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Path Of Knights

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This is the story of Dante Kudo, Knight by fate and Hero by Choice...join him and his allies of The Order as they endure a series of Unfortunate events in the Land of Bushido with Everything coming together will he defeat The Prophet Of Truth Shino? Will he Overcome Sins Of His Father's Past? or Will Dante Submit too his inner Darkness? Support with Votes and Comments if you Like. Arigatou! (Warning! Loose Inspiration and Elements from other Anime) just a little Passion of mine, been developing for over 7 years and now decided to write it! Enjoy!

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: The Beginning

Darkness was all I could see, In the midst of that darkness...was my Uncle waiting for me to reach him but I could'nt, I tried running with all I had but it seems that the faster I run the farther the distance. God I hate this dream, I've been dreaming this crap for weeks now. It doesn't make sense, My uncle's fine...everything should be fine...but why, why can't I reach them ?

It hurts me so much witnessing makes me realize maybe No matter how hard I Train, I can't Ascend. Am I losing him? The only Father I've ever Known. Back then I thought that I would get over it but I never could now I'm 17 and still all I want is to be strong enough. Strong enough to get There..

"Dante-...Up-.." This Mysterious Voice spoke to me, from within the Void. It's Familiar?

"Who The hell is that ?" I questioned outwardly, Was I Trying too call it out? No. Maybe thinking out loud; within a Dream. A sort of Inception perhaps.

"Dante!'s time to get up! You'll be Late!" The Voice spoke again, this time more Clearly; a Woman.

My ears perked up, as the Veil of Sleep uncovered about Halfway "Mom?.." I exclaimed suddenly realizing that the only voice I could possibly recognize so early; was my one and Only Mother.

"Wake up's time for breakfast!" She exclaims loudly, finally the Blanket of the Sandman uncovers; Exiting My Lucid Dream state and returning too Reality within an instant.

My eye's flutter open...I slowly sit up on my bed as the tiny bits of sunlight flows through the window's curtain....'Kami I hate morning's why can't everyday just be Night?''s much more peaceful for me...of course I was never a Morning person...'Oof! the Headache...I get these every morning now, its like a heartbeat in my brain...I thought i'd get use to this.

"Yeah! I'm coming now!" I Spoke up with my raspy unsullied voice; it gets like that after a Goodnights Rest 'Time for the Routine. Don't wanna keep them waiting..'

-Third Person Pov-

Dante gets up and heads for the bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth. Twenty one minutes later, Dante is in his normal attire consisting of black baggy cargo pants, Dark blue sleeveless Turtleneck sweater with leather accents that hold on his armor in place and the sheathe off his weapon when not in use, Black Tactical boots to match. he also wears body armor on the chest, right shoulder and weilds a wide Two-handed longsword. Dante is well-built about 5"10 in height. He has White spiky hair with black roots, tattoo of blue fire on his left shoulder and has Piercing Aqua eyes like the sky beside pale but fair skin.

Dante exits his room and enters the kitchen sitting himself at the counter stool there his eyes catch a plate of bacon, eggs with waffles coated in syrup. looking up he see's his mother washing her plate already "I forgot how quick you can's insane ma.."

"Morning! The Sandman must have had you tucked today! you overslept again, this is the third time this week don't you think you should tell your Uncle about it. I'm sure he could have some sort of..weird Knight remedy or whatever" She spoke happily with a humming undertone, Angil is her Name a Variation of Angel. Long Blue hair down her back with matching Aqua Eyes; Despite her whopping Age of 40 she barely aged a day passed 30 some sort of Family Trait. A Truly Gentle and Kind Soul, being Raised in a small village will do that.

"No Mom, I don't want too. Besides what's the difference I don't think there's a Remedy that weird for Strange Dreams. It's probably Anxiety.." Dante spoke as he dug into his Food with a calm expression on his face, though clear disdain weaved within his words "he Doesn't have too know anything.."

" can't hold a grudge against him forever you know. So it was one mistake, its not like he's lied about anything else...We tried our best too keep the secret until you were old enough too understand. you still have to show him some respect for trying or atleast helping you be whatever it is you want too be.." Angil exclaimed finishing her dishes and turning swiftly too her Son with a pout like expression, trying too guilt trip him.

"Tch...its called A Third Class Knight Ma! I could care less about what he's done, it doesn't change anything. I follow my own path and theirs only room for two...I became a Knight for you so that I could protect and support you the best I could...Daisuke can do what he pleases as long as he sticks too Training me and that's that!" Dante Retorted Annoyed at her attempt at trying too Reconcile; them both.

