Chereads / JEAN / Chapter 4 - Chapter Four

Chapter 4 - Chapter Four

A day after, early in the morning. There was an incessant breeze in the kingdom of Woyoe. Most of the inhabitants were still indoor as well as the palace denizen. The breeze held massive sand, more or less like a typhoon. Traders who were already at the market putting in order their goods began to run hither thither. Goods mosey in the air. Doors grappled to do away with their rack. Many eyes couldn't see due to the sandstorm which was held by the breeze. Those who were leaving for work had to retreat to their domicile. The traders who arrived ahead of time mourned for loses chiefly the silk merchandisers as their silks came to be a kite in the sky. Traders who made hut around their emporium, all the hut dispelled. The huts even made the catastrophe worse, it couldn't let the traders leased their goods, the sticks in the huts jiggled in the air and it could penetrate their eyes. Those who were at the market with their kids had to make sure they shielded them. Some couldn't find their children. Traders who negotiated their goods on credit with the urge to reimburse later from the sale of the goods, they lost hope as many hands scrub the head in lament and running after their dispelled goods. Some emporium that was closed up that didn't have sturdy foundation were deracinated and extirpated. People were maimed in the process of the scramble for their flown goods. Traders were losing their composure and were left tensed due to the lost that had emerged.

"My kids, my goods", sobbed the traders.

Tears gushing out of their eyes like river Mississippi. Majority of the traders hadn't arrived at the market if not it would have been worst. Had it been more traders had arrived, numerous lives would have been lost because there wouldn't be vacuum due to the congestion of the market if all legs were present. Traders who were on gown made efforts to hold the bottom of their gown and picking their dispelled goods concurrently. Men who had their caps on had to remove it except those with rope. The inhabitants who were still at their respective domiciled had to remain indoor and lock up. Traders who just arrived when the breeze began had to retreat to their domiciles. The young-beautiful ladies who were heading to the stream to fetch some water also retreated home including those who were on their way to fetch firewood. It became survival of the fittest for those who were en route. Those who were already at the farm underwent a lot because there wasn't any safe spot where they could hide. Those who fed on daily income would sleep on an empty stomach. Many eyes were peeping through the windows as the breeze was enacting. Diverse thought had succeeded through the psyche of the inhabitants. All the specks of dirt had been compressed by the breeze to different spots which had littered the whole kingdom. Some window shroud had been dislodged by the breeze. The huts that were made with strong trees shook as they were resisting the turbulent breeze.

In the palace, everyone leg was at the corridor. Majority of them were looking at the sky thinking in their psyche what could have been the cause of the incessant-heavy breeze. The king was also at the upper corridor of the palace. His gown was blowing seriously yet he didn't care. Those in the palace couldn't feel the sandstorm held by the breeze because the palace corridors were way elevated above the ground. Before they could reach the corridor, they would have to waddle the lengthy stair. All the maids were also at one side of the corridor as they had made sure things were in place and had covered all the windows. The first Queen joined the king and the prime minister who stood with their eyes half-closed peeking at the sky. The colour of the cloud began to change.

" What's happening?", chorused the first Queen and the king facing the prime minister.

The prime minister was also short of words. He struggled to think of what might have caused it. He had no idea. Other ministers who were at the palace at that moment were also with the king. The prime minister didn't know the response he could give because it would be impolite not to exude an opinion to the Queen and the King's question. The king didn't do as if he noticed the Queen's presence, he was carried away by the heavy-breeze. The Queen noticed he didn't peek at her. The Queen looked at him and peeked away forthwith. Despite the breeze raising the bottom of all their gown the king didn't bother holding it because he wore long trousers as underwear. The Queen was assisted by the maids who were with her. The prime minister who was an old man with grey hair all over his faces and head, the breeze didn't allow his hairs to stay put. The king was thinking in his psyche what the people in the towns would have been going through chiefly the impoverished who had to flee their respective homes early in the morning to hunt for their daily feeds. After many hours, the king refused to leave until he saw the deadlock of the breeze. Others who were with the king decided to also stay. The breeze was reducing. Every that was up in the sky soaring began to come down. The sky that was darkened also regained its usual atmospheric condition. The face of the day was crowned.

The king was about to take exit and head into his room. He saw the priestess and the new prince shrouded with a white-royal fabric. The priestess had long grey hair that reached her bum. Her face was very smooth some did say it was because she was the messenger of the gods. She walked casually towards the direction the king and others were stood. The priestess was a slow walker. On his left hand was a petty-white rod. She was an average age and height woman. She was chosen by the gods in her early twenties and had been presiding over the temple activities for the past decade. Behind her were the temple guards who were dressed in white with their white swords held on the left hand. The nurses were also behind her carrying the new prince.

When the first Queen saw them, she wasn't comfortable chiefly when she saw the king chuckling. She wanted the king to be infuriated towards the second Queen for her to have given birth to a dwarf. She squeezed her faces like someone who chomped bitter leaf. He was peeking at everyone's face. She knew she was the only one that seemed furious. She began to demonstrate a loath snicker when the priestess was about to catch up with them.

"His Majesty, We have to talk in the temple", said the priestess and led the way towards the temple demonstrating with her hand to the nurse to extend the new prince to one of the young ladies who were behind her.

The king seemed indifference. The Queen wish she could come after the king but she couldn't, only if she was authorized. The king began to think in his psyche what the priestess might have to declare. The king was erroneously leading the way to his room when he changed direction and head towards the temple. Others who stood at the corridor with him went to their respective domicile.