Chereads / 4056 / Chapter 31 - 6-1 The Unknown Bullet

Chapter 31 - 6-1 The Unknown Bullet

Date: Kyoto Headquarters

Place: September 7-8


He doesn't snore or talk in his sleep so how can I know when he's asleep. And I know sometimes that he's been getting out of bed to take a stroll around the perimeter to pass the time or amaze himself until he's completely tired and passes out as soon as he gets back on his bed. It's been a few hours already but I still can't tell if he's sleeping or trying to sleep. It's already passed the time when he regularly takes a walk so maybe he is finally sleeping. Or did his training earlier was so exhausting that he slept without any difficulty.  And I can already tell that Vincent is slowly falling asleep from waiting. So I got out of bed and peeked to see that Noel's sleeping peacefully, I hope.

I tried to minimize my movements so I don't make a sound and held Vincent's nose to stop the oxygen from going into his lungs. He woke up with a surprised look and thankfully, I covered his mouth before he could even scream. His face calmed down after knowing that it was me and he didn't need my explanation as to why I did that while Shawn was already holding the door for us. We hurriedly but quietly sneaked out of the room.

"He didn't wake up, right?" Vincent worriedly asked, whispering as he looks around. Rei did warn us about people patroling so we still need to be careful.

"I think he's asleep," I answered, following Shawn's lead who's on the lookout in front. Despite his build, he's stealthy and more experienced at hiding than us. Just like when he was sleeping at the boy's bathroom where Vincent was hiding back when we were still at the island and just earlier when he was already holding the door open for us. I didn't even notice him getting out of bed. No one dared say another word until we successfully arrived at the lounge.

"Sorry we're late," I say after I closed the door behind me and was confused at why no one replied, I didn't even hear her scolding us. When I glanced at the two, they were shocked by something as I looked at where they are facing, I found myself in the same state as they are. I got a good look at the surroundings and it was a complete mess. Then they appeared behind us with breathless and exhausted complexions.

"You're here," they didn't seem to take notice or even care of the surroundings.

"What happened here?" asked Shawn. We talked about it while we're cleaning the mess up. Almost all the files were on the ground, broken glasses scratched the sofa, and a lot more.  Just like a scene where someone fought until someone died. But I don't detect any sign of blood nor bullet holes.

"We came here just in time before someone could turn this place upside down to find what they need. Luckily, he didn't manage to get anything. He was so shocked that he immediately tossed everything he can see; the shelves, some glass cups, and knives that he has. Then teleported right away," she explains. And by the breathless state they were in earlier, they must have run outside to check where he went and impatiently retreated, thinking that someone might break in again.

"How'd you know it was a 'he'?" asks Vincent who was glared at for that stupid and unnecessary detail. "That guy was probably hiding or covering their entire body and it was probably dark even inside the lounge," he does make a point for a piece of pointless information.

"Instinct," she bluntly says. "And his figure," she added. But as soon as we finished cleaning this place, she wasted no time and went on with the meeting.


"I'm sure you've read some things about this file that we're going to discuss," says Rei taking out the file and drops it on the table in front of us. I tried to glance at it and so does Vincent while Patrick, who's in between us, holding it open for us to see.

"I forgot to mention what Patrick and I discussed earlier this morning," Cedrick was given permission to say everything to us in detail. And after he finishes with Patrick joining his claims earlier, everything was clear to us.


"Is that so," Rei says trying to sink in the intel that she got her hands in. Even I was shocked that this is the first time they've encountered the buffed unOrdinary.

"Japan was the first country that had experienced the rain and the island as next just a few hours later. But the island was the first to have the buffed unOrdinary instead of us," she mumbles, trying to think of something. "I find it suspicious," she sighs, sipping her water.

"I can't believe you haven't encountered any of those things yet," Vincent claims.

"Right, that was what I was thinking too," adds Patrick.

"Do you think it has any meaning? Or is it just a fluke?" I tried to join their conversation but Rei replied with a sigh and a serious glare. "What?" I nervously mumble.

"How do they even evolve to be a 'buffed' unOrdinary?" she asks seriously that no one was able to answer her. Everyone went silent for a moment to give what she said a thought. "Or perhaps, they are being made," she adds that left us wondering.

"Are you telling me that someone purposelyー" Patrick was cut short by Cedrick?

"I happen to come by at an information about where the rain started here," he said. Rei was focused on what he that and is waiting patiently for his next words. "It's the water park. It started from there and only spread throughout Japan right after an explosion near an abandoned house," he stopped and it looks like he realized something. "Is what I heard when I happen to hear the talk of other Generals in the Supreme Commander's office after I left the room earlier when I was summoned to receive the temporary leader's position for our group," he mumbles and looks at Rei, expecting something from her.