The back door soon opens and Daisuke walks through with a curious expression on his face, wearing the same attire as Dante except a Gold sweater, and Armor on both shoulders with Runes engaged in them....The Man stands at 6'3, Black brushed back hair which spikes up at the end and Green eyes like a Forest during spring. Weilding a six foot long Broadsword hung over his back; a Large Insignia that starts at one End and finishes at the Other. "Who said I was planning to get in your way...Im your master Dante and your Uncle if anything, I'm here to help you on your path not drive you away from it. Don't be such a Brat your 17 now. Act Like it"

"Whatever! I don't need you tell me how to Act. Besides; where do you even go when we're not Training. You disappear for Half the day and when your here your daydreaming!" Dante Exclaims loudly his obnoxious tone shining through.

Daisuke let out a sigh; rubbing his temple "What happened to that cool kid I had fun ? When'd you become such a Wuss?" He asked shaking his head as he walked over and poured himself a cup of Coffee

"He died when I found out you weren't my father....." The White haired male said Coldly without a second thought not caring if his words we're hurtful or Not.

"Dante don't speak like that!  he may not be your father biologically...but atleast he tried his best to be one. He loves you like a Son. Your Father wouldn't Want you hating Daisuke for trying too fill those shoes..." Angil jumped into Defense, trying too keep the Storm calm between them as best she could.

Dante raised his voice, standing up abruptly though he finished his breakfast rather quickly "I would have been better off if you just didn't tell you know what that does to a kid discovering that the guy that's raising you isn't your dad when you believed that he was the whole Time!" He yelled before putting his hand over his gut, getting a cramp from swallowing so much food in one sitting "Ugh!!!"

"Ha! Stop being so mellow dramatic Dante, suck it up your a Knight now...and Knights don't dwell on the past." Daisuke smirked gulping down his Drink and washing it quickly glancing at his Nephew with a content gleam "Use that Anger during your Training...and maybe you'll pass the Exam coming up.."

Dante scoffed suddenly, shaking off his Cramp and walking over too the Sink washing his own dishes brushing passed his Uncle "Forget this! lets just train already ! I'm not gonna sit here and convey how I'm feeling to any of you! I'm a Man Now"

"Ooh! What a Big Man~ forgetting too drink when He eats~ and following his Mother's Curfew every night~ My your an Idol too all Men over the World Kiddo!" Daisuke huffed with a chuckle poking fun at him.

Dante wipes his hands after he finishes washing his Plate and kisses Angil's forehead and walks out through the front door waiting for his Uncle "Whatever Viejo, let's just go!"

"I swear that kids gonna be the death of us both Angil, He just can't seem to get over it yet...I told you we should've said it from the Start." Daisuke sighed standing straight and patting her shoulder as he made his way too the Door "Kisuke Would've wanted him too know Early.."

Angil shook her head, wiping the Kitchen Island with a damp Rag "You should'nt blame yourself for it, Im the one who should have told him about Kisuke before its my own fault...I just feel like im failing as a mother to him your always the one who cheers him up most of the Time...while I just sit and watch...making you shoulder the Responsibility. I don't understand why he doesn't open up to me more. Kisuke would probably be disappointed at me....for being so Useless." She sighed suddenly looking over at the Open door, getting a look at Dante waiting outside "I didn't want him too be a Knight..but considering who his Father is...I know it couldn't be helped. I just-..I wish he we're here. He always had a way with words.."

"Hey! One thing is for Certain My Brother loved you even more than anyone else on this planet. You've got a Heart of Gold, Angil And he would be proud of how much you've done for Dante. He's looking at us right now, with a proud smile on his face I bet. Look, I'll talk to the kid...he'll be happy when he gets back I guarantee it Angil..." With that being Said; the Golden plated Knight waved her off as he exited the Home closing the door behind him.

Daisuke having walked out of their home, spots Dante leaning against the Porch railing staring at the sky in deep thought. Their Home was very Cozy, within a deep and lush Forest; it was practically a Large Villa Cabin.

'That kid is something else, he gets so angry when we wanna speak about feelings but yet he calms down so quickly once he gets Outside...I wonder if he's bi-polar- Nah! Just Stubborn...Apple didn't fall from the Tree..' Daisuke thought as he finally stood next to his Apprentice with a small smirk on his face 'Kids Grown up well...He'll be a Fantastic Knight..'

