Kamio and Irima walked through a separate part of Gem Town. "Were you really telling the truth or are you just trying to trick us?" Irima asked.
"For the millionth time, I am telling the truth!!"
They continued to walk until they came upon a small weapon shop. "Here we are." Irima said.
"Why are we here?" Kamio asked her.
"Well, as I discovered during our training, you don't ... exactly have an aptitude for magic, so I thought, why not use a weapon." Irima explained.
"Hmm, I see."
They walked into the shop, an old man, who was bald and had a long white bread, stood behind the counter. "Welcome to East's Shop, how can I help you today?" He asked has he turned to face the two of them.
"Oh my, Irima, is that you?" He asked.
"Hey East, yeah, it's me." Irima replied. Her and Kamio walked up to the counter.
"You've grown so much. Who's your friend?" East asked.
"That's Kamio." She answered.
"So, what can I for you two today?" He asked.
"Well, Kamio here, is thinking about becoming an elite, and he's no good at magic, so I thought maybe a weapon would be good." Irima told East.
"Hmm, I see. Well, let me see what I've got." East said as he walked away into a back room.
After about ten minutes East came back from the back room, holding a handful of weapons. He laid them all down on the counters. "What weapon do you have the most experience with?" East asked Kamio.
Kamio stood in thought for a moment. "Well, as a child, I dabbled a bit in kendo." Kamio told him.
"What's kendo?" East asked.
"Nothing important. Anyways, I have a little experience with swords." Kamio explained.
"Nii? You were at the tournament!!" Yuu said.
"Correct. And you really impressed me; your fight with Shadows Mask was simply amazing." Nii said.
" So, why are you here?" Yuu asked.
"I wanted to speak with you."
To Be Continued