Shit, shit, SHIT. What the hell is happening? I manage to restart my computer which fixed it a little but when I looked through my computer, all my stuff was gone. Everything I had saved on there just disapeared. Damn it, Jericho better get here quick. Immediately after I said that I can hear two knocks on my bedroom door. Initially I thought it was my mom, as Jericho would have usaully texted me before hand that she had arrived, yet when I opened the door there in front of me was non other than Jericho. I was some what annoyed with her for being late and for bring Mari along but mostly relieved...
"Good you're here. Come in."
I might have sounded super paranoid but I don't care. With no warning I yanked Jericho inside the room and sat her down at my desk. I told Mari to close the door so that no one could bother us...
"So can you explain the reasoning of that alarming message you sent me?" asked Jer