Chereads / 4056 / Chapter 61 - Her undeniable request

Chapter 61 - Her undeniable request

Date: September 11

Place: Second Headquarters, Kyoto Headquarters


"Welcome to our team" I stood dumbfounded while one of the three people who were in the same space as me greeted me.

He was the less intimidating if you compare him with the other two; another boy was sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed, arms spread wide leaning on the sofa as he stared at me with a straight face, and the leader of the group was leaning with the help of her table, her arms crossed and a slight grin plastered on her face.

"Welcome," the other two followed in unison.

"I'm looking forward to working with you," I say bowing ninety degrees as I stare at my foot and the floor of the 'Reapers' den.

Yes, from today onwards, I'll serve as the substitute member while their original members recuperate. And I'm talking about those three people who were receiving private medical care at the new unofficial headquarters.

I've never expected our interaction to turn into this.


As per my daily routine, I drank a cup of water and hurriedly ran to my busy schedule.

I met with some of my colleagues along the way and we did some easy tasks carrying stuff and delivering it to their respective places.

And after a few hours of it, I was back in our section's lounge to take a few minutes break.

"Man, I can't believe I haven't developed specs yet after all that heavy lifting," one of my work buddies was checking with his arm if he built his muscles yet while others were laughing at his reaction.

"At the very least, we'll continue doing this for a few more weeks until those three wake up," another flimsy guy said and we all sighed.

They were laughing and messing around until our leader came and everyone became stiff as we all saluted. And beside him was a hooded person who was covered in all-black clothing.

"Puny!" he shouted as he searched the room for my face.

"Yes sir!" I stepped forward as I felt every eye shift to look at me.

"Come outside for a moment" he ordered and looked back at the others, raising his voice. "No slacking off! Get back to work!" and everyone scattered and fumbled as they drank until the last ounce of the water in their bottle.

While I was being escorted out, my captain was walking side by side with the hooded figure. Then I was walking behind them with another soldier guarding me from my rear. No one dared speak a word.

After a few more minutes of walking through the hallways, we arrived at a room.

"Thank you for your assistance" It was a man in black clothes as he dismissed my captain.

My captain bowed and left. This man must have more authority than him.

"Please go inside" he stepped back and gestured for me to walk in. I was quite hesitant but I couldn't do anything.

The aura of this door was heavy, it felt like someone might go for my head if I made a wrong move.

He opened the door for me as I slowly paced myself to walk forward.

The darkness was soon lit up by a few lights and my gaze fell to someone sitting on a chair behind the table. "I greet the Supreme Commander," I stiffly said and partially bowed.

It was the Supreme Commander's make-shift office.

"Rei, can you leave the room for a minute? My guest arrived a little earlier than expected," I hear him say.

The name sounded familiar and it didn't strike my interest but I was panicking quietly as to why I was summoned by the person who sits at the very top.

Until the person spoke. "Yes, of course," it was a familiar sharp and confident voice that I'm sure I'd heard somewhere. I unconsciously looked to my left after I sensed someone's overwhelming presence.

She glared at me with a smirk after she left. And a series of events yesterday replayed in my mind. This is just a mere coincidence, right?

"Have you any idea why I asked for you?" his voice was another one I shivered to.

"No, sir" I nervously answered. "If I may, can I ask why?"

"The captain of the 'Reapers' has requested to have a temporary member" his stare was roaming around my figure from head to toe.

"I see," I was already absent-minded because of her, and now everything makes me confused. The silence was loud as he kept evaluating me, nodding and sighing from time to time.

"Honestly, I don't get why she chose you" he finally admitted.

"Ohh" I was fiddling with my fingers. "Ohh!" I gasped as my eyes widened at the realization. "Why me?" I pointed at myself, sweat dripping from the anticipation of his explanation while I unconsciously looked back at the closed doors where she went out.

"I should be the one asking you that" he sighed and relaxedly sat, leaning to his back and crossing his arms. "Honestly, what is she up to," he rubbed his temples. "How did you even manage to get on her radar?" he kept eyeing me for my version of the story.

But his earlier questions suggest that he doesn't know what happened between us yesterday.

"My sincerest apology, but I also would like to know the answers to those questions," my lips trembled a little which I hope he didn't catch.

"It's my first time seeing her so desperate to get 'you' even just for a temporary member" he admitted, I see no hesitation or hint of lies with his straight face. But I stood there, just listening to his mumbling.

"She usually refuses any new members I throw at her, but she asked this time for a specific person" his piercing accusations and assumptions that fly around his head are making me recall yesterday's encounter more clearly.

Especially her threat if I ever slipped anything to anyone. "I don't have any idea as to why" I bit my lips slightly and clenched my hands behind me.

Does she genuinely plan to watch me twenty-four-seven to keep my mouth shut? I'm so sorry Mr. Supreme but I value my life more and I'd hate to die at the hands of some girl who looks like she's younger than me.

Then an idea came to me. "But if I may ask, is it possible to do that even though I'm in another post already?" Because if I remember correctly, they made us choose carefully and said something about not being able to transfer to another division once we've chosen.

"It's not," I already had my hopes up for canceling the request but his sigh broke that single thread of hope to never interact with her ever again. "That's the thing, it seems like your leader and she already had a conversation about this topic. And both had already agreed and submitted all the files that are needed for the process."

Wow, that girl is really scary. When did she even have time to do these things in such a short period? She found me, did a background check and even had time to chat with my leader.

My thoughts were cut short when he stood up and slowly walked towards me. "Even if I asked you to be a spy or keep an eye on her for me, I'm certain that I'd be betrayed instead," he smirked and looked directly into my eyes.

All this time, I'm confident that he'd known all I was spewing were lies.

"I'm sorry, sir" My head sank as I refused to hold any eye contact anymore. Because right now, I feel as if I have caught another higher-up's unnecessary attention.

"Well, good luck!" he patted my shoulder. "You can leave now," he let go and was left behind in the room while I walked towards the door. "Try not to die," I heard a faint warning from him as I finally closed the door behind me.

I sighed.

"He didn't ask you to be a spy or something, right?" a voice on my left made me jump as my heartbeats were running fast.

It was none other than the person who'd requested for me. "Well?" Rei; her expressions were so hard to read. I'm not even sure if her question was of sarcasm that she was so sure he'd ask me to be one.

I wasn't sure how to answer "Anyway, pack your things and meet me in the main lobby," and she seemed to be in such a hurry that she didn't care for the answer anymore as she was holding the door for the office, wanting to enter again.

"It's fine, please don't trouble yourself for someone like me. I can guide myself to your office so please rest assured," I bowed partially for respect as I answered and saw her enter the room with a faint nod.

***end of flashbacks***