Chereads / when Kevin loves / Chapter 13 - The party

Chapter 13 - The party

I heard them talking about the party, but I had to find a way to get invited.

Being unknown in college can tend to have some consequences to it, for example being excluded from social gathering like parties e.t.c .

I wasn't known, but I had to find a way to get invited. And the perfect opportunity presented itself right at my doorstep literally.

Hey!  Kevin, have you heard" James one of the royals ones is hosting a party at his parents beach house, said Brandon my roommate.

Yeah, but I wasn't invited so....

Well I was, said Brandon" it's going to be crazy.

Wait a minute, you were invited. How that hell was that possible.

Well I got a friend who knows a friend and he owes me so....., I asked him if he could hook me up.

Think you can ring him up for another invite, I asked.

I could, but why "I thought you didn't like all these useless social stupidity, Brandon said.

Just please get me the invite, I'll owe you one.

No probs just give a few hours, I'll see what I can do, but don't hope much though. My friend tends to fuck up sometimes.

Deep in my heart I was hoping I didn't come off as desperate to Brandon, or else he would have started suspecting that something was up with me.

I decided to pick out some clothes for the party, why waiting for the feedback from Brandon.

It was almost 7:00pm when Brandon called me and told me that my request came through and to get ready that he was coming to pick me up.

It was a huge relief for me, because I was beginning to think that I would have to sneak in.

I put on my black shirt and jeans with some white sneakers and waited.

Not up to 15 minutes Brandon came over and I joined him and his supposed friend to get to the venue.

While in the car, I was simulating how the conversation would go, perhaps when I tell her who I was she would return to her senses and remember who she loved.

I had gone through a lot for her and because of her "my expulsion, my getting sent away, getting raped by a gay asshole, my greatest secret, me getting expelled from mission school, my getting sent to a military school my parents divorce, the second greatest secret.

After going through all that for her surely she must understand how much I love her.