Snowflakes fell down
One after the other
All were snowflakes
But none were the same
Each held a beauty of their own
And She...
The girl sat on a bench near central park
At night
The day of Christmas.
Everywhere around her
People hurried home
Each and every one of them
Eager to get home
To their loved ones
And She...
The girl sat on the bench all alone.
She stared in fascination at the snowflakes
That fell around her.
Her blonde hair slightly moved with the gentle breeze
Which made her look almost unreal.
It was cold
Maybe it was freezing for a girl like her
For all, she didn't look like she was any older than sixteen
It didn't look like she was cold
Maybe she wasn't cold
May be she didn't mind it at all
As she sat on the bench
All alone.
Her twinkling eyes were grey
But almost looked like silver
As she stared at the streetlights.
She smiled at everybody who passed by her
Her eyes
Her smile
caught everyone's attention
For all, they couldn't help themselves but return the gesture.
All of them wondered
What a girl like her was doing
Sitting there
All alone
On the night of Christmas.
They wondered
Why is she sitting there?
Doesn't she want to go home?
Where is her family?
But nobody approached her and asked.
Maybe they were too afraid
That asking her would make that smile go away
Maybe they were too eager to get home and enjoy Christmas
Maybe all of them were captivated by her beauty
And thought that she was unreal.
So She...
Sat there all alone
Her eyes twinkling.
Unknown to all around her
Behind that smile
Behind that twinkling eyes
Behind all those clothes
Behind her flesh
Behind her bones
Her heart was beating fast
Screaming in pain
which left the girl breathless.
But nevertheless
She smiled
Her heart waited
In anticipation
For somebody to come to her
And soothe her
And ask if she was ok
To tell her that they cared
To help her
To make her pain go away.
It never happened
So she smiled to the world
And cried all alone.
So She...
Sat there and stared
At all the snowflakes falling
And melting when they hit the ground.
And she wondered,
The snowflakes appeared
Made everyone happy from their beauty
And disappeared
Just like her...