"Huh, you sure? They look like tattoos. Kinda weird how they look dark and curved for a tattoo." I roll over on my stomach and pushed myself up.
"Yes, I never got a chance to get a tattoo..." I caught a glimpse of her tracing the glowing mark with her nail lightly.
"Ah, those are some odd lookin Birth mark." I slip out a small laugh.
Unfortunately, she didn't feel the same...she looks at me and gives me a mixture of what the hell is wrong with you and concern. "Really?"
"what? Just trying to lighten things up a bit!"
"Your...a pain." She rolls her eyes and looks back in the mirror.
"So I'm guessing that's not normal for you?"
"No this is beyond normal for me." She mumbles.
"Well I'm sure it's fine don't think about it too hard Kitten." I walk to her and hug her softly from behind.
I saw her face turn a bright red thru the mirror. "What are you doing?" She murmurs shying her voice.
"Hugging? Is it illegal or something." A small smirk forms on my lips.
"maybe..." she blushes more and covers half her face with the turtleneck.
"Heh why so shy?" I lightly lift her chin.
She looks up at me, "Maybe because your flirting with me!"
"I'm not flirting, I'm just playing around." I declared trying to throw her off my game play.
"...That is very very sus Brutus."
"How so?"
She crosses her arms and looks away, "I don't need a reason to tell you!"
I pull away from the embrace and cock my head at her.
"Omg get out." She puffs her cheeks up and looks away from my gaze.
"Aww I was wanting to ask you if you wanted to go out shopping with me you know since you're upset and in need of some distraction."
She meets my eyes thru the mirror, "I'm broke you know no money."
"But I'm not! I'm pretty wealthy~"
She giggles, "No one says wealthy anymore weirdo, we say rich or loaded."
"Wait really? Wow I need to get out more...Anyway would you like to go get some clothes? And other stuff. You know like a you day!" I could see hesitation on her face.
"I don't know...I feel rude for spending your money..."
"Eh Like I buy anything," I take her hand and walk towards he door.
"B-Brutus what if Eric gets mad? He'll Skin me alive!"
"Not when you're by myside Kitten." Sensing her rebel a little I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder.
"Oi! didn't we talk about this!!" Her face changes like a light bulb on a Christmas tree.
"...No I don't think so." A smirk plays on my lips.
"F-fine let's go shopping I suppose..."
"Yay" At that I walk out with her over my shoulder.
This was so embarrassing walking around on someone's shoulder, let alone a Werewolf God shoulder. People stared and giggles making my face heat up. I look around at the passing building, I've never been away from the Rouge pack meaning I have no idea where I am. What town and state am I at? My home is in Kansas, Cimarron. A pretty small place actually, that's why I loved it.
"Hey Brutus?"
"If you're going to ask me to put you down that will be a negative."
"No I was gonna ask you...Where are we?"
"In Town?"
"No Like What town and state."
He stops dead in his tracks, "You...don't know where you are...?"
I can feel his muscles tense and his nails turning curved and pointed against my shirt and skin, "For the passed 8 years....you never were allowed out the pack's house...?"
I look around making sure no one was look, he can expose himself right in public, "Sorry now's not a good I see how about you calm down before people start to look.." I whisper softly trying to calm him.
He sighs and loosens up but his claws are still exposed, "Sorry..." He mumbles and puts me down gently, "It's just really hard for me to keep my temper down when Eric's bullcrap is thrown at my face, it's not right for you and the other She-wolves and Non wolves to be tortured like this..."
I take his clawed hand and holds it, "Brutus...Look it's okay...you changed it he stopped long ago. And I can't thank you enough." He looks at me, I nod and smile.
He sighs again while he lightly grips my hand, "We're in Kansas, Dodge City."
I felt my heart Skips a beat, "Dodge City?"
"Yup, I'm afraid to ask but.....where did you used to live?"
"Wait really? That's only an hour away."
I've been away from my mother...for 8 years....and I was only 1 HOUR AWAY! I could've escaped and gone to go see her...but now is probably too late....I'm an idiot...
"Hm- Yeah?"
"You zoned out there...I'm guessing you would rather go to your hometown?"
"Yes! Please I need to go back to my home!" My heart throbs hoping my mom is alive and well, waiting for me at home.
He nods, "Well lets go then." He walks towards a bus stop station to get us tickets, I was too nervous to really bother looking around I need to see her I need to know now!
I follow Brutus towards the bus stop to wait. "....Thank you...so much Brutus."
"Anything for you Kitten. Besides this is your hometown were talking about."
I smile at him, "You're sweet."
"Heh, I know!"
The big metal bee, bus, screeches in front of us and the doors screech on open.
"Ladies first." Brutus offers me in first.
"Why thank you weirdo." I smile and step in walking towards a seat, Brutus sits next to me.
I lightly lean against him while looking out the window. Brutus raps his arm around me and lays his jaw on top of my head.
Here I come Mama...
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