Chereads / Different Sex Story 2 / Chapter 251 - Getting Pregnant with Mom

Chapter 251 - Getting Pregnant with Mom


10 Months Ago

By this point, I had become accustomed to the sight of my mother examining her bare breasts, but only in the laboratory, of course.

Only in the research center was mom comfortable enough to remove her top in front of me, and for the medical assistants that worked for her. This was her domain. Her place to explore the intellectual curiosities and scientific challenges of her job. And it was a difficult job.

After removing her buttoned top, she reached back to unsnap her bra. Tossing it aside, her breasts were freed. Her breasts were bigger today compared to last week, which was the last time I got to see them.

She stood in front of a full-length mirror and examined herself. Delving deeper into the process, she stood at different angles, eyes glued to her reflection. It looked like a woman trying on a new outfit, only she was topless and the focus was entirely on her bare breasts. The medical assistants stared at her chest with equal intensity.

They were C cups and they hung down a little more than usual. Her breasts looked like round globes. Her nipples were long, brown, and hardened from the exposure.

When she touched her breasts, it looked like she was giving herself a breast exam. Her fingers pressed around the top of her chest. She lifted the weight of each globe with her palms. She touched around her nipples and lightly pressed.

When a trickle of milk came out of a nipple, mom was intrigued, and so were the assistants, who quickly took notes and pictures of this extraordinary medical achievement.

"What do you think?" she asked me. "Not bad, right?"

"It's a big success," I replied.

She was pleased with the results of her special Formula and how her breasts were now producing milk. Months of diligent research had paid off. The staff was equally as delighted with what they've created.

Still modeling her breasts in the mirror, the staff took measurements in the increase of mom's breast size. A few more presses around the nipple, mom's breast milk squirted into different containers and vials for further studies.


Let me explain. It's the year 2046. Due to reasons unknown, natural breeding and reproduction amongst humans have dramatically plummeted despite all efforts. Panic has set in around the world. For the first time in history, it looks as though humanity could be on the road to extinction.

The prevailing theory is that human-made toxins in the air and water are the root cause, but that's yet to be confirmed.

My mother, the great Dr. Nora Ledgard, has been given unlimited funding by the government to do whatever was necessary. Doctors and medical experts around the world have been given the same treatment.

I was given a job to work with my mom after I graduated from college. She wanted me to be there alongside her during this important research. She wanted me to learn and be useful. And I also think that she wanted us to spend more time together in perilous, uncertain times.

She had access to all the male and female test subjects she wanted, but it was difficult to get the scientific analysis she needed. My mother is an extremely detail-oriented woman. That's why she has such an esteemed status. So she insisted on testing everything on herself, making it easier to explain the feelings and bodily changes to the rest of the team.

Naturally, she was guarded about the nudity parts, having me leave the room whenever she took off her top. But as time went on, she became more casual about things. She genuinely wanted me to learn. She valued my feedback. And there were a few other reasons for mom's brazen nudity that I'd learn along the way...


We had dinner and she made chicken with gravy and mashed potatoes. I could have made it myself after the busy day mom had, but she insisted. That either meant that cooking was a stress reliever or there was something she really wanted to ask me. Something important.

"You handled yourself well," mom said, licking the gravy from her fork.

"Don't I always?"

"I know. But I've always had this preconceived notion that young men will be forever traumatized at the sight of their mother's boobs. Like I said, you handled yourself well. Good job."

"Thanks," I smiled. "And that's an urban myth, mostly. Boobs are boobs. No matter who they belong to."

She laughed. "Well, I'll keep that in mind for upcoming tests."

There was a playful, almost mischievous expression on mom's face. One I hadn't seen in a long time. There was something on her mind that I knew she wanted to talk about. She was almost smiling to herself as she ate a small bite of potatoes after dipping it in gravy.

"Anything interesting?"

"Maybe," she replied, then sucking on her fork to clean it. "But I don't want to get ahead of myself on this."

