Shingi looked at all the Skill houses and Manors of his Inner Space for clues about the remaining two requirements. Unfortunately, he found none in the Skills, so he decided to check the inner buildings of the Spells.
The Spell Buildings worked differently than the Skill ones. There weren't any clues on how to raise a Spells Grade, only how to complete it if it was unfinished, but the clues were tough to detect. So Shingi was checking his Spell buildings only if he had no ideas left to try.
There were still no clues in the spells, meaning that the two final requirements weren't a Skill or a Spell, or he had to learn something he hadn't.
There was another case. The tattoo could be a sign of succeeding on the requirement instead of telling him it was a requirement. His MANA MANIPULATION and MANA SENSE Skill were both at Master Rank, so if they were still unfinished requirements, he had to rank them up to Grandmaster.