"What's wrong?" asks the curious Vincent when she froze up and was staring into the floor. Then Cedrick decided to tell us why she could be in that state. Everything about where they were when the outbreak happen and where they were headed. It was at that time that we get why Rei was so shocked.

"Are you implying that Professor Norby was behind this?" claims Patrick that even he can't believe.

"Or it could just be a coincidence," Vincent shakes his head, trying to convince himself even though it was already obvious.

"It's too much to be called a coincidence," Patrick says. "The outbreak was indeed his creation," he paused to look at Rei. "But I don't think he can control them," he paused, routing himself when he considered what we experienced so far. "There is an article involving his name on Vincent and Shawn's last mission from the General, right?" he asked, giving me and Vincent a look.

"Oh! You're talking about the lookout about the leaking of radiation in Japan?" asks Vincent and I couldn't believe that Vincent didn't know about the whole thing.

"It was that. But it wasn't just a simple radiation" I say then he looked at me with a confused expression.

"Wasn't it a virus?" he asked and now I'm convinced that he's a stupid soldier, no wonder he didn't have any chance to advance to a higher position.

"You didn't read the mission thoroughly, did you?" he could only show a silly smile as he was anxious. "It was 'this' exact situation. It wasn't just normal radiation but an outbreak of those creatures," I say, hoping that he finally gets a better view of the whole thing. His reaction was just holding his mouth while staring at his foot. He couldn't say a thing and just stayed silent.

"I'm lying if I say it didn't cross my mind but I kind of hoped it wouldn't turn out this way and by the things that you told me, there is a high possibility that he can control our enemies and enhanced the unOrdinary into something you call 'buffed' unOrdinary," she sighs trying her best not to show the terrified expression and anger that's longing to burst out of her.

Patrick agreed with her and I'm slowly trying to connect some dots. But I'm sure Patrick and Rei hold a lot more information than I do and if I don't ask them, they're not going to tell anyone. I was about to ask some questions when Rei stared at us.

"Let's just focus on the mission that we have right now, I'll try to dig more into this," she says, finally taking our focus back on the file that Patrick is still holding. "I'll try to create some time to investigate the earlier's case but we need to take action about this as soon as possible or they'll just make a fool of our group," she says pointing at the file. "The fact that you're already familiar with these situations, can I leave this mission in your hands?" she smiled, obviously expecting us to agree.

We looked at each other, like communicating through our eyes and Patrick spoke what we all agreed on. "Sure, but I'll make one thing clear," he says as she nods. "We're not capable of defeating a buffed unOrdinary," he says loud and clear.

"Understood," she smiled. "If you can just get more information on it, that'll suffice. And don't overwork yourselves, it's alright to retreat and recover," she says, worrying at things that are yet to happen.

We all agreed and shake on it.

"I think it's better if you leave at the same time as Noel's first mission so he wouldn't get any idea if you guys were somewhere," Rei said. "I'll try to inform you of our time to return so you could get here first before us," she advised, giving us the file and a tablet that can hold any gathered information whether it was a written report or a voice recorded one.


I can tell that they were going somewhere earlier so I wanted to sleep as soon as I can but I just had to witness what they were doing. I'm sitting on the end of my bed just minutes after they left my room and am staring at the door. They were all suspicious after Rei was sent away to have her punishment but I just got my mouth shut and decided to turn a blind eye.

They were even sneaking at night just to hide things from me, but even though I know that, I'm not sure what it's about because they don't tell me anything. I hate it especially when I'm being left out in the dark. But I can't do anything about it. I wish my memories would just come back.


Then a hallucination appeared right below my foot which made me sit up straight. It creeps me out, it's a girl with another blurry face and black and white features such as her clothes or skin. which I see every time. I've gotten accustomed to it that I was already calmed down just seconds after it appeared.

"Hide," the hallucination says and vanished as the doorknob was being open. I fell down the cold floor at the sudden situation and thankfully, the bed was hiding me from the sight of the person who came inside, alone. It didn't cross my mind that it was my friend after I heard him speak.

"They came in right after me so I had no choice but to hide," I hear him whisper, probably talking with someone on his transmitter. He's too distracted to even care about his surroundings. Then he went silent after he heard Rei's voice calling for someone on a device. I was about to come out, capture him and give him up to Rei when I saw another hallucination telling me to stay still and just listen. I don't know why I'm seeing this kind of hallucinations in a situation like this but I still followed its order and stayed put. After Rei's voice faded, the man already left the room before I could even take a glance at his face.