"What are you staring at? Take a Picture it'll last longer!" Dante huffed shaking his head, the Snow White haired Male pushed off the Railing and walked ahead "Come on! It's been a whole day since we've gotta make up for it.."

"Im a Knight of the Order Dante...when Duty calls, it Calls...I can't ignore it. Be glad I didn't take long this time.." Daisuke explained suddenly only too be replied with a Scoff, making him Sweatdrop at Dante's persistence "Kid. what's up? you seem more uptight than usual...and don't lie to me I can read you like a book..."

"Huh? Nothing ever gets by you does it...Viejo..." Dante said softly with a hint of teasing, Viejo is a foreign word for Old Man. He started using it when he was told a Story of The Knight Order's brief Alliance with 'Supein' a Foreign Force from the Republic of Dominika an Island Nation On the other side of the Planet.

"Oh, so you remember that Story huh? Interesting Group of people we worked with that Time. The way they Battled was Unique, they used Music and Rhythm for Swordplay. They called it 'Bachāta' and their Power derived from something called Ron or more known to us Rum....theirs is Especially Strong only an Adapted Body and Mind could drink it consistently and if they did. Made their Power that much greater. The only person that drank an entire 2 Liter bottle without proper training and survived was Kisuke and He always said if they weren't such a Neutral Country, they could take on anyone if they chose too....that one guy they called 'Viejo' strongest and oldest one among them...but always Drunk and incomprehensibly uncultured"

"Incomprehensibly Uncultured! Wow...sounds like someone I know..Right! Viejo...." Dante said rolling his eyes at the clear parallels with Daisuke "Minus the Drinking though if I didn't know any better...thats probably what your off doing when your not here..."

"Oh hush! And while your at it drop that know I hate that crap and don't try too Cover it up with the whole Father situation either. There's a reason I told you from a young age I wasn't your Dad, it's between you and me. We kept Angil out of the loop so she could keep her promise too Your Dad secure. Your only gonna hurt her feelings if you take it too far.." Daisuke chuckled as they walked further into the Forest, trying too reach their destination in a timely manner.

A Sigh in Defeat, Dante's Demeanor suddenly changed "Fine... Though I'm annoyed she waited this long to try and tell me. She's lucky you already told me, a while ago I'd probably be more Mad then I'm showing now. Anyway! Today's the day right...we're supposed too 'Reconcile' our differences and make her Happy. Oh! And the Final session to prepare for the Exam! I can't Wait! I'm finally gonna be promoted too Second Class Knight! No more saving cats from Trees or Protecting The gates of Villages. I'll finally get too be in the Capitol and at HQ! Where the real cool Missions and stuff begins!"

" really don't know how too Shut up huh?..." Daisuke said rubbing the back of his Neck curiously, his Nephew grew an Anger mark at this Remark and spoke up angrily "The hell did you say Daisuke! wanna go is that it! We can go right now! Screw the Training Spot!"

"Actually a little sparring session wouldn't hurt right ? This'll be the last one for a while...Two days is the Big Day. Besides....we're already here Kid..." Daisuke smirked as they finally reach a Clearing in the Forest; craters and broken swords everywhere. Trees; slashed and broken down a clear Aftermath of what looked like a Warzone.

"Even better...this is where it began.....7 years old and now I'm 17....10 years of Training. I'm gonna show strong I've gotten. You here me Viejo....We're gonna lay all the cards on the Table. One on One..." Dante said feeling content with himself after such a long experience.

"Tough Talk. Keep that'll need it if your going too pass in two days..." Daisuke walked several meters into the Clearing and finally turned toward His Nephew with an excited smirk "I hope your ready...I won't hold back too much. I have too Gauge if your actually prepared. Don't want too Embarrass myself. The Top Brass of the Order doesn't like being jerked around much. Everything hinges here..consider this a fail...I'll disqualify you from the Actual Exam myself. Got it..."

"D-disqualify?!..." Dante exclaimed gulping down his Nerves, hearing what's at stake he gripped his blade Thats sheathed on his Back pulling out and raising it in a Samurai like Position "Then I won't lose...not now.. I'll beat your Ass and Get too the Exam.."

"Heh!...Then what are you waiting for..Kid..." Daisuke's Green eyes Glowed with a Menacing glare; as he crossed his arms waiting for Dante too make his move, The Veteran's Demeanor had changed completely expression cold as Ice, atmosphere with the tightness of a Noose "Don't Disappoint me Dante...if you do..well....then.

I'll just-.....Kill you myself..."