I wake up to the smell of bacon being cooked so I get up and put my robe on and head downstairs to where the smell of the bacon is coming from when I reach the kitchen I see Antonio cooking and the rest of the pack sitting the table waiting for the rest of the food as I walk in Nick says I can sit next to him as I take my seat Jeremy asks me what I like to do in my spare time I tell him that I love to draw, paint, dance, sing, play guitar and work out. I ask Jeremy what he likes to do for fun and he tells me that he likes to paint too I ask him I'm I seen any of his work in many galleries and he tells me maybe. I turn and ask clay what he likes to do for and he tells me that he likes to play guitar, next I ask Elena what she likes to do for and she tells me that she like photography, then I ask nick, and all he says that he doesn't really have anything he likes to do for fun when Antonio turns around and says that Nick loves to sing and dance and that's he's very good so I tell Nick that he has to show me what he's got so he stands up from his seat and asks if I would like to dance I tell him I would love Elena puts on some music and nick starts dancing I just stand there and laugh at how funny he looks when he dances he hears me laughing and asks if I can do any better I tell him that I can and he says prove so I grab my phone and put on one of my favorite songs and start dancing when I finished the whole pack is staring at me Jeremy asks me where I learned to dance and I tell him that my mother signed me up for dance lessons when I was 5 and I've been dancing ever since. He tells that he wishes that he would've known because he would've been at every dance recital I tell him that's it's fine. He says maybe we can paint something together sometime. I tell him that it says like fun. Next thing I know Antonio puts a plate of bacon on the table and everyone puts some on their plates but don't start eating until Jeremy gives them permission to. When he does give permission we all dig into our food I can't believe how hungry I am.