"Hmm... you sound like you're working on something big."

She gave a coy expression. "Huge."

There was a sparkle in her eye and her lips pursed. I could tell how excited she was. Scientific breakthroughs and new developments are what gave her thrills. And given the desperate state of humanity, she seemed even more eager, but I could tell that something was still holding her back.

"Come on, tell me," I pleaded. "You can't just tease me like this."

"I thought about it. That's why I cooked this meal. But I may have gotten a little too ahead of myself on this one."

"Am I going to find out eventually?"

"Sort of," she said after some thought. "Actually, yes. You're officially going to find out within a few weeks, but it's not ready yet."

"If there's a huge discovery, then I want to know. It's only fair because of how many hours I work in the lab everyday."

Mom pursed her lips again then she put her fork down. Her hands were on her lap and she sat upright, seemingly preparing herself to break some huge news for me. I had never seen her so nervous and anxious for anything that relates to her scientific work.

"We may have found something," she said with caution. "Something that could, you know, be the answer to all this."

I was totally caught off guard. Judging by the sober look on mom's face, this was huge. Being one of the lead researchers in the country, her opinion was gold.

"How sure are you?" I asked.

She gave a slow nod. "Pretty sure. Actually, very sure."

"How come you never told me about this before?"

"Because I needed to be absolutely positive first, but I was thinking about telling you tonight."

Something was definitely off. Mom was never this coy.

"Tell me," I said. "I want to know."

She took a deep breath. "According to our research, mother/son couplings should be able to produce healthy offspring, if our synthetic drugs are involved. Our Formula works to enhance compatible DNA pairs and eliminates the chance that recessive traits will be expressed."

"Oh, wow."

"We've found a few mom/son candidates for the final phase of the research, but nothing has been finalized. Naturally, they're apprehensive about it, and honestly, I feel horrible even asking them. How can I? It's the most invasive thing to ask a mother to do."

"I understand. But this is historic. Mom, if you think your research is accurate, you have a chance to alter the course of human history. If it means you'll have to ask people to do really uncomfortable things, then it's worth the risk."

"Are you saying it's a necessary sacrifice?" she asked with a hint of optimism.


That was the moment her eyes sparkled again. There was something on her mind. A game plan that only she could come up with. That only she could follow through with. Something that made her one of the best researchers in the world.

She reached over and held my hand. "Let's try it together. You and me. I don't have the heart to ask another woman to do this with their son. It's something that I need to do on my own. Well, something we'll do together. What do you think?"

It crossed my mind that this could have been an elaborate joke since we liked playing gags on each other around my birthday time. It was our long standing tradition.

From the look in her eyes, I could tell that this was real. She meant it. She was a woman who was simply unstoppable after putting a lot of thought into this. She must have already planned out how our lives would be altered forever if this actually happened.

And if she thinks it's worth the risk, then I could only agree.

"How would this happen?" I asked after a deep gulp.

She gave a small smile. "There'd have to be a lot of changes, obviously. What I'm proposing is a sacred act, which is something I have to respect with all my heart. So around the house, we'd have more than the average mother/son relationship, if you can see what I'm suggesting."

"Husband and wife, I'm assuming."

I was afraid that I had misjudged what she was implying, but she remained calm. I was correct in my assessment. She gave a simple nod confirming that.

"Do you think I sound crazy?"

"Not at all," I replied.

"Good, because I've given this a lot of thought, as there would be many significant changes in our lifestyle and living arrangements. First, we'd have to share a bed. Secondly, we'd have to share responsibilities. Third, we'd be equals. We'll treat each other, and talk to each other, with more respect."

"You're actually serious about this. I mean, wow. The research you've been working on must be groundbreaking."

"As far as I can tell," she nodded.

I gave her a skeptical look. "Admit it, mom, you're joking. You got me, okay? You win. You had me fooled."

She remained steadfast and refused to relent. Sitting there quietly, she stared directly at me with piercing eyes. This was mom at her best. Determined. Unbreakable. Resilient.

