Chereads / INNOCENT DESIRES / Chapter 10 - CHAPTER 10

Chapter 10 - CHAPTER 10

"Hey Anna" Ethan flashed his signature smile which was worth dying for. Anna just waved back, not sure if she will be able to say something back without stuttering.

Ethan Jonas , the popular kid at High school who was not a fuck boy or an asshole like most of them but a real sweetheart. Always helping anyone in need of him and of course handsome as hell. His long legs could get girls and even boys attention, he did have his own group of close friends, all boys and all of them just as hot as he was himself. Dark brown hair which always used to fall over his forehead, looking so soft, anyone would want to feel it. You could drown in his brown eyes and would never complain. He always carried that bright smile on his face which could make your worst days a little or maybe a lot better. He was a sweet little boy who was not prideful of his father's riches and never looked down on people.

He was the same after all these years, but of course, going through puberty he changed, not in behavior but in looks. He grew hotter and for better. He found his style and his taste in clothing changed from hoodies to tuxedos and tuck in shirts, literally getting all the girls drooling over him and of course Anna could not lie ,she had a small crush on him but could never gather up the courage to tell him that. But that was long gone now.

After finishing High School, he went abroad to pursue his higher studdies and came back just a month ago and they happened to bump into each other at the grocery store. At first, Anna did not recognize him but he did remember her, the girl who always helped him in Maths.

But he was a bit surprised at how much she had changed over time, she was so much more beautiful now, with the lean body but curves at the right places and in right amount, her hair reached just to her collarbone and swayed side to side when she walked and damn, the smile, you could die for that smile and never regret it.

After they met at the grocery store, they exchanged numbers and started texting each other. They were good friends and Anna was more than happy she could be friends with him. He visited her a couple of times after his arrival and her Grannu really got along well with him.

Anna did not expect his sudden visit when he showed up at her house, not when there was another man who was good looking as well. Good looking? He actually looked like a freaking Greek God, just sitting there and relishing his noodles. Ethan glanced at the man sipping the soup from the bowl of noodles and raised his brows at him. Anna did not understand why he looked confused but then darted her eyes to where he was looking and realized he was staring at Raven.

Her grandmother saw the confusion written on Ethan's face and sighed, "I'll tell you, come with me". She walked back towards the living room and before following her, Ethan turned and shot another look at the man before his head turned towards the girl who was nervously biting her tongue. He smiled softly at her and she returned it with the same gentleness, turning around on his heal, he exited the room.

Anna let out a breath that she was holding and sat down on the side of the table before closing her eyes and rubbing her temple. "Ugh, what's wrong with me" she frowned. She felt something moving underneath her, making her move her butt to comfortably sit on the table but could not sit still. She glanced side ways and saw Raven staring at her with soft eyes and an ajar mouth. Her eyebrows pinched together at the man's expression. His eyes slowly traveled from her eyes to table and back to her eyes.

'What is wrong with him?' she thought.

'Damn, is he checking you out?'  her inner mind was grinning and blushing all at once. She erased the comment from her mind and looked down at the table where his eyes were going again and again. She glanced down at his hand and looked back at him before she realized what she saw. Her eyes shot back at his hand, which was under her butt, she jumped down from the table, her cheeks turning a bright shade of pink. 'Shit. I was sitting on his hand?'

'Oh No, you were grinding on it. Remember?',

Her inner mind was smirking, reminding her when she was moving her butt on the table, trying to be comfortable. She was actually grinding on his hand. Another gasp escaped her ,embarrassment filled the room as she could not help the burning of her cheeks. She could not look at him now, not after what happened. But it was her fault, she had to admit it.

"I.. I'm s-sorry about that. I was j-just .." she was cut off by Raven's voice

"Why are you sorry Noona?"

She looked at him, his expression were still soft, not a trace of embarrassment or hesitation on his face. He was looking like some innocent child looking at his mother after asking an inappropriate question.

'Is he dumb? Did he not realize what happened? How long does his memory survive to fade so soon?' she blinked at the weird man, not able to answer his question.

She took a step back when he stood up from his chair and walked towards her and hugged her like it's nothing new, she did not flinch or step back, she was already getting used to him being clingy which was not a good sign. He yawned in her neck and she felt him sighing.

"I want to sleep Noona." he said softly against her neck which tickled her a little.

"You can go upstairs and sleep" her hands were hanging on her sides so she just raised one and patted his back a little.

"Then, come with me. You know I can't fall asleep without you" he pouted. She blinked at his words, trying to comprehend what he was saying, 'when did I sleep with him?'

'You virgin ass, stop over thinking. He is just asking you to put him to sleep'

Her inner mind snorted while Anna rolled her eyes. But she could not get the thought out of her head ,'Can't sleep without you', what does he mean by that? She heard footsteps and slowly pushed Raven back and straightened her tshirt while he just rubbed his eyes, another yawn escaping his mouth. Anna smiled a little, he looked so adorable.

Ethan, walked in with his phone pressed against his ear and gave her a sweet smile which she happily returned. "Okay. Thanks" he said before placing the phone back into his pocket. "Anna, Grandma told me whatever happened and I guess, we must take him to the hospital"

Shit, she totally forgot about that.

"I have my car, I can help drive him there and I just confirmed with some friends, the road to the south, that is the hospital is clear. We can go, if that's okay with you" he smiled.

Anna was thankful to him for saving her this time. She owes him one, she promised herself. Just when she was about to say yes,  Raven wrapped his hands around her, engulfing her into his embrace, his chin resting on her shoulder and his eyes shut close. "I wanna sleep Noona." he said in almost a whisper, "With you". That did things to her right now, she could not explain what. She was feeling nervous, was it because Ethan was staring dumbfounded at them or the fact that Raven's body was against hers, his body felt so warm, contradicting the weather outside, even through the thin fabric of their T-shirts, she could feel the heat that traveled all the way up to her cheeks.

At this moment, she just wanted to wrap her hands around him, holding him, wanting to experience what it is to hug so closely, it felt so intimate. But she restrained herself and asked Ethan to help her, Raven was already snoring a little, after a few moments of recovering from what he had witnessed, Ethan came to her side and they both carried Raven to the car.

Anna got changed before heading back to the car and getting in the backseat with Raven. Ethan pulled off while Anna waved to her grandmother. The drive to the hospital was around 40 minutes as she leaned back in the seat, the car was silent, a comfortable silence which she liked, she leaned towards the window as the cold air gushed through her face and hair, a small smile spread across her lips.

Raven's head was resting on her shoulder which she did not mind at all, he was fast asleep and had folded his long legs up on the seat. She was enjoying the view outside when suddenly the car jumped over a speed breaker and Raven's body jerked ahead. In fear of him falling over, she pulled him to her and his face fell onto her chest and her hands wrapped around the back of his neck.

He woke up from the sudden actions and felt his face burried into her chest. He slowly looked up at her through his sleepy eyes , and her eyes met his, her face showed concern,so much concern for the man whom she just met the previous night. Her hand was still holding the back of his neck and his face was closer to hers than ever before, he smiled and whispered something softly.

"Huh?" She leaned forward, his lips near her ears, and her body stiffened when she heard what he said pointing to her chest,

"You are so soft"