Chapter 7 - An assumption that went wrong.

As the girl walked off, I turned to look at bakugou and he suddenly went back to normal."(y/n)! WHAT THE FU-" he was stopped with a hand across his mouth from a police officer. As I looked at him the whole squad that was there had stood in front of us and bowed."THANK YOU!" They yelled thanking us and then one came over to us.

"What year are you both in?" he asks looking between the two of us. "First, sir." We both said in unison and I started to giggle but I stopped myself as bakugou nudged me. " oh, well you must be from 1-A then." he said as if class 1-B wouldn't do this. "What do you must be from 1-A?" I questioned as I crossed my arms leaning on bakugou as he rolled his eyes. "Well, it's just I haven't seen anyone from 1-B a-" I cut him off because I had enough of his bullshit.

"No, you just assumed... That's wrong I have friends in 1-B who are more powerful than some people in 1-A. The class number means nothing so don't start comparing us to each other because you will never understand how different our quirks are OKAY?" I walked off and Baku chased after me. As he caught up to me he started screaming "DO YOU KNOW WHO THAT IS!!". I turned to him. "No should I?" I questioned now feeling like I should.

"That was the chief police officer you dumbass!!" He screamed 'shit what have I done?' "Nothing..." a voice said coming from behind me. I turned to see who it was and it was who I thought.


Sorry for the short chapter...

I know I said it would be longer but I have something big planned for the next one!!!!!

Word count: 314 words