Mom stood up, directly in front of me.

She pulled her pants down and her sweater covered her crotch. I could see that her panties were also around her ankles.

When she lifted the front of her sweater, it was confirmed. Mom's pussy was right in front of me. She had shaved that day and was hairless. I saw her clitoris, which looked swollen. And I saw her brown labia. I could faintly smell her aromas, too. She was definitely aroused from this.


Looking into her eyes, she was like a goddess who was sure of what she wanted. She made her intentions clear.

"This is as serious as it gets," she said. "The only way I can conceive is with your semen. If we do this together, I meant what I said; I'll be your wife. We'll be lovers and you'll get all the privileges that comes with that. That includes my pussy, whenever you want. Isn't that what all men desire?"

I could hardly breathe and mom was breathing harder too. We looked each other in the eyes, then I looked at her pussy, then her eyes again. She didn't mind that I was admiring her vagina. It seemed to only make her more aroused.

"If your research is solid..." I said with my voice trailing off for a moment. "If there's a chance... then maybe I'd be okay doing this."

She lifted an eyebrow. "Maybe? You have to be positive. This isn't something we can do halfway."

With a pussy as hypnotic as mom's, I was sure. It looked so tempting and inviting. Yes, I've seen pussies before, but this was somehow special. Maybe it was the allure of this being the most forbidden pussy of them all: Mom's.

"I'm interested," I said nervously. "How would this work?"

"How do you think?"

Stepping out of her pants and panties, kicking them away, she positioned herself over me. Lifting one leg, she stood above my crotch. She reached down and played with my cock through my shorts, which instantly made me hard.

Mom pulled my shorts down, digging her fingers beneath my underwear, and I helped the process by sitting up for a moment so that my clothes would slide down to my ankles.

And like that, my erection was freed, pointing up in the air. She looked at my hard cock and then she rubbed it. Her fingers had never felt so good.

She rubbed the tip of my cock against her labia and it felt like heaven. It felt even better when she lowered herself onto me. With her spread legs in that position and the wetness of her pussy, entry was easy, inch by inch. The more I entered, the closer we became -- forever.

My cock was buried deep inside of my mother and she wrapped her arms around me. Our eyes were mere inches apart. Slowly, she started rocking her hips and we were having sex. Her pace went faster and faster.

Looking into her eyes, I wondered how much of this was for the job, and how much of this was desire. It was hard to tell. I could tell she was enjoying this. A pussy as wet as hers is impossible to fake.

"Cum inside me," she said in a low moan. "I'll get pregnant when you fill me up. It's okay. Then we'll be bound together in a different sort of way."

The rest felt like a haze. With her arms wrapped around me, she pushed her hips hard. I could feel mom's heart beating against my chest as she worked her pussy with each thrust.

It wasn't long until I came inside her, filling her vaginal canal. When I eventually turned flaccid, mom held me tightly, giving me little kisses on the cheek, thanking me profusely for this life-changing sacrifice.

"It's for a good cause," she said, kissing my ear. "I'm still your mother, but... you can also think of me as your wife. Get it?"

After giving me another kiss on the cheek, she stood up and collected the dishes. She didn't wear her bottom, either. She walked around naked from the waist down. It didn't seem to bother her, or at least she did a good job of hiding her embarrassment.

When everything was put away, she washed the dishes and I looked at her voluptuous read end. This was my first time seeing her bare butt and it looked so soft and inviting. As she stood there, I saw a trickle of my cum leaking down her thigh.

From that point, everything between us changed.

5 Months Ago

Each day in the lab was a miracle. From the moment she became pregnant, the research intensified and the government took this experiment with the utmost seriousness. Mom's research was now top priority and even the President was receiving daily briefings about it.

Teams of other experts, doctors, and scientists had been sent to our lab to examine my mother. It meant that mom had to be even braver than before. Instead of showing her breasts to a small team of mostly women, she had to stand naked before different groups while they examined her body.

