornwall. He goes to war with Gorlois. Gorlois puts his wife in the castle of Tintagel to protect her, but Uther uses the arts of Merlin the magician to change his appearance to Gorlois's. He enters Tintagel disguised in this way and sleeps with Igraine. Arthur is conceived that night. When Gorlois is killed by Uther's army, Uther then marries Igraine and reveals to her that he was the man she slept with on the night she conceived.

As he promised Merlin in exchange for his help, Uther delivers the baby Arthur to the magician. Merlin gives the baby to Sir Ector, who raises Arthur along with his own son Kay.

When Uther dies, rival kings war over the throne. Merlin has everyone gather in London at Christmas, and a sword, stuck through an anvil and into a stone, appears in a churchyard. Its hilt says that whoever draws it is the rightful king.

Arthur, now a teenager, comes to London with Ector and Kay. Kay is newly knighted and has come to participate in the tournament. When he realizes that he has left Kay's sword at the inn, Arthur rushes off to search for another one. Seeing the sword in the stone, he draws it and gives it to Kay. Kay shows the sword to his father, who recognizes what it means. He reveals to Arthur that he is not his true father.

Arthur repeatedly draws the sword from the stone when others cannot, so the people acclaim him their king. Some rival kings resist, however, and Arthur must defeat them before he is secure in his kingdom. He receives his sword Excalibur from the lake.

Arthur then decides to marry. He chooses Guenevere, daughter of King Leodegrance. Merlin warns Arthur that Guenevere will have an affair with Lancelot, but Arthur chooses to marry her anyway. Merlin leaves the story not long afterward, as he falls prey to a young enchantress who imprisons him forever under a rock.

Knights come from all over to join Arthur and his company of the Round Table. Many adventures for Arthur and his court follow. Arthur resists the claims of Lucius, Emperor of Rome, for tribute, and defeats the Romans in Europe before coming home; in some versions of the story, this is his final triumph, before Mordred usurps the throne. In other versions of the story, there is still a lot that happens before the final battle: knights such as Lancelot, Gawain, Tristan, and Gareth, among many others, have many adventures. Lancelot begins an affair with Guenevere.

One day a maiden appears at court and asks Lancelot to come with her. She takes him to a convent where he is introduced to a beautiful young man, whom he dubs a knight. He returns to court, and shortly the young man, Galahad, comes to court as well and sits in the "Siege Perilous," a special seat at the Round Table destined for him. Galahad is Lancelot's son, conceived by Elaine through deception (she made Lancelot think he was sleeping with Guenevere). The Holy Grail (the cup of Christ) appears to the Arthurian court, and Gawain is the first to vow to undertake a quest to find it. Galahad is the destined Grail knight, however: a knight must be pure (a virgin or chaste) to find the Grail. In the quest that follows, only Galahad, Perceval, and Bors will succeed. Galahad finds the Grail, escorts it to its new home, and after a short time dies and goes to heaven. Lancelot is repeatedly told that his failures are due to his sin with Guenevere, and he repents the relationship.

However, after the Grail quest has been completed, Lancelot resumes the affair. It is revealed through the malice of Agravaine and Mordred. Mordred is, in some versions, Arthur's illegitimate son by his half-sister. Lancelot escapes but Guenevere is condemned to burn at the stake. Lancelot rescues her, killing some of his old comrades in the process. Guenevere goes to a nunnery, and Lancelot withdraws to his own country. Mordred leads an army against Arthur. In the final battle, almost everyone is killed; Arthur kills Mordred but is mortally wounded himself. At Arthur's request, Bedivere returns Excalibur to the lake. A ship with three queens appears, to take Arthur away to Avalon. The legend grows up that he will return one day; he is rex quondam rexque futurus, the once and future king.

Lancelot becomes a monk and dies a holy man.

''So did you like it?''

Finishing my story I asked them both.

''I-It was quite sad''

Elisabeth said I have to agree King Arthur went through a lot in his legends fighting inside himself as well as fighting others.

''But why didn't King Arthur listened to Merlin?''

Marie asked me.

''Well, my dear Marie, Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. Arthur deeply loved Guenevere, it's just he didn't say that she didn't felt the same. Love can be like a sweet poison, it either kills you or makes you stronger.''

I replied to her and both of them stared at me with wide eyes.


I asked them.

''Brother, you're so smart!''

