(I changed the ending of chapter two because of story decisions. I also forgot to say that Finn is 11 months older than Bella, so they go to the same school. They're also probably gonna get similar classes.)
I got dressed and went to wake Bella up for school. Bella and I are going to go the same school, so we can both ride in her truck there. I know its also gonna help Bella not be so socially anxious. She gets ready and we go downstairs. Dad is already up drinking coffee, he looks at us and smiles. We tell him we're going to school, and he says okay.
We walk out the door and get in Bella's truck. After about 10 minuets, we get to the schools parking lot. It looks like it was made in the 1800's and very rustic. We get out and walk in, we have the same first period together so we go there. We sit down in our chairs and wait for the day to start. In walks Edward looking like he hasn't eaten anything. He looks at Bella like shes fresh meat. He looks at me, realizing i smell similar to Bella. He sits down, class starts and its as uneventful as ever. We have a few minuets left in class to talk to ourselves and i walk over to Edward.
"Hello nice to meet you, I'm Finn, Finn Swan. My sister and I are new and i was hoping you would like to be friends."
Edward looks at me like he's irritated.
"I don't care." He says rudely.
"Well great, whats your name?"
"Edward." He says bluntly.
"Nice to meet you Edward." I say cheerfully
I walk back to Bella and she makes fun of me for trying to make friends. Class ends and we go our separate ways.
( So sorry i haven't posted a chapter, i just haven't had a chance to write because of school. Expect more later i promise :) )