Chereads / Secret Coder / Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 - Chapter 9

We had reached the city now and separated so it is only me and Andrew. During our little race, Andrew won, he bragged a little but he was kind of cute doing it. He seemed pretty worn out from running though.

"So, what are you going to do when you get home?" Andrew asked catching his breath.

"I'm going to see if my parents know anything else and play with this thingy." I took the gadget halfway out of my pocket to show him.

"That's a lot more than what I'm going to be doing. I'm going to play on my ps4 than sleep."

"Cool," I said blushing.

"Well bye Sky," Andrew said as we reached out houses.

"Bye. See you." I waved goodbye and walked into my house. The outside of my house is tan and the house is a two story. I walked into the living room right in front of the steps and called out, "Hey Mom? Dad?"

"Yeah Sky?" My dad said heading downstairs.

"I wanted to ask you guys something. Where's mom? I want to ask her too."

"Coming! Sorry I was trying to write more of my book. I want to let people read it as soon as possible." My mom said rasing down the steps.

"Oh it's fine. I just wanted to see what you know about well..." I thought about telling them about the thing me, Andrew, Max, and kara found but decided not to, "The powers. And where they came from and what to do with them." I took my hand out of the pocket with the gadget trying not to get nervous and have sweety hands. My mom looked at my dad, he nodded his head, and my mom answered, "I suppose we should tell you everything. To start of a god let us have these powers then brought us to earth. His son is one with a power, Your dad the God's friend got a power, and kara's mom who's dad is the third god and got a power. The first god is the God of smarts, the second is the God of strength, and the third is the God of hiding." She paused seeing that I wanted to speak.

"Ok that explains how we got here but what about why we're here or the things that have been going on here."

"I was getting to that. They came here to fix some things. And they didn't know this untill they came here but another god heard what they were doing and wanted to stop it so he let his daughter have fire power and come stop them. The daughter didn't like the idea but had to do it and eventually got married and had a kid. But she didn't keep doing it after she had the kid. Also keep in mind that the gods' children don't age once they get to 30 and always will be alive. The person who is currently trying to hurt you, Jake Conriqe is the son of the daughter." She paused thinking about something and looked at my dad then said, "And I'm the daughter," She moved her hand from her side and held it in a c shape facing up and fire came out of her hand in a ball shape. Then my dad added, "Also we keep our powers even if we have kids." I nodded my head trying not to look confused but obviously was doing terrible.

"You could have my fire power too and Andrews dad was the one who started it all that's why he's the one who Jake wants to kill."

"Wait if Jake is your son also wouldn't he get your power?"

"He could but I wasn't planning on having him and you have to be planning to have your kid. Also you'd be more likely because we're both daughter and son of a god."

"Oh... That makes more sense. But I have another question... Well more something I have to show you." I took out the gadget putting it in my other hand that has been out of my pocket because my right hand got a little sweaty and I didn't want them knowing that. My dad who had let my mom do most of the talking widened his eyes and said, "Oh. I lost that." He took it out of my hands and held it then looked into the air.

"But what is it? I thought I saw something but no one else did." I questioned.

"Everyone got one. This is ours since our power is technopath. They show information on stuff and it's one of our only things from home. It's really cool. Come here put your hand on it that way I can show you how it works." I smiled liking that I could get to bond with my dad. He showed me that its like google but has only the truth and is ten times smarter and cooler.

"That's pretty cool. Wait so why doesn't max have a power?"

"Because his dad doesn't." My dad answered.

"Oh ok. Does that mean your a god, dad?"

He nodded his head.

"Does everyone have one of these?" I held out the gadget.

"Yeah. Also it's called a thunder power. See the lines going through it?" My mom answered.


"That's how it's powered."

"Wait I have another question. What do I have to do?" My mom smiled.

"You're like me... and your dad. You have to stop Jake then fix the problems we came here to fix."

"What happens when all of that's done?"

"They never told us."

"Oh... Wow. That explains a lot. Thanks. Wait where are  the other thunder powers?"

"We don't know. We thought we lost them but I guess they're somewhere because you found ours." My dad answered.

"Can I go to Andrews? I want to tell him what you told me and see what this can do." I showed the thunder power again.

"Well I guess so, just be home by dinner." My mom said after my parents looked at eachother deciding what to let me do.

"Ok, thanks." I smiled then headed out the door. When I got to andrews house I nocked on the red colored door and his father answered, "Yes?"

"Can I see andrew?"

"Sure," he said smiling and opening the door. I jogged up to andrews room and opened the door without warning him. I probably should have because he had his shirt of and was changing into a baby blue colored shirt that said Merry Christmas.

"Ahh!" He said then blushed. I noticed that he must have been working out because he had abs.

"Oh sorry." I said trying not to blush but was failing as I walked back outside of his room and closed his door and waited on the floor in front of his door. I know this must be really weird but I couldn't stop thinking about him and how he looked with his shirt off.

"I'm done. You can come in now." He said.

We where 16 so I probably should have thought of nocking but didn't.


"Did you want to ask me something? You seemed pretty excited and energetic."

"Yeah. I asked my parents to tell me somethings about what's been going on and they told me everything."  I told andrew everything they had told me but I think I did worse than them.

"Ok. That's cool." He smiled looking at my hair.

"Um... If you don't mind me asking. When did you start working out?"

He thought about what I asked then said, "Maybe a week ago or two."

"Oh cool. I think we should tell max and kara."


"Well," I looked at his hair, "Don't you want to fix your hair? Sure it looks kind of cute," I said quickly, "But it's really messy." He raised his eyebrows and said, "You think my hair's cute?"

"Um. Maybe." I said trying to say like it was a no realizing, 'Oh no. I have a massive crush on him.' my stomach did three flips when I thought that.

He smiled then said, "Ok, let's go."

"Well, I have to tell my parents first."

"Ok. I'll do that to."

I texted the group chat with my mom and dad saying where I was going as Andrew raced done the steps telling his dad where he was going.

"Ok. Let's go." He said when he came back up.

"Ok." When he was telling his dad where he was going I noticed his phone was on and looked at his contacts of me. He had a picture of me that I took on snapchat but it had a heart emoji, "Let's go." I finished when I got back to reality.