Mom's body had developed the way a pregnant woman should. Her belly was swollen and her breasts were enlarged. Her nipples grew darker and looked even thicker.

I watched as mom prepared for her daily exam. The green exam gown opened in the front, making it easy for the researchers to access her body. During every exam, there were at least twenty people in the room and all of them touched her at some point. For her part, mom was fearless. She let them do whatever was needed in order to record this information.

Then came the three physical tests for my mother.

1. First, every single measurement had to be done on her ample breasts. They were weighed, measured in every dimension, and the areola texture were also recorded. There was even a woman who licked her nipples to see if it responded to stimuli. Someone would hold a container to her breast and she would squeeze her tit to extract her milk. She did it for each side.

Almost every day she was asked to produce new samples for research, and every day she'd spray more of her milk into different containers.

2. Then, the inner-activities were studied. Typically, a male researcher attached an elastic band around her enlarging waist. In the front, a transducer sensed every movement for a period of thirty minutes.

3. Even more intrusive, mom was asked to lay back on a medical table with her feet placed in stirrups. They'd inspect her vagina and take swabs of her natural fluids. She never showed any emotions to this. She prided herself on being the most professional person in the room.

The first few times they did this, I was asked to wait outside, but mom insisted that I learn and watch. She said it was part of my education and she slowly got comfortable with being fully naked around me all the time.


And then there was the last test. In addition to mom's samples, they wanted my sperm samples as well, since I was the one who got mom pregnant. Mom was very protective of me and she didn't want me being probed the way she had been, so she insisted on doing this part herself.

Because the whole mom/son thing was incredibly controversial from the government's point of view, they allowed mom to do it. They wanted to see how a mother could do this with her son. They wanted to know if such relationships could exist longterm and if this was really the answer.

In a private room, which was being monitored by video cameras, we got down to business. By this point, we were used to being watched. Anytime we were in the lab, mom was a professional.

She wore different things each time. Sometimes she'd be fully dressed with a lab coat on. Other times she'd be partially dressed after her own examinations.

Today was a combination of both. Mom wore her lab coat, and underneath, she wore a half buttoned shirt without her bra. The center of her chest was showing as she had just finished one of her own exams.

"You know the drill, lover," she said teasingly.

She sat on a stool with a container in hand, while she kept her eyes and smile focused on me.

Doing my part, I unzipped my pants while standing in front of her. My cock was flaccid, but whenever she saw my penis, I would always turn erect. She never got tired of seeing it. She always took a good look.

"You're the best doctor in the world," I told her, with my erection in her face.

She looked up at me. "Why? Because of my research? Or because I'm about to extract a generous amount of your cum?"

"Aren't those two things directly related?"

She laughed. "I guess so. Hold on tight. I get the feeling that you have a big load for me today."

"Of course," I said as she rubbed my balls. "Seeing those people in the lab do all those things to you always gets me excited."

She stroked my shaft. "But don't let them know that. They'll think we're perverts, instead of medical experts."

"I know how to control myself while watching you get examined."

"That's because you're the perfect son for me."

Mom really went to work on my cock. With the container placed on the table, she used two hands to expertly give me a handjob. At this point, it was clinical. There was no feeling out process, no hesitation. Every movement and every stroke were reflexive. She knew what to do and she knew what I liked.

In many ways, mom applied her medical expertise to our sexual sessions, whether at home or in the lab. She treated my cock with a high proficiency of care, the same way she'd deal with important samples, except it would be a lot more loving.

With focused eyes, she looked at my cock. With skilled hands, she stroked and caressed me. This was very much her doctor-mode the way she examined my sexual organ while giving me the handjob.

It was like a medical exam mixed in with her own lust, combined with her being a mother.

The trifecta.

"I'm going to cum," I said.

"Let's make it a big one today."

She stroked my shaft with one hand and she held the container with the other hand. The head of my cock was aimed directly into the container as she furiously jerked me off.

