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Her Secret Situation

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She's determined to find out what the real cause of her mother's death was. She gets to the bottom of it, but she finds that she's unable to imprison the person who caused it, instead, she finds herself protecting them, keeping them a secret from her family.

Chapter 1 - Day of her funeral

June 18th, 2010:

Today is her funeral. My mother, best friend, life-giver and my life saver. She has recently died from driving straight off a bridge. It was stated to be an "accident," but I think it's something more, because there were no marks on the road which proves she wasn't just "hit off the bridge." I think there is something more, I KNOW there's something more to it, and I'm determined to find out what the real cause of her death was. Now, I'm not going to give you the details on the funeral, it's too depressing to read, but all that really happened was crying, speeches, more crying and that's really it.

I loved her so much, and I loved her too...

After two days:

I was going to go to the police station the other night, to find out more about my mother's death, but I couldn't even leave my front door without breaking down.

"Knock knock..." My dad says in a funny accent, trying to make me feel better. I am lying on my bed, face-up staring into the ceiling.

"Enter." I say after a long pause. I quickly wipe my tears away with my hoodie sleeve, I can't be weak in front of my dad.

The door slowly opens and my red-puffy eyed dad slips into my messy room. He forces a little smile which honestly brings me a little happiness in this sad moment, even if his smiles aren't real.

"Are you okay?" He asks me and tilts his head slightly. Of course I'm not okay, I feel like I'm at fault. She died without me giving her a reason to be proud of me, so she probably thought about what a disappointment of a daughter I am in her last ever moments on earth. I could've stopped all this. God.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lie. Most of you would probably think I'm saying this to be an attention seeker, but I feel more like a burden for speaking about myself, I hate making people uncomfortable or angry. I would rather keep my feelings bottled up just so people could feel happy, I am selfless, so selfless.

"Your poor sister, she's still waiting for your mother to come home and cuddle her, she doesn't understand that she's not coming back. I can't explain to her-" Emily. Emily is only 4, how will she react in the next few weeks when she realises that she's not coming back home? I can't even start to imagine that.

"When she starts to ask, I'll talk to her, I promise." I sit up and he's holding his head in his hands and he's sitting at the foot of my bed.

"I don't know if I can do this," he brings his head up to me to meet my eyes, "I don't know if I can keep her here anymore..."

"...But we have no other family. Dad I- I promise she'll be fine. She won't remember any of this." I stumble over my words, with a look of fear on my face.

He smiles through his tears, obviously trying to look strong. He coughs and shuffles around on my bed before saying, "are you going to your late-night library trip today?"

I go wide-eyed. It's already 10:30 at night.

"Oh shoot yes! Get out and let me dressed I'm late!" I lie. I'm only rushing so I can get to the police station before they stop letting people in. Tonight is the night I solve my mother's death on my own, I'm forcing myself to, I can't sit back and wait anymore.

I slam the door behind me, I don't even know if I know the way to the police station, will I even find my way? I find myself walking down the 3-mile dark road, I may as well just trust my feet now, I'll get there eventually, right? I could turn back now...but I can't postpone this anymore, I can't have my mother being even more disappointed. Okay, let's do this. I wonder if I'll ever get to the bottom of this? I find myself praying to God, or anything out there to give me hope. I stop walking to find myself feeling like I'm being watched, but that's impossible. It's a very familiar presence too, I start to jog now, I'm getting closer to the police station, I can feel it, and funny enough I see it in the far distance, because it's the only thing that lights up this terrifying city. How did I get here? I turn around 180° and weirdly, my home isn't anywhere to be seen...but I've only been walking for 5 minutes? It's literally like I've teleported...I turn back around to continue my journey, I regret doing this, so much, I guess I was just lost in my thoughts and automatically walking? That's a great question, when you are walking somewhere and get lost in your thoughts, do you ever just "accidentally" walk? Like you have no control, you're just walking automatically and then you lose track of time? Well, that just happened, I think...unless some ghost used its magic and teleported me. I was so lucky as a little child, because most of my friends lived on the same 4-mile road as me, so when my dad asked me where my friends were I could just say they were down the road.

I walk past several of my old friends' houses and memories i don't even remember I had come crawling back. Like the time my old best friend told me that she was going to move away and never play with me again, and like the time we fell out over a boy at age 7.

