Part 9 starts off where part 8 left off at with Kir'ray turning her fists into flame dragon heads and starts running towards Zye. Zye'kira protects herself by shielding herself in her energy field. Kir'ray sends out a barrage of powerful strikes onto Kir'ray energy force field which eventually made the shield start cracking. "Lesson two: never rely just on defense, learn to corporate both defense and offense in your fighting techniques." Kir'ray tells Zye while the cracks on the shield starts to get longer. Eventually the shield weakens enough for Kir'ray to to completely break it. Zye'kira closes her eyes as one of Kir'ray fists comes close to hitting her but Kir'ray stops it and says to Zye "now do you understand." Zye compliments how strong Kir'ray is and Kir'ray tells Zye how she's been on her own most of her whole life so she had to learn to fight on her own. Zye then start questioning Kir'ray on her upbringing before an energy hologram of Zye'kira moms appears in front of both of them.