Chereads / The Stairs Game / Chapter 5 - Chapter 3

Chapter 5 - Chapter 3

"Finally it's lunch time", Rosella says as she walks towards the cafeteria with Susan and some other excited students. She has been praying for lunch since her first class. For some reason, she wasn't herself and continued getting distracted during her classes and almost got detention because of that. She couldn't get her mind off the mistake she made years ago.

Waking up in the hospital after being in a coma for 3 weeks and hearing her sister died before they were found and rushed to the hospital, she couldn't help but feel like it was all her fault. She was forced to go through counseling and therapy by her mother. When she could no longer take the eyes being on her and the dissimulated feeling of love people seemed to suddenly have for her. She pretended to be alright, she behaved happier and better, it made her mom feel less guilty and Rosella no longer had to express herself for an hour to someone who barely understood what she felt but was suppose to make her feel better.

Rosella sat in the Cafeteria with Christy and a bunch of people around them, she was a bit absent minded as she slowly dipped her fries in a plate of ketchup before slowly eating it, She watched Christy who was busy narrating a story to the crowd of people circulated around them, a story she definitely wasn't paying attention to. Sometimes she wanted to yell at them to find someone else to sit or just get the fuck away from her but she would never do that, at least not now.

Her thoughts was interrupted by the familiar hands wrapping around her waist, she looked up to see those blue eyes she fell in love with gazing down on her, his brown textured quiff haircut carefully tended to, she liked the fact that she looked like a small child when they stood beside each other, he was definitely the guy for her, not too muscular and little facial hair. All the girls wanted him and she had him.

Collins lips came down on hers, "hey babe" he said when he broke free from the kiss and sat down beside her, Rosella smiled "how are you? I didn't see you in class" she says then puts another fries in her mouth and chews slowly. "yeah, Coach made us train this morning for our match next week and made me train extra because I'm the captain, This might honestly the most stressful time of my life" He says before stealing a couple of fries from Rosella's plate.

"Hey, that's mine" Rosella yells and tries to grab the fries from his hand, he shoves them in his mouth and chews aggressively. "Thief" she yells at him as they laugh before realizing everyone's eyes were on them.

Rosella and Collins were distracted by the sound of Christy's seductive voice "hey Collins" she says while waving her hand in his direction, Rosella noticed the crowd of people that circulated them had suddenly disappeared,

"Oh hey Christy, how are you doing?" Collins ask Christy. She giggles and responds positively then continues having a conversation with him, leaving Rosella feeling like a third wheel beside her own boyfriend.

"You look so hot today, I would do anything to have your arms wrapped around me" were the last words Rosella heard Christy say before the bell went off. Students started packing their things and were hurrying to their classes, Rosella grabbed her bag and looked at Collin who made no effort to get up from his seat. "aren't you heading to class?" she asked him confused. I have a free periods till the end of school, I was thinking of heading out and coming back later to take you home" he responds with a smile on his face.

Rosella nods her head, kiss him goodbye and walks to class before noticing Christy also stayed back in the cafeteria as well, she was about to turn around and walk back there but she stopped, sighed and continued her journey to class