Chapter 11 - Eleven | Heart broken...

Today was Aoba Johsai's tournament and you really missed Kunimi so of course you went to watch since he didn't visit you anymore like before.


You get off the bus and thank the driver. You walk towards the gym and see a familiar team heading the same way. Karasuno! The boys you met in the practice match! They noticed you as well and the familiar captain with black hair, the silver haired boyo, and the bald one walked up to you as soon as they saw you. You were quite surprised they remembered you since you've just met once.

It seems they expected you to come since silver head had a pen and small notebook in hand. 'y/n-chan right?' the silver head asked you nod awkwardly since you didn't know their names 'im Koushi Sugawara" he shows you and gives a warm smile you bow as a "nice to meet you" kind and so does he 'this is Daichi Sawamura' he points to the black haired 'and this is Tanaka Ryunosuke' he points to the creepy other. You slightly bow to the two and they follow. 'How are you and Oikawa-san?' Daichi asks 'we're kinda good now.." he reads and nods with a smile knowing you dont get hurt anymore. You saw their manager Kiyoko calling for them but they didn't notice. You pointed to her and they looked and they ran to her while waving at you. You wave back and slowly walk inside. You went to your school team and saw the manager and coach. They waved excitedly at you and you bow as a greeting. 'its nice to have you here y/n' you bow again as a "Arigatou coach" and he let you sit on the bench next to him. He lightly tapped your shoulder and pointed to Oikawa and Kunimi you smiled at Kunimi but he didn't notice you were there so it was more of a surprise for him now.

Oh he has fangirls now. That's nic-

That wasn't a fangirl. Did Kunimi kiss her head as a joke?

What.... The.... Fuck

So are they a thing..? Did you matter to him anymore? Did he somehow forget about you?

You didn't notice it but tears were streaming down your cheeks the coach finally realized what was happening and he held you close and let you rest on his chest while he tried to comfort you.

"Hey coach could you tell me when y/n-" he stops on his tracks "c-coach w- i-is that y-y/n...?" Kunimi's heart drops. The coach nods disappointingly. Kunimi slowly approaches you and lightly holds you wrist. You immediately push him back once you've felt his touch and started running out of the court.

Kunimi's eyes were wide and tears started building up he had realized what he has done and regrets it.

As you're running you bump into someone. A tall figure. One with chocolate messy hair. Deep brown eyes and slightly bony hands.

Oikawa Tooru..

You didn't care who it was at the moment but you needed comfort. He pulled you closer to his chest while you silently cried he lightly patted your head and hugged you. "Y/n-chan.." Kunimi caught up to you. Oikawa moved you to rest on his side while still hugging you "I told you she would eventually find out.." oikawa said disappointingly "I just want to explain to her please let go of her." Kunimi begs Oikawa shakes his head and walks you to the coach "Hey uh coach is it fine if i leave her with Karasuno's manager?"

"She should be better there." The coach replies. Oikawa slowly walks you the the other side of the court and to Karasuno's side. "Ah Kiyoko-san could you take care of her for a bit she's not stable right now." Oikawa explains and Kiyoko nods. Your tears slowly dry up and you start to calm down.

Kiyoko's worried face slowly turned into a weary smile now that you were calm. 'is it fine if i go back to Aoba Johsai's side..?' you slowly write and look up to her beautiful face. She slowly nods with a smile and you get up to leave. You slowly walk to the other side while looking at the ground.

You sat down beside the coach on the bench and he looks at you glad you're back.

The first set was a close one. Karasuno won by one point and you knew your team wouldn't go easy now that they've lost one set.

Everytime Karasuno had a break or Aoba Johsai you avoided eye contact with Kunimi no matter how close he was to you. He betrayed you. Cheated on you to be clear. He tried his best to get your attention but your attention always ended up with Oikawa as he always held your hand while the other team was discussing a strategy. And he always patted your head once he was gonna go play again.

You noticed his fan girls whispering about you but you didn't mind it since you were kinda used to it because of school. You never really knew what it was like to have a girl best friend since you were mostly close to boys because of Kunimi and thats another reason why people gossiped about you in school.


The match has ended with again your team winning. As you thought Aoba Johsai wasn't easy with Karasuno after losing a set. 'you should give hand out the water bottles' the coach suggests you nod with a smile on you face. The boys were celebrating hugging eachother, jumping around, crying out of joy. They finally lost energy from celebrating and they finally went your way to get refreshments. One to Kindaichi, one to Oikawa and one to... Your smile disappeared and your eyes turned dead. You gave kunimi the water bottle and went to give the others the remaining water bottles.

Kunimi clenched his fists out of regret. You had no one now. You didn't know what Oikawa was to you anymore didn't really matter now but you had to keep your smile and energy you smiled at everyone. Forcing it. Kunimi knew your heart was pierced multiple times now and its about to break soon. Oikawa hugged you. Which kinda scared you cause of your past.

The game had ended with the other team losing. You were really happy your school team won so out of excitement you ran towards Oikawa and gave him a hug. Kunimi didn't notice it since he was talking to Kindaichi. You didn't really think much of what you did.

A blush spread across your face as Oikawa was surprised for you sudden movement. He pushed you away.

Oikawa had pushed you away.

You sighed in relief now that he's settled things. 'I love you, Y/n' he signed. Wtf he new sign language!? You jump out of shock he knew sign language. He scratched the back of his head as an apology he didn't tell you about it.


The boys bow 90° style and you feel the air vibrate as they shout. "Thank you for watching!" The audience claps and Oikawa back hugs you while you were helping the manager pack the drinks you blushed and let him be. You noticed kunimi in the corner of your eye. He was furious and jealous. His im guessing girlfriend tries to calm him down and actually succeeds.

She kisses his forehead which threw another pin at your heart finally making it break. Oikawa notices your sudden stop of movement 'are you okay y/n?' he signs to you but you didn't notice and you kept staring at Kunimi with your dead eyes which were still filling up with tears.

Your eyes get covered by Oikawa's hands which snapped you out of your thoughts. He took his hand of and looked at you pouting. 'let go of him he's just gonna forget about you like everyone else did. Except me i never forgot bout you.' he signs with a warm smile which made your tears stream down with a smile he pulled you in to his chest and hugged you. Again. The warm touch you were needing for was there.