Transformers Prime: The Reign of Unicron

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

After the battle with Megatronus on earth Optimus came to Cybertron to start a new life with Elita-1. Primus called for them and they were blessed with a child, a young girl named Ace Prime.

Ace Prime was a very happy child always putting a smile on everyone's face, making sure that everyone is happy and safe bringing joy to every bot on the planet. She has such a good heart and she never gave up hope or faith that is until a creature in a Cybertronian form with razor sharp fangs, eyes changed black and its pupils red, and moves fast as a jet came to Optimus and Elita-1's house.

"Calypso, surprise to see you in front of our house." Said Optimus.

"I am here for you're happy little child." Said Calypso. Optimus and Elita-1 was shocked when they heard what she said.

"You witch, your going after my child once again!" Elita-1 yelled.

The three of them were in a standoff getting ready to fight until Optimus and Elita-1 heard Ace's moan getting closer to them.

"Mama? Dad?" Young Ace moaned quietly.

They both turned around and saw Ace rubbing her eyes and she was so tired she can barely wake up.

"What's going on?" Young Ace asked.

Ace looked outside and saw Calypso standing there smiling at her. "So this is the child you've been protecting for 6 years." Said Calypso. "Such a young sophisticated child you both have. Her lifeblood might even be tasty."

"Mom?" Ace asked. "Who is she? Why is she here?"

"My, do tell the girl." Said Calypso.

Calypso opens her mouth to show her fangs to Ace and she got scared of what she saw with her very eyes.

"What... are you?" Ace shivered with fear as her eyes were wide open.

"Ace! Go! Run away!" Elita-1 told Ace to run away but, Ace was to scared to run away and leave her parents.

Calypso started walking towards the house getting ready to strike. "Ace!" Optimus yelled. "Do as your mother says, run away. NOW!!!"

Calypso starts running towards Optimus and nearly killed him but, Elita-1 blocked her and got impelled in the stomach and coughed up energon out of her mouth. Optimus and Ace eyes wide opened after they saw Calypso impaled Elita-1.

"Oh dear, I guess I've missed." Calypso pulled out her hand out of Elita-1's stomach. "But, that will do for now."

Elita-1 fell as Optimus catches her while she is in pain. "Elita no!" Optimus yelled.

"MOM NO!!!!" Ace yelled.

"Now that she's out of the way." Said Calypso.

Calypso ran past Optimus and grabbed Ace from behind. "Time for the main event." Calypso opens her mouth getting ready to bite Ace.

"ACE NO!!!!" Optimus yelled.

Calypso bit Ace in the neck and as Ace screamed in agony. Optimus attacks Calypso and grabbed Ace as he was still holding on to Elita-1. Ace was still leaking energon from her neck and still in pain from the bite from Calypso.

Optimus carried Ace and Elita-1 and ran to the city of Iacon and hide in one of the abandoned buildings.

"Elita." Optimus exhaled softly. Elita-1 opens her eyes and looks at Optimus while Ace is unconscious on the ground.

"Optimus..." Elita-1 sighed. "Make sure... Ace is safe. Please keep her safe."

"I will." Said Optimus. Elita died in Optimus's arms and he was very heartbroken. "No."

Optimus lied Elita on the ground and grabbed Ace and starts running to Iacon tower o get help from an old friend from his past of battle. Optimus run to the door and head into the medical bay to heal. "Ratchet!" Optimus yelled.

"Optimus, it's good to see..." Ratchet stopped as he saw Optimus carrying Ace bleeding from her neck and he came to Optimus and helps him with Ace. "What happened?" He asked casually.

"Calypso." Optimus answered dramatically. "We must move quickly in order for Ace to survive.

Optimus and Ratchet quickly set Ace on the medical bed and Ratchet prepares surgery on Ace while she is still unconscious from getting bit. Ratchet grabbed his tools and starts the operation then Optimus was pushed out of the door buy the nurses but, Optimus refused to leave his own daughter.

"Optimus Prime please, you need to leave the room." One of the nurses demanded him to leave the room.

"I'm not leaving Ace alone." Said Optimus angrily.

"Optimus I will take care of her, just let me do what I need to do." Said Ratchet.

As Optimus left the room Ratchet began his operation on Ace. As Optimus waited outside Ratchet came out of the door with energon on his hands and Optimus's eyes were wide opened worried of what happened.Β 

"She's fine for now." Said Ratchet. "She just need some rest then she'll be on her feet in no time."

"Thank you, old friend." Said Optimus.

"Optimus. Can you care to explain what's going on here?" Ratchet yelled. "And where is Elita-1?"