Marie said and I laughed at her while ruffled her hair in which she got angry at me.

''That may be true! Now then, my adorable sisters do you want to hear another story?''

I said changing the topic.

''What story will it be this time?''

''This time I will tell you a story about a Hobbit…''

And so I retold them one of the most known fantasy stories for children of my time that even got a movie adaptation.

How Gandalf tricks a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins into hosting a party for Thorin Oakenshield and his band of dwarves, who sing of reclaiming the Lonely Mountain and its vast treasure from the dragon Smaug. When the music ends, Gandalf unveils Thrór's map showing a secret door into the Mountain and proposes that the dumbfounded Bilbo serves as the expedition's "burglar". The dwarves ridicule the idea, but Bilbo, indignant, joins despite himself.

The group travels into the wild, where Gandalf saves the company from trolls and leads them to Rivendell, where Elrond reveals more secrets from the map. When they attempt to cross the Misty Mountains they are caught by goblins and driven deep underground. Although Gandalf rescues them, Bilbo gets separated from the others as they flee the goblins. Lost in the goblin tunnels, he stumbles across a mysterious ring and then encounters Gollum, who engages him in a game of riddles. As a reward for solving all riddles, Gollum will show him the path out of the tunnels, but if Bilbo fails, his life will be forfeit. With the help of the ring, which confers invisibility, Bilbo escapes and rejoins the dwarves, improving his reputation with them. The goblins and Wargs give chase, but the company is saved by eagles before resting in the house of Beorn.

The company enters the black forest of Mirkwood without Gandalf. In Mirkwood, Bilbo first saves the dwarves from giant spiders and then from the dungeons of the Wood-elves. Nearing the Lonely Mountain, the travelers are welcomed by the human inhabitants of Lake-town, who hope the dwarves will fulfill prophecies of Smaug's demise. The expedition travels to the Lonely Mountain and finds the secret door; Bilbo scouts the dragon's lair, stealing a great cup and espying a gap in Smaug's armor. The enraged dragon, deducing that Lake-town has aided the intruder, sets out to destroy the town. A thrush had overheard Bilbo's report of Smaug's vulnerability and reports it to the Lake-town defender Bard. Bard's arrow finds the hollow spot and slays the dragon.

When the dwarves take possession of the mountain, Bilbo finds the Arkenstone, an heirloom of Thorin's dynasty, and hides it away. The Wood-elves and Lake-men besiege the mountain and request compensation for their aid, reparations for Lake-town's destruction, and settlement of old claims on the treasure. Thorin refuses and, having summoned his kin from the Iron Hills, reinforces his position. Bilbo tries to ransom the Arkenstone to head off a war, but Thorin is intransigent. He banishes Bilbo, and the battle seems inevitable.

Gandalf reappears to warn all of an approaching army of goblins and Wargs. The dwarves, men, and elves band together, but only with the timely arrival of the eagles and Beorn do they win the climactic Battle of the five armies. Thorin is fatally wounded and reconciles with Bilbo before he dies.

Bilbo accepts only a small portion of his share of the treasure, having no want or need for more, but still returns home a very wealthy hobbit roughly a year and a month after he left.

My storytelling continued for a long time that we even had to go inside as the sun was setting on the horizon.

Nonetheless, my sisters were captivated by the story, they listened inventively to my every word not even once did they interrupt me.

''And that how this story ends. The End.''

I said and then clapping from my sisters.

I dramatically bowed to them saying my thanks to the imaginary crowd which got a quick giggle from my adorable sisters.

''So how you liked this story?''

''It was great! I loved the adventure!''

Marie exclaimed happily well she was the most forward one.

''I-I liked it too, it was nice, b-but there was a lot of violence and it didn't have love like in King's Arthur legends, I liked the dwarves they were funny,''

Elisabeth replied to me and I smiled.

''Well this story was all about friendship and adventure and yeah dwarves are funny especially when they are drunk.''

I laughed a bit.

''Well then it's getting late so I think the princesses should get ready for bed.''

And I immediately was assaulted by pouts and demands for another story.

''Don't worry I will tell you a story another time.''


Ugh! Those adorable faces are going to be the death of me.

''Promise, now off you go.''

I urged them and with goodbyes we parted our ways.

Tomorrow is going to be a big day for me…

I just hope I won't end up like King Arthur and I will have good friends like Bilbo. We will just have to wait and see.