Why..... why did it have to be me. I never did anything to deserve this. I had a decent job, an ok family, and an apartment in a good location. I know my life wasn't anything to envy but I didn't want to die.
Getting ran over by a car at the age of 27 while walking home. Not the way I thought I would go out. I always thought I would die of old age with a wife and kids. I never thought I'd die a single virgin who never made a single accomplishment in his life! My job wasn't even impressive it was a stupid office job that barely paid minimum wage.
You know it's funny I always thought that when I got my engineering degree I would make robots and stuff. But it turned out all the company thought I was good for is paper work! Hey when is the judgement and bright light crap gonna kick in. I've been waiting here for a while. Hello! don't tell me all we get to do for the rest of eternity is sit in nothingness!
Wait a minute.... WHAT IS THA-