Chapter 3 - Chapter Three

Minutes later; she heard her mother and Bob yelling at each other…about her. Things got silent for a minute but then a loud slam echoed through the house. Melanie took it as her mother and Bob had gotten into a fight and he left or her mother made him leave.

Then immediately she heard feet stomping up the stairs followed by her mother's bedroom door slamming shut. Melanie let out a loud groan and flopped onto the bed with her eyes shut tight, "Everything is going to be alright. The pain is only temporary", she said trying to encourage herself, "Just smile kiddo…. just smile…" Melanie whispered before she picked up her music player, put on her headphones, and lost herself in the music, drowning out the world and all of its problems.

When the next day arrives, Melanie wishes she could stay asleep. Sighing, she rises and opens her tired eyes. Not remembering going to bed the previous night, she soon realizes she must have fell asleep crying once again. As she was thinking on life��s problems, her thoughts were interrupted by her stomach growling which signaled she needed food immediately. That was one request she was surely happy to fulfill. A sigh leaves her mouth as she lazily walked downstairs and onto the cool, kitchen floor tile. She was about to open the refrigerator door when she was stopped by a picture on the wall of she and her family when Melanie was 4. They were in a park and Melanie was on her daddy's shoulders and she had her hands in his silky brown hair. Her mother had her arms wrapped around her father's waist and her lips on his cheek. She never looked so happy in her life. The perfect family photo you could almost say. If only her life was perfect as that photo looked Melanie thought to herself.

"I love that photo too."

Melanie's head shot around to meet her mother's dark green eyes also staring at the photo in adoration, "I miss those times so much honey…. You have no idea. I miss your father too." Linda mumbled the last part.

"What happened mom?" Melanie asked, "Why did dad leave? I thought we were happy."

Tears cascaded down Linda's cheek but she quickly wiped them away, "None of your concern." Her mother simply stated. But Melanie didn't like that answer, "Mom, that's not fair! What-" Melanie was cut off by her now irritated mother, "MELANIE….I said none...of YOUR concern. Now drop it." Linda rudely spat at her daughter.

Having enough of this conversation already, Melanie grabbed a bottle of juice and some crackers and made her way upstairs but she was stopped by her mother's voice, "Don't get mad missy, you need to mind your own business sometimes. Learn to keep your mouth shut. Geez, maybe he left because of you!!! Sometimes I wonder why I even keep you here." Linda suddenly spat at her daughter. She didn't mean it though; old feelings came up and she took it out on her. Melanie turned around with nothing but disgust written on her face, "You know what's the worst thing to ever happen to me? Having to wake up in the morning and know I was still living. So, do not rub it in. You know what mom," Melanie dryly chuckled, "I hate you." Tears ran down Melanie's cheeks as she stomped upstairs and locked her bedroom door leaving her mom in total shock and regret.

Melanie was currently scrolling through her phone about to get ready for bed when her mother came in the door sniffling. She made eye contact with her mother for a few seconds before turning her gaze to her feet and she began to play with her hands, suddenly feeling nervous. Although some may say Linda deserved what her daughter told her, Melanie regretted telling her mother that she hated her, because she doesn't. She's just hurt at the way her mother treats her.

Her mother sighed deeply and began to speak, "Sweetie…I'm so sorry. I deserved everything you said to me earlier. I shouldn't have snapped off at you like that. You deserve to know…b-but I can't tell you yet. It brings up too many emotions." Linda said.

Melanie then turned to face her mother and said, "We should just leave it alone for now." Melanie sighs, "And I'm sorry for saying I hate you. That part I didn't mean." she said looking at her mother with sorrow. Her mother nodded and wiped away a sneaky tear and just hugged her daughter, "We'll get through this Mel. I'll get better. I promise."

It was around 1:00pm the next day and Melanie is currently at school and already dreaming about the weekend. She put in her hair extensions this morning for fullness so she could hide her bruised face in it. She put makeup on, but the bruises were still kind of noticeable. Luckily, she only had two more hours and she is free of this place. She currently was in her Spanish class; her teacher is Mrs. Rosita. Melanie is a C+, B- in Spanish, but she is getting better. As Mrs. Rosita is writing something on the broad, the door opens to reveal a chocolate brown, African American boy coming through the door. Melanie's eyes stuck to him like glue... He had plump lips, thick eyebrows, perfect teeth, diamond stud earrings, and he looked friendly. He had on a red, short sleeve t-shirt that said, "OBEY" in black letters and it showed his muscles perfectly. Along with it black skinny jeans and red sneakers to match the t-shirt. All the girls were staring at him and the guys just said a simple, "wassup".

"Why hello," Mrs. Rosita said, "you must be the new student Nick! I'm Mrs. Rosita and you can take a seat right next to Melanie." Mrs. Rosita said pointing to the empty seat next to Melanie. Nick nodded and sat next to her, "Hey what's up?" Nick smiled.

Melanie nervously waved and replied, "H-hi!"

Nick chuckled and looked back ahead to the board.

Mrs. Rosita wrote on the chalk broad: Mia le pidió a su hermana el significado de la reproducción. The teacher turned around and asked the class if anyone knows what that says. Since no one answered the teacher called on Melanie

"Um… I-I think it says Mia asked her sister what does reproduction mean...?" Melanie spoke in an unsure manner.

"Yes, yes, very good Senorita Melanie!" Mrs. Rosita said and continued with her lesson, but Melanie's heard not a word. The teenage girl was too occupied with the non-stop fighting and blabbering of her distressed mind.

