Suddenly I am blank and I have no idea how to get out of this medical bay without Lucy seeing us. But then I feel Emily's hand on my shoulder and I know that she has a plan.
"Okay, you two go and I will follow?"
"But what are you going to do?"
"I will be the destraction"
I want to still ask her a question but before I know it she's already on her way to see Lucy. All I know is that she's very determined to get her attention. Wendy and I make our way slowly to the door when I hear the words from Emily's mouth almost shouting at Lucy.
"...I can not work under these circumstances!"
I know that this is our chance to get out of here and I lead Wendy to the door as quickly as possible. I can not help but smile and how quickly Emily and I have become quite close. As we get out of the door I start running and I say to Wendy to keep up.