It was a big orgasm, as mom had correctly predicted. Her predictions were always good, based on her medical experience with the male anatomy along with her keeping track of my bodily functions. She seemed pleased, but unsurprised, that she was correct in her assessment of my orgasm.

When finished, she shook my softening penis in the cup to avoid anything dropping onto the floor, or her lab coat, then she took the tip of my penis into her mouth for a big suck. It was her way of doing 'clean up,' and she knew that I really liked it. She liked it too.

Her mouth made a 'plop' sound when she pulled away. She was never shy about making those sorts of noises.

"Let's go," she said, standing up. "We have another busy afternoon ahead of us and there isn't time to waste."

Mom was the first person to leave the room and I followed right behind her. Her confidence was amazing as she handed the cum sample to the government scientists, most of whom were men.

I wondered if the scientists were ever grossed out from our incestuous actions. Whatever the case, they never showed any expressions. This was all business. It was purely research. Mom simply handed them the sample and they thanked my mother, and my mother thanked them in return.

Like I said. It's purely research.


When mom said we'd be lovers at home, she meant it. Even after her pregnancy, we still shared the same bed. And we still had sex at night.

At a certain point, it became obvious that mom had previously been lonely and she wanted a life partner. Someone she could trust and confide in. Someone she could have sex with everynight. She was too busy to socialize and I was sure that mom never wanted to date anyone else.

She rode me almost every night. Her belly still had an extra layer of fat. I loved those curves on her. Her breasts were still plump and her nipples were still huge. She'd ask me if I found her new body sexy and I always told her the truth.

"I love you," she said one night, laying on top of me, with a bare breast on my shoulder.

Part of us living as lovers meant that she always slept naked. According to mom, it was her way of pleasing me, of being a good 'wife,' and thanking me for my participation. But each time she'd undress after a long day of work, getting naked for me in the bedroom after coming home, I knew that she enjoyed the striptease. She liked being watched. She liked being free.

"I love you too," I said in return. "You're a real life superhero. You realize that, don't you?"

She pinched my chest. "Funny."

"I mean it, you are."

Returning the favor, I pinched her large nipple and a trickle of milk shot onto my skin. Never letting anything go to waste, she sucked her breast milk off my skin, then returned to her comfortable spot in bed.

"We're about to get busier," she said. "I've spoken with top officials. They agree with my research findings and they'll soon go public with it. But there are a few more things they want."


"Lots of fucking. Lots of sucking. Things of that nature."

"It's definitely a good idea. We can never be too sure."

Giggling, mom slipped under the blanket and went straight for my cock.


It had become commonplace for the medical staff to see me fucking mom. And mom didn't feel any shame. There was a purpose to this, of course.

Before the government would go public with the findings of this research, they wanted to make sure that the results were solid before testing it with other mom/son couplings.

So, they wanted me to impregnate my mother again. This time in the lab so it could be fully documented. Sometimes she'd be laying on the medical bed and I'd be on top of her. Sometimes I'd be laying down and she'd ride me. Otherwise she'd be bent over and I'd be fucking her from behind.

A cameraman would record each session, in addition to the cameras that were already setup on tripods. Everything was captured. The foreplay, the sex, and then closeups of mom's pussy, zooming in on her cream pie.

We'd joke that it was like a porn production. Especially the part with my cum inside her. She'd be asked to spread her legs wide. She'd spread her labia apart with her fingers to show that my cum went all the way inside. Then she'd be interviewed while her legs were still open and my cum was slowly oozing out.

If anything ever dripped out of her pussy, an assistant with rubber gloves would take the glob of my leaked cum and insert it back inside mom where it belonged.


The other thing the government wanted was to clarify if the mom/son aspect of our breeding had any effect on the quality of milk, or a recipient's ability to absorb the nutrients of it.

By this point, there was no need for any privacy. Everyone in the laboratory had become used to the sight of us naked, performing all sorts of explicit sexual acts in the name of research.

