Chereads / The Rot Consumes All! / Chapter 1 - Night 1

The Rot Consumes All!

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Chapter 1 - Night 1

Hundred long years has passed since that dreary day. The lone hero and his group of warriors drew their final breath before Lord Regla as he slayed them. All the citizens of Asuka city could remember his horrible cackle as it passed through everyone's souls like a cold chilling breeze. After the fight he floated in the air and glowed a bright white, all the noise of the world went quiet as the last thing everyone saw was a flash of white light. Regla had destroyed the entire city with a single hand gesture it would seem he achieved his goal of making a better Asuka city in his view but before you create something you must always destroy it first.

The deity then started to rebuild Asuka city except he renamed it as Romulus just to spite everyone who had called themselves citizens of "Asuka" city previously. Now you may be wondering How has Regla started to build a city if the ghoul and boss problem was getting bigger and bigger? Well, the answer to your question is quite simple the man had gained control of them... It may be due to him being half Ghoul but immediately when in the presence of Regla all ghouls stop doing what they were doing and do what every Regla wanted them to do.

Construction soon started when Regla learnt his ability to control ghouls. Giant sky scrapers started to fill the empty plains that was once Asuka city, Regla had an entire work force of ghouls that never slept and only needed the occasional humans to be obedient to their lord. Humans did not take this change lightly as High-level players came from all over the country to take Regla down, as who in their right mind would every let a ghoul rule over a city. So, with their elevated levels and high-level weapons they arrogantly walked into to Romulus City only to go radio silent for three weeks. A group of scouts were sent to go check if everything was over and, if the group of players were getting drunk of their minds due to stopping Regla, only to return with faces pale as snow. They raised a shaking hand towards the leader of the group and in the scouts, hand was a photo.

In the white photo frame was a gruesome sight. The players were on stone pikes in front of the city. Their bodies mutilated to the point you cannot figure out who is who. The one players bottom of their body was on the floor as their organs wrapped around the pike drenching in in red blood. One-person didn't even have a body as a lone head was on the pike their face mangled to bits as any vultures or ghouls nearby wanted a late-night snack. Infront of all these players carved into the floor was a sentence. "Any Rats who stray in my city will suffer the same fate". The leader of the scouts immediately called everyone back but some scouts strayed too far in the city and hours later a new set of bodies were Infront of the city.

Twenty years later and Romulus city was finally done. Massive steel buildings were in the city except you could clearly see a difference as the city was now in a pyramid fashion. The clean almost holy looking buildings were right at the top while run down and broken buildings were at the bottom. In those twenty years Regla had found another way to spit in humanities face, he has created an entire new plague to haunt the earth. He created a new cell called the Rot cell. The Rot cell was a derivative of the ghoul gene giving the infected person all the strength and speed boost a ghoul has except you stay fully human. Sounds great right well it is worse than the ghoul gene. The Rot cell does keep you human but it slowly devours all the host's emotions and humanity only filling them with one thing hunger. The people thought they could fulfil this hunger by simply eating whatever they could but after a while they found out that no other meat except Human Proteins can fulfil their hunger.

Soon the giant gates around Romulus city opened and Regla invited Humans to come stay there. For over 40 years humans had started to enjoy life in Romulus as there was fresh food which was made by Regla creating fertile soil for food, and soon livestock also came quickly. People really did start seeing Regla in a different light as if he were a godly figure only mistaken for a villain. Humanity was soon flourishing again and the entire Gaoe Continent was slowly getting better, Regla ordered all the ghouls to stay away from humankind and stay in the forests as he also defeated any bosses that spawned in the city. Truly it would seem the entire would was getting back on track the Rot infected people could keep it under control due to Regla creating artificial Human meat for the rot infected people. But in the end all good things come to an end as the light was shown in the back ground.

Modern Farming Facilities was not there for cattle or pigs, no it was for Humans. Genetically breed Humans which have all the best qualities making them prime meat for ghouls to eat. Over the 100 years Regla created ghouls that were smart, this caused an entire court of ghouls being behind Regla they were superior in every way possible, their levels since birth was high, their intelligence dominated any human's. Thus, they believed themselves to be Royalty Nobles if you please, and they were very hungry. Why waste time hunting any foolish humans who thought getting summoned by Regla was a good thing only to get chopped up and devoured. No No NO! They were far too sophisticated to go back to their primitive days, so they did the next best thing, turn humans into live stock.

And what did Humanity do when they learnt this? They turned a blind eye. Why should they give up everything they have now, food, jobs, a house just because one human is being eaten? So, since that day Humans didn't do anything, children grew up getting taught not to get attached to one another cause one day you may be picked up as "game Meat" since the regular meat is from Human farmers. After all this Regla finally conquered the entire Continent crowning himself the true King of Gaoe, survivors from different places came to Romulus creating jobs such as trading, farming, fighting, the city became the epicenter of the continent except something was clear. The rich and powerful always stayed at the top half of the pyramid as the poor and sickly stayed at the bottom in the slums. This is where our story begins.

