Chapter 2 - tyler

woke up the usual way,  to my foster mother screaming for me to get up 

"Tyler Ashton feall wake up " i sighed and got up 

" be down in a second ma'am " I said  . I check the time 6:50 . Why so early i walk into the bathroom brushed my teeth and took a shower.

I was living in a okay place right now . This couple was loaded but they basically hated me,  sure they would buy me nice stuff but they were always insulting me .

I ran down the stairs of the mansion and walked into the sitting room  where my foster mother met me with a , "morning sweetheart " .

I was confused until she flipped her Brazilian in the direction of the dining room.  I looked behind her and forced a smile , the inspector from social services was here .

"Morning mum " I said

" breakfast is on the table " she said with the smile she only used when the inspector was here

"Thank you"  I  said  grabbing a piece of toast and deliberately forgetting my bag lunch so she could give it to me at the door , this was the routine when the inspector came as she handed me my lunch and said by to me my mind had drifted of to school .

I love school , not the learning part that part sucks, but the part were I was the most popular guy( even if I was underage but no one seemed to know that so I kept it to myself) . At school everyone loved me and if the didn't they envied me,  heck the teachers loved me . I was just the perfect person there , straight a student , captain of the basketball team and class president .

As I walked into the school parking lot I noticed a new car . It was black.  No one in our school had a black one , maybe someone go a new car , I thought to myself .

The freshmans had not arrived yet. So I had time to kill . I looked around greeting everyone i bumped into . The cheerleaders were putting up welcome decorations , chloe,  the  main cheerleader was shouting orders through a mega phone . To who I have no idea since everyone was just ignoring decided to also

The  I noticed someone sitting in the behind the door reading , it was a girl the hood of her t shirt wad up so I couldn't make out her features . She was tiny , not child like tiny but my age or younger tiny. I was tall for my age so maybe  thats why she looked small and couldn't be a freshman , those weren't arrive for another two hrs . I started walking toward her .

" THE FRESHMEN ARE HERE " chloe said into the megaphone " LINE UP BY THE DOOR " . This time everyone listened and started lining up . The girl moved from behind the door and joined the crowd walking out of the school to line up by the door . I quickly made  my way to her through the crowd and stood next to her . She was standing under a tree with her hood still up so all

"Tyler feall "I said