Removing her lab coat during the afternoon session, mom was dressed in a buttoned-up blouse. It was always exciting watching her fingers undo each button, taking her sweet time to make things sexy.

She didn't bother wearing a bra anymore because of how much nudity was required of her, each and every day. So when the final button was undone, the center of her chest and stomach was showing.

Opening her blouse, her bare breasts were exposed to me. Usually she'd take her top off completely, but she knew that I had a soft spot for seeing her in that blouse with her pants and shoes still on. I love that contrast of seeing her dressed properly, like a highly educated doctor, mixed with her sexual side and naked exposure.

Her breasts were swollen as always and her nipples were constantly inviting. Because of her special Formula, her nipples were always ready for action to feed a hungry mouth.

"Enough looking," she smiled. "You know the drill."

"You got it."

She moaned when I sucked her left nipple. She moaned again when I sucked her right nipple. I knew that she enjoyed having each nipple sucked equally. It was something she had told me at home, in the privacy of our bedroom. No one else in the lab knew that, but I'm sure they've figured it out seeing mom's routine reaction to this.

Her nipples were long and thick. Perfect for sucking on. Her breasts felt so soft, yet so heavy. There was a good amount of weight for each of her globes. She was proud of them. It meant that her research had worked.

Producing milk was easy. Her tits were sensitive, and with a simple suck or squeeze, milk would shoot from the pores of her nipples. She'd rub the back of my head and moan while I nursed from her big tits, in full view of anyone who happened to be in the lab at that moment.

"I'm always amazed by how eagerly you suckle," she said while observing me. "I hope this is your new favorite drink now."

She looked down at me, and I looked up at her. I wondered what she must have been thinking, seeing her son sucking on each nipple. She always had the same wondrous expression in her eyes whenever we did this. It was like everything had come full circle between us, mother and son. That she was amazed that her son had returned to her breasts.

Her milk was delicious and had a distinct aroma that filled the room. She tasted sweet and creamy. She mainly kept the same diet all year round, so the flavor of her breast milk was consistent. It was also part of our private lovemaking too. I'd nurse from her tits, then we'd kiss. Or she'd suck her own nipples before sucking my cock.

For a typical session in the lab, I'd suck until mom's breasts felt drained, or if I was full from drinking so much of her fluids. This time it was both. She had been producing a lot lately thanks to hormonal changes. I also felt her heavy breasts become lighter with each drink I'd take from her breasts.

She looked pleased when I pulled my mouth away. Both of her nipples were absolutely swollen, rock hard, and protruding. They were coated with saliva and had excess milk almost dripping from the tips.

Being ever the good mother, she used her thumbs to wipe the extra milk from the sides of my mouth, making sure I looked presentable in the lab in front of all the other medical professionals.

"I'm famished," she said with her delicious nipples still out. "You seemed to have zapped all my energy."

I laughed. "I didn't mean to."

"Well, I certainly need replenishment if my breasts are going to refill."

"Anything in mind?"

Before mom could answer, the other researchers came over to take samples of my blood to see if I could properly absorb the nutrients in my mother's milk. So far the results have been strong and exactly what they wanted, but they always wanted more.

While they began running tests on me, mom sank to her knees.

"Pay no attention to me," mom said to the mildly surprised and amused men who were doing their jobs. "I have other obligations and duties to tend. If anything, this could be an interesting new phase in the research. There could be a symbiotic relationship between my breast milk and my son's sperm. It's worth looking into, in my opinion."

Even on her knees with her big nipples still showing, mom's tone and command was still impeccable. She sounded like any other medical professional with an intellectual curiosity for something extremely important.

The men agreed. How could they refuse? Although working in different branches, we were all on the same team. Plus, as hard as they tried to maintain straight faces, it was obvious that they were titillated by this.

Mom undid the front of my pants as the researchers took samples of my blood and hooked wires to me. It was an unusual combination of pain and pleasure. As they stuck a needle into my arm, my mother freed my cock and took it inside of her mouth. As they monitored my health and vitals, mom's mouth nurtured my throbbing penis.