Optimus looks down with a frown on his face. "Elita-1 is... dead." Optimus said with a sad dramatic voice. Ratchet couldn't believe what he had heard from Optimus's voice. As Optimus told Ratchet of what happened to Ace when Calypso attacked and bit Ace he got very emotional and scared at the same time.


The next day, Ace woke up feeling differently like she wasn't herself or anything. She's feeling like something has changed her life forever. "What happened?" Ace asked herself. She looks out the window and saw a motorcycle and a black and yellow camaro heading towards Iacon tower, until then they both transformed into their alt mode and walked up to the tower. Ace jumped out of bed and walked straight towards the door and she heard whispers outside the door.

"What is she going to think when she hears the news?" Female bot whispered to Ratchet.

"I don't know Arcee but, she's might understand why he left." Ratchet whispered to Arcee. Ace doesn't understand who they were talking about but, she knows its not a good sign.

"So what are we gonna do about Ace?" Whispered male bot. "Who's gonna...?"

"We'll have to..." Ratchet stopped. Ace opens the door and saw Ratchet, Arcee, and a yellow and black bot named Bumblebee. They both placed their hands on Ratchet while trying to cheer him up.

"What's going on?" Ace asked. They turned around and saw Ace standing in front of them. "Who are you?"

Ratchet walked towards Ace and kneels down in front of her. "Ace, there's something we need to tell you, and it's something about your father." Said Ratchet.

Ace's eyes were wide opened knowing something happened to her father and now she's worried. "Where is he? Where's my father?" Ace asked worriedly.

Bumblebee, Ratchet, and Arcee looked at each other and then looked back at Ace. "Ace, your father... vanished while you were unconscious." Said Ratchet.

"Unconscious?" Ace asked confusingly. "How long have I been out? And what do you mean buy vanished?"

Ratchet sadly sighed at Ace. "Ace, Optimus last saw you about 3 weeks ago." Said Ratchet. "That's how long you've been asleep. You're father was on his way to check on you before..." Ratchet stopped as Ace was getting worried.

"Before what?" Ace asked softly.

"Someone kidnapped him before he could even get here. I'm very sorry Ace."

Ace couldn't believe what she is hearing from Ratchet and she got all upset about it. She knew that she Was all alone without a father nor mother to take care of her but, Ratchet held her close and started to carry her back into the room that she was in then he closed and locked the door. As Ace looked down, she knew that something is wrong with her she feels like she's burning up and she feels like her throat is very dry.

"What's happening to me?" She asked with a fearful tone.

She walked to a mirror and looks down at the sink then she looks at the mirror and saw that her eyes were different, her eyes were shaded black and her pupils were blue. She got scared and confused, she doesn't understand what is happening to her. She also know something wrong with her teeth, she opens her mouth and she saw that she has fangs caressing from her lips her eyes were wide opened with fear and anxiety. She starts shivering with fear, she is afraid of what's going on with her. So she starts screaming loudly where Ratchet, Arcee, and Bumblebee can here her, they all ran into Ace's room.

Ratchet opened the door and saw Ace on the ground crying and whimpering, he walked straight to Ace to see what's wrong with her.

"Ace? What's wrong?" Ratchet asked. He looked at her eyes and he saw that they changed color and he takes a look at her teeth and saw that she has razor sharp fangs.

The next day, Ace gone to live with Ratchet and she stayed in her room alone. She was sobbing on her bed while Ratchet is at work until she heard voices out from her room so she got off the bed then walked to the door and opens it. After she opened the door she saw Arcee and Bumblebee sitting and talking to each other.

"What'll we do now?" Bumblebee asked dramatically. "I mean we can't just sit here and do nothing, we have to do something."

"I know Bee." Said Arcee. "But, we can't do anything if Thunderwing keeps making destruction all over the place. We'll just have to wait until..."

"Until we stop Thunderwing, I know. But, by then it could be too late, Optimus could already be dead." Ace gasped in fear.

Ace knew that she had to do something to stop Thunderwing from wreaking havoc on Cybertron. She opened a window and jumps out of it and sees Iacon tower so she knows that she has to go to Iacon to stop Thunderwing and his subordinates from terrorizing everyone.

At Ratchet's house, Arcee went to Ace's room and knocks on the door to check on her. "Ace? Are you in here?" Arcee asked.

Arcee opens the door to see if Ace is still in there. But when she looked inside, it was empty and she ran out the door to get Bumblebee to find her. "Bumblebee lets go!" Arcee yelled.

"Whoa Arcee, what's going on?" Bumblebee worriedly asked Arcee.

"Ace is gone!" Arcee answered quickly. They both ran out the door to look for Ace. When Ace finally got to Iacon, she ran inside the tower to help stop Thunderwing from destroying everything that comes in his way.