Melanie smiled brightly at her peers who waved at her while passing by in the hall, some stopping to chit-chat with the bubbly girl. Not too many people disliked Melanie, she just keeps to herself, so she didn't have friends. While at her locker putting her things away, someone bumped into her. She turned around to see Christina with a smirk on her face. She fakes a gasp and faintly put her hand over her heart, "Oh Melanie, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there! I had a dream last night that you died and I hoped it was real." Christina said laughing and her little crew laughed with her. Melanie rolled her eyes then smiled, "I had a dream last night too… Your mouth was taped shut. Oh well." Melanie shrugged still smiling at the end.

Christina balled her fist up and crossed them over her chest, "Why are you always cheerful? Regardless of what happens, you continue to smile." Christina huffed.

Melanie shrugged at her question, "Why do you find pleasure in making others miserable? And to answer your question, light scares away the dark."

Christina rolled her eyes, "You annoy me." She spat. "And what happened to your face anyway?" Christina asked looking at her in awe.

"None of your business!" Melanie spat, immediately becoming defensive.

Christina pushed Melanie against the locker and smirked, "Watch your mouth Acuff." She said before pushing herself away from Melanie.

"Let's go girls." Christina said as she and her crew flipped their hair and laughed their way out of school. Melanie took a deep breath before shaking her head and going back to what she was doing. She thought about how close she and Christina used to be. Well, that was until 9th grade came and Christina started making new friends, and her new friends weren't the best influence on her. Soon she started bullying her old friends for no reason and Melanie felt alone again. All of Melanie's other friends either used her or got tired of her, same with her boyfriends. So when Christina left, Melanie was heartbroken.

Just as her mind was thinking through memories of her and Christina, the new kid Nick came right next to Melanie and opened up a locker:

His locker is next to mine? That's nice I guess…

Her thoughts of Nick were interrupted by him speaking, "Hey you're Melanie, right?" Nick asks her politely.

She nods her head and smiles and was actually surprised he talked to her, "Uh yeah! Are you new to New jersey, Or just new to this school??" Melanie responds, laughing how it rhymed.

"I'm new to New Jersey. My mom and dad separated and my mom took my sister and I and moved here. We were in Maryland at first…" Nick replies with a hint of sadness in his voice.

Melanie gives him a caring smile, "I'm sorry to hear that… My dad left when I was 6, so it's just me and my mom." She replies telling him a little bit about her also.

Nick's eyes widen at her reply, "Oh wow. That must be tough… Sorry to hear about that." Nick replied.

Melanie shakes her head and smiles, "Oh don't feel sorry for me, but thank you."

"Hey are you alright? Your face is kind of…bruised." He chuckled nervously.

Biting her lip nervously, "Oh…um, yeah! I'm totally fine! Just play fighting with my friends." Melanie mumbled.

Nick just nodded his head ok even though he was kind of unsure.

Melanie and Nick continued to talk for a while not knowing they were being watched.

"You have a beautiful smile." Nick complimented her.

She hid her face and blushed bright red, "Thank you." She said barely above a whisper.

Nick smiles and checks his watch, "I'll see you around? My mom wants me home by 5 because we're going to my cousin's house for dinner, which I must say I can't stand. My cousin Steve always eats all the food and blames it on me." Nick stated rolling his eyes.

Melanie giggled at his comment, "Ok, I'll see you later. I gotta go too anyway."

Melanie and Nick said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.

As Nick was on his way home he couldn't get Melanie out of his mind. He thought she was absolutely beautiful.

As Melanie was walking up the sidewalk she was thinking about him also until her boyfriend's car appeared out of nowhere and rolled his windows down with a stern look on his face. She wonders how he always knew where she was.

"Who was that guy you were talking to at your school Melanie?" Robert asked her in an unreadable tone of voice.

Melanie's mouth almost dropped to the floor. It wasn't because she was doing anything, but she thought this was crazy. First, he always knows where she is, now he knows who she's talking with. Robert was in a popular college across town. It's not like he had time to follow her. Plus, Robert usually calls her around 3:30-4:00. He doesn't pick her up out of the blue….

"How did you know I was talking to him Robby?" Melanie asks curious.

"That's not important right now. What's important is that you answer my question." Robert said while his voice was rising. What Melanie doesn't know is that Robert is getting some inside information from an unexpected source, but we'll learn about that later on. "Um, he's a new guy at my school and his locker is next to mine...that's it. He just told me why he's here, where he's from, you know, simple stuff like that." Melanie replies calmly.

Although she told the complete truth without showing any sign of lying, Robert still was very unhappy.

"Baby, it's not that I don't believe you, but you know I told you DO NOT talk to other males. It makes me think you ARE trying to go behind my back. Come get in the car." Robert says in a dominant tone of voice.

Fear hits Melanie instantly, "Honey please I-" Melanie doesn't get to finish because Robert interrupted her," Mel, don't make me any angrier. You're already in trouble." He says in a warning voice.

Melanie sighs and starts walking to his car, not wanting to make things worse for herself.

When Melanie gets into the car and shuts the door she immediately starts defending herself and Robert starts to drive off, "Baby please listen. You know I love you right? I was just talking to him. Like your friend Lindsey you tell me about. I've never met her, but it sounds like you two are good friends…." Melanie says calmly.

Melanie notices that Robert tensed at the mention of his friend Lindsey's name, but why did he though?

"You and that guy are different Mel." Robert simply says as he starts back driving.

Melanie started to get really offended. She turned around slightly in her seat and began to talk while raising her voice, "DIFFERENT, different in what way Robert? Look I can talk to whoever I want to and you can't-" Melanie's rant is cut short by Robert's hands instantly connecting with her cheek sending Melanie's head flying into the car window.