"I'm in! I'm in!" Stellar excitedly waved her hand in the air like a flag fluttering against the wind.
Her enthusiasm, however, didn't match the worried look on Holden's face.
"Is this a drinking game?" Holden asked with furrowed brows. The smirk on Cooper's face told him in advance of the answer.
Yep. It was.
"Maybe we can play a few rounds. It's a workday and we don't like to be nursing a hangover on a Tuesday," Yanyan nervously laughed.
The image of her boss firing her in the event she made a mistake due to her insobriety made her back break out in cold sweat.
Since everyone agreed to Cooper's sinister plan, whatever that was, Holden reminded himself to never let his guard down.
Knowing his twin like the back of his hand, Holden knew how Cooper rode the high of playing games with real people as his pawns.