"Thunderwing has rein terror long enough! It is time we make a stand!" Male council member #1 yelled.

"At to what end?" Ratchet asked. "If we go against Thunderwing, then there will be a war that will never end."

"Since when were you one of my advisers?" male council member #1 asked.

"That's enough Breakaway." Said female council member #1. "Ratchet is correct, we will not be forced to recreate history from thousands of years of suffering our people again. We will keep protecting the people of Iacon for as long as we can."

"Need I to remind you Madam Council that we have soldiers. Soldiers who are willing to fight for our people and for our freedom." Said Breakaway.

"You should watch you're tone." Madam Council angrily said. "If it hadn't been for that one incident with the innocents in tyger pax, you would be a full member of the council. I'm afraid I won't ever take risk like that again."

Everyone agreed with Madam Council's decision. "Madam, I would strongly suggest that we evacuate Iacon." Said Ratchet. "It is our only option."

"Need I to remind you Medical officer Ratchet, that you are a medic, not an advisor." Breakaway replied with a dramatic tone. "So do yourself a favor and do you're job and help the weak and stay out of..."

"Silence!" Madam Council yelled as she banged the desk. "Ratchet is correct. We will have to evacuate."

Madam Council sadly looks down and closed her eyes knowing she has no choice, even if it means one city has to be destroyed. Until someone opened the door. "Madam Council, I have news!" Excitedly yelled a civilian.

"What is it?" Madam Council asked the civilian.

"I've just been informed that Thunderwing has been arrested." The civilian said aloud. Everyone was shocked and surprised of what they heard from the civilian and were very cheerful.

"But... I don't understand." Breakaway was confused. "Who stopped him?"

The door opened and Ace walked inside the council court room and removed her hood to introduce herself. "My name is Ace Prime, descendant to Optimus Prime and I am the one who stopped Thunderwing from starting a new war that will destroy our planet."

"Descendant?" Madam Council confusingly asked. "What do you mean descendant?"

Everyone else looked confused as well wondering why she is a descendant of Optimus Prime so, Ace told them her whole story and everyone was surprised about her story and everything. They both knew that one day that she would finish a fight that will soon start. Ratchet walked out of the door then saw Ace leaning on the wall. He sighed with a dramatic accent then walked towards Ace.

"I spoke with Arcee and Bumblebee, they said that they're on their way to pick you up." Said Ratchet.

"That won't be necessary Ratchet." Madam Council interrupted. "She'll be coming with us." Madam Council starts walking towards the Hall of Council.

Ratchet walked towards Madam Council. "Madam Council, is it really necessary to...?"

"Yes Ratchet, it is necessary to bring her along." Madam Council interrupted Ratchet while they are walking into the court room. "Aren't you coming child?"

Ace walks towards them to the court room. She is already prepared for what comes next.

"Madam, you understand what you are asking don't you?" Ratchet asked.

"Yes Ratchet, I believe that she's the one." Madam Council replied. "I think she an awaken the power of Primus." Ratchet looked at Ace and then looks forward.

They entered the court room where the whole members of the High Council sat on they're seats and Ace stood in front of them. Ratchet sat on his seat and Madam Council stood in front carrying a box in her hands. "Ace Prime, you have saved us from a war that would know it would never be over with. So as a result the High Council has made a decision." Said Madam Council. "When you are old enough and ready, you will be a member of the High Council." Ace gasped with a straight face while everyone clapped for her. Ratchet smiled at her and was very proud of what she has done.

"And once we know that you are fully ready, you will be honored with this." Madam Council opens the box and pulls out a some sort of relic.

"Madam Council, are you certain we're gonna let this child is capable of wearing the Matrix of the Avatars?" Breakaway asked out loud.

Ace was so confused of what Breakaway said. "The what?" Ace quietly asked herself.

"If you don't respect my decisions Breakaway, he door is right behind you." Said Madam Council. Breakaway sat back down and crossed his arm. "Your lucky that we didn't ship you out."

"Mind if I ask? What is the Matrix of the Avatars?" Ace asked.

"Has you're father not told you the story about the children's of the Primes?" Madam Council asked Ace.

Ace shook her head yes. "I see." Said Madam Council. "Well, they are the Avatar and so are you."

"What?" Ace gasped. Everyone bowed to her because she is/or will be the Avatar when she is ready.

"Ace Prime, will you accept the terms of your destiny?" Madam Council asked.

Everyone stared at her to know what her decision is, so Ace looked down and closed her eyes to think then reopens them. She steps forward with a straight face and replied "Yes, I will accept."