Here I was, facing the devil again. I stood as stiff as a wall about to crumble while he looked at me as if I was a nasty bug flying around dog's sh*t.
Maximilian Hamington. The scariest among the scarier magic users I've ever encountered.
"Move aside, dude" Peyton spat at him, oblivious to his killing aura.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot I was with Peyton. As if that makes it any better.
"Excuse me, human?".
The way he called her human made me tremble more. He could've been spouting nursery rhymes and I would've been nervous anyway.
"You're huge and the hall is narrow" She explained, not catching the threat in his voice "Simple math".
She didn't have a survival instinct. At all.
"Let's go" I muttered-begged to her, pulling her aside.
Before we could get away, Maximilian fixed his hating gaze again on me and spoke:
"The human can go. You stay".
No, thanks!
"I'm sorry, we have to go!" I said quickly "We're really busy studying for the exams..."
A big hand suddenly grabbed me by my shirt's neck. I almost peed myself.
"More like you're busy making up more sob stories! You're filling my brother's mind with your crap again! Something about you having a terminal disease? seriously?"
"That's obviously a rumor, not her fault, you giant turd!" Peyton got in.
Okay, that wasn't helping. Maximilian shook me again like a rattle, and Peyton only looked at me between startled and frustrated, expecting me to do something to defend myself. She hasn't caught on how weak and coward I really am. Besides, is she blind!? He's like 6 feet tall at least!
When I was about to cackle for help like a little chicken, I felt a huge hippopotamus-like object collide against the floor next to me. Peyton had made the muscly warlock fall down with her judo movements.
I shrieked, took Peyton by her arm and ran away with her.
"Bianca, hey, stop!".
Peyton made me stop, pulling me in the opposite direction, and just then I sighed in relief.
"You know that crazy son of a b*tch?"
"Yeah, kind of. He's Alexander's brother".
"Oh. So he's doucheb*g's brother. Makes sense".
She's been calling Alexander by that 'nickname' for a while now.
Peyton looked at me silently for half a second, then punched my arm. A little too hard.
"Why!?" I whined.
"Why didn't you do anything? What if I wasn't there, uh?"
"What could I do? I'm not... strong enough".
"Me either, but I did something".
I rolled my eyes. She was suicidal, but I couldn't tell her that. I was afraid she was going to punch me again otherwise.
"A mop would've given him more fight than you, ugh! You frustrate me!".
I´m sorry?
But why was he here again? I had to ask Alexander, so I could have time to hide whenever he comes.
We reunited again with Dereck, who was waiting for us to study. Even tough Peyton was a year behind us, she still wanted to have some company while preparing for the exams, so she joined us.
"Something happened? You look nervous" Dereck commented.
Was I nervous? Yeah, maybe me looking left and right expecting to catch Maximilian about to pounce at me was too obvious.
"We found Mr. Bad Guy on our way here" Peyton said.
Then she explained him, in a very nonchalant way, that Alexander´s brother tried to pulverize me into baby formula with his fists but she stopped him by tripping him.
"Oh god, but why is he here?".
I have the same question. He should be at that academy with his own kind, making each other miserable; not here! I've heard those never come around this school, but why was he the exception?
"I suspect it´s because of doucheb*g" Peyton suggested "Apart from him, I don´t see any other reason".
She was right.
After that, I practically begged Peyton to ask Alexander what was his brother´s business at this school because I didn´t want to approach him myself. She started calling me 'little chicken' in return, but I don´t care.
Later on, Peyton told me Maximilian came for every upcoming exam to help 'doucheb*g' study with an especial permit from both Principals, so it was expected of him to come at least four times per semester.
I didn´t like it.
But at least now I knew when I exactly (more-or-less) had to hide from him.