Here it is...the police station...the place where officers declared that there were no others involved in the "accident." The place that a huge part of me had died. The place which has given me more heart-breaks than people have. It's there standing tall. Making me feel intimidated by the way it's looking down on me, as if I am a tiny ant in the universe, as if I am...nothing. It isn't a very big building, but yet it feels like I would get lost if I stood Inside. I sigh.

The building is extremely lit, as if how you would light your first ever Minecraft house to protect it from monsters.

I feel my eyes burn from the tears that started to build up, about to explode any minute. If a bomb was a would be me...

I arrive at the front desk to see a formally dressed young lady-in her mid twenties maybe- holding a coffee in her right hand and an old school phone in the other. It seems like she's talking to one of her friends, maybe gossiping about how one of her friends stabbed her in the back. There's a brown old small couch next to the big open window to the left of the room, with two wall lamps resting on top. There's a dark blue carpet that brings the whole reception room together, and the brown desk sits in the dead middle of the room. To the right of the desk, stands a long, narrow corridor which leads to the county jail, that holds all the horrible people in my area.

"Hello...may I speak to someone...?" I nervously mutter under my breath.

"Uh I gotta go Lisa, there's some girl waiting," she turns around to face me, "who looks like she just rolled out of bed." I can hear both girls laughing to each-other. I'm not laughing, in-fact, I have the most deathly look on my face. They say their final goodbyes, which involves loads of "ta-ta's" and kissy noises. She puts her coffee down next to her expensive

MacBook and puts down her phone next.

"What d'ya need, sweets?" She's leaning over the desk to talk to me.

I take a deep breath-I've came so far, I can't turn back now.

"I've came to read about Miss Eliza Preston's death...please..." I feel tears form.

Suddenly, the receptionist's eyes fly open wide.

"Oh my God, isn't that the girl that drove off Melbourne Bridge the other night?" So she knows about my mom's death? I nod, looking down at my feet.

"Okay so I know I'm not allowed to say my opinion on this stuff...but I don't think it was an accident-oops" she blurts out, and in a moment of shock, I look at her straight in the eyes. So it's not just me?!

"...I mean, there were no marks on the roads to prove it! There's also one witness in the whole thing-" she's talking very loud now, as if she wants the whole station to hear our conversation, "who's the witness?!" I'm angry now, it's obvious that the police is covering something up!

"I...we don't know, only our main sheriff knows, there's rumour going round that the witness is his daughter." She puts her head in her hands, she looks stressed. She has to know something! Anything!

"You obviously know something for gods sake! You work in this place!" I snap, with clenched fists.

"At least tell me who the Sheriff is so I can talk to him!" I start to cry.

"For the love of god how would I know anything I'm just the receptionist," she plops down on the black swirly chair, sighing, "besides, you need to book an appointment to see him."

I gasp, "And how do I do that?!"

She sits upright in her chair, "go to 'uk police' and book an appointment with Sheriff Jon. He is a very busy man so you probably won't even get an-"

I race out of the station as fast as I possibly can. This is it. I can finally talk to the sheriff and solve my mother's death! She's going to get the justice she deserves! Weirdly, this 4-mile journey home seems to last as long as it should this time, since before it had taken me 5 minutes to get to my destination. I wonder who his daughter she beautiful? Rude? Maybe she doesn't even exist, because no one has any information on her, or has ever seen her. Could she even be the witness, after all, it's just a rumour- but I'm willing to try anything, this needs to be solved. I have been running for about twenty minutes, and I'm not willing to stop until i see my house. I check my phone, it is 11:56 pm, almost midnight. I've just realised, I wonder why I'm not scared of the dark anymore? A couple of years ago, I couldn't leave my house after 6pm. My mum and dad weren't strict, but I was so scared of the night- of what could be watching me from it. I remember when I was twelve, so seven years ago, I tried to take a short cut home from my aunt Val's house, so I cut through the forest- little did I know, a Fox was following me the entire way, and he almost got access to my home. That was one of the scariest moments of my life, if I was a second late getting into my house then I would've gotten eaten alive. Heck, I feel like I'm being eaten alive anyway, because my feelings try to kill me in the worst way possible.

"Gah! Watch out lady!"