In a lone alleyway the sound of bare feet clashing against the cold floor echoed against the grey concrete walls. A lone teenage girl who was 18 years old was seen panting heavily as she kept looking behind her. She was of average height with powder white hip length hair. She had soft brown eyes that was dilated into saucers showing the adrenalin pumping through her body. She was wearing a dark blue pajama set that was ripped here and there, blood was pouring out of a nasty gash on her forehead. While she looked once more behind her she didn't notice a garbage lid in front of her which she quickly stepped on causing her to twist her ankle. Her cry of pain was loud as she fell to the floor, she with a shaking hand looked down at her foot and saw it was immediately starting to turn purple. A slow chuckle drew her attention from her twisted ankle as she slowly looked up at the figure in front of her.

He was of short nature; a dark beige coat covered the plain denim and white shirt underneath that sat tightly on his body showing his belly. He had a butcher knife in his left hand and his sclera was ash grey as his pupil was glowing yellow indicating his Rot cells was fully active.

"Hehehe I finally caught up to you girl" said the man in a cherry tone.

"No Stay away!" shouted the girl.

The man suddenly took a step forward and his leg glowed dark green.

"[Ground Stomp]"! whispered the man activating a skill.

A dark green pulse shot out as the man stomped his foot against the floor. The wave hit the girl straight in the chest blasting her backwards into a wall. Once she hit the wall, she vomited out blood and crumbled to the floor. The man laughed evilly as he kept using [Ground Stomp] over and over causing the girl to be hit against the wall over and over, once he finally stopped the girl was bleeding over her blue pajamas and her head hung low.

"It's too bad you walked into my turf girl but I was getting a little peckish though" said the man as saliva started to escape his mouth.

"I... I don't want to die" thought the girl to herself as tears escaped her eyes.

The man suddenly laughed and lunged towards the girl with his mouth open like a shark. She closed her eyes only to hear a sickening crunch. In slow motion she opened her eyes only to be shocked as the man got an iron studded boot into the face launching him sideways like a bullet. There in front of her was a lanky teen. He was wearing a pair of black denim jeans that went well with his black iron studded boots. On the top half of his body, he was wearing a black hoodie that had white stripes going down the arms over a plain white V neck shirt. The hood was up but you could see he had black hair that reached his ears and 2 iron studs going up his left and right ear. He had violet-colored eyes that looked to be bored. On his lower back sat a wakizashi katana [a small katana], it had a red scabbard that had black spirals over it that stopped at the handle of the katana.

"Th... Thank You" stuttered the girl looking the teen in the eyes.

The teen scoffed and slowly walked towards the man that was rising again, blood was pouring out of his nose and mouth as he glared at the teen.

"I didn't save you to be a hero or something he just pissed me off" stated the teen a few feet in front of the man not even looking back to see the girls shocked reaction.

"Who the hell do you think you are kid!" roared the man as he held his hands out only for them to be engulfed in purple fog.

"Come [Medusa]!" shouted the man.

Seconds later his hands glowed bright purple and 2 massive snakes spawned next to him both hissing at the teen.

"Ohh I'm so scared" said the teen sarcastically.

"DIE PUNK!" said the man as the two snakes lunged straight towards the teen.

"RUN AWAY YOULL DIE!" shouted the girl being scared her savior will die just for her.

"Can you all shut up" said the teen emotionless as he slowly unsheathed his katana.

"[Matt Black Flash]"said the teen calmly.

In a split second he was behind the man slowly sheathing his sword again. It took everyone's brains to register what just happened and it was right when the teen activated his skill, he turned into a black flash and was behind them. The man patted himself down and laughed.

"You missed you punk shi..." he could not finish his sentence as both purple snakes suddenly fell apart into 4 equal chunks, the man didn't fare any better as both his arms and legs were cut off causing his blood to spray like a fountain coating the alleyway. Some blood sprayed on the girl as she shakenly raised a hand and felt the blood on her face.

The man was crying out in pain as a pool of his own blood was surrounding him. His screams of pain bounced off the walls before he suddenly got a boot in the mouth making him quiet. He looked through his tears up at the teen and was scared beyond relief. The teens cold purple eyes gazed down at the man as if he was an ant.

"Now tell me your Ricky Brick, right?" asked the teen calmly taking his boot out the man's mouth. Ricky quickly spat on the teens boot and laughed.

"Yeah, I'm Ricky but I'll be the last name you hear kid!" declared Ricky only to get a kick in the face again cracking the ground underneath his head.

"Cool anyway you stole from district 5 a week ago and we were wondering when you're going to pay us back?" asked the teen grinding his foot in the guy's mouth causing him to cry out in pain.

"I spent all the money! Booze and woman, you all were suckers and keep kicking me kid my pals are going to come back and beat your ass back to mommy!!" said Ricky gloating.

The teen chuckled softly and then full forced stamped on the guy's head causing a small crater to form underneath him.

"Well then you were about to eat that girl back there so I only got one little more question for you" said the teen squatting down low.

"Hey I know he tried to kill me but arnt you to ro..." the girl couldn't finish her sentence as the teen's cold violet eyes gazed straight at her causing her to shake in fear.

"Fine what's the question!" shouted the man feeling that his about to die to blood loss.

"Can I eat you?" asked the teen causing the man to slowly look up.

The teens violet eyes were replaced with a pair of glowing yellow eyes. Before the man could even answer the teen ripped the man's throat out drenching his chin with red blood. For the following few minutes the only thing that could be heard was bone crunching and blood splattering, the girl couldn't take any more of this and shortly passed out as the view changed showing the dark grey covered skies above the slums areas as thunder echoing in the skies a storm was brewing.