Not a second was wasted by any of them. The men did their jobs while mom did hers, and occasionally, the men would glance downwards at the titillating view before getting back to work. Everyone had their task and they were all equally important, though I'm heavily biased towards my mother's duty.

She usually used to right hand to stroke me whenever she sucked my cock. This time, both of her hands were busy playing with her nipples. It was the first time she had ever performed oral sex while using her fingers to pinch, fondle, and pull at each tit. The breastfeeding we did moments ago must have really sent her over the edge if she was this horny in the laboratory. And there was no mistake about it-- she was horny as hell.

"A side effect, Nora?" a female doctor named Farzeen asked, joining us with cleaning materials as she regularly did.

The amused comment was directed towards my mother's horniness and desire to suck me off, even with a room full of people. Mom's hard nipples were always a reflection of her sexual arousal.

It wasn't just any doctor, either. This woman had been close friends with my mother outside of work, ever since they attended med school together. She regularly comes over to our home for dinner or other things. As for sex, she had become used to seeing my mother in action.

"Mmm hmmm," mom replied to her friend with a stuffed mouth, before taking my dick out for a moment. "I may need to make a few adjustments with the updates to the Formula, but things are working the way they're supposed to."

Mom went back to giving me oral sex and pulling on her long nipples. It made her feel so good to do this and her mouth felt amazing. Her lips were wrapped tightly and her tongue did plenty of swirling.

The examination being done to me was almost finished, and with perfect timing, I was just about to cum in mom's mouth at the same moment. It was like mom had calculated her cocksucking to coincide with my orgasm, so we'd all be done at the same time.

At this point, mom knew what I liked and she was an expert in making me cum. Looking up at me with her piercing eyes and lips which formed an O-shape around my dick, she was simply irresistible. Her head bobbed back and forth. She kept pinching and pulling on her swollen nipples, which made trails of milk flow down the underside of her breasts and down her stomach, onto her pants.

I wanted to warn mom that I was going to cum, but it was too embarrassing to say anything with the other professionals diligently at work. Besides, mom knew. She always knew. There was deviance in her eyes as my cock was pulsing in her airtight mouth. She released one of her nipples and used her hand to stroke me.

When the doctor's removed their instruments, mom had me cumming in her mouth, with our eyes locked, in full view of the researchers who were examining me. It was incredibly brazen and mom was relentless. She kept on stroking and sucking, never breaking eye contact, until every spurt of my cum was down her throat.

She released my flaccid penis from her mouth and then she swallowed. The other researchers had finished and so did my mother. Farzeen brought cleaning material and dried my cock before putting it back inside my pants for me. Farzeen also helped clean the side of mom's mouth and nipples.

Mom stood up, naked breasts forward with her nipples still hard, and she began buttoning up her shirt, starting from the bottom. The line between us as mother/son, husband and wife, and medical researchers were becoming even more blurred.

"We're more compatible than I previously thought," mom said in complete doctor-mode. "You're open to all my ideas, you're responsible and mature, and you have a great penis that's there for me whenever I need it. And you're confident about doing this in the lab-- for scientific purposes, of course."

There was a clear analytical tone in mom's voice. To her, this was more than just sex, and more than just research. It was a combination of both. The best of both worlds. I love when mom gets like this.

After she finished buttoning up her top, she smoothed her outfit with the palms of her hands and came over to give me a hug. Then we looked at each other, with her keeping one arm around me as a sign of affection.

"It's going to be some future," I noted. "It's a future that's hard to imagine though."

Mom rubbed my lower back. "I know. It's not for everyone. Not everyone will accept it. But until we find a permanent cure, we'll have to lead the way towards some extremely uncomfortable changes in society."

She smiled and we left that room. The male researchers took small, discreet glances at my mother, as if shocked that a highly respected woman like her could do all these sexual, incestuous things without shame. But then again, they didn't know my mother the way I did.

The End