Elizabeth Bathory, also known as the "Blood Countess" was a nine-star-realm Arcana Master born in the 8th millennia of the 9th Epoch.
According to WAMO's database, Bathory has officially killed over 6500 young girls. Unofficially, that number might be ten times higher.
It is believed that she baths in the blood of youthful virgins in order to keep herself youthful and beautiful.
It is also believed that she has the power to turn a human into a powerful undead species with just a bite to the neck. The affected one will stay loyal to her. What's more, the affected one can also affect the other humans and turn them into undead species that become stronger in the dark. The term vampire is a perfect description of her.
Bathory was truly a menace. In the end, WAMO issued a warrant for her. During the Years 6xxx of the 10th Epoch, they were successful in capturing her and killing all of her subordinates as the affected humans couldn't turn back to normal.