102 Days:
It's been 102 days since we've been in this stupid warehouse and I'm growing sick of it. We haven't heard from the president, which is particularly unusual because she usually responds quite quickly. The guards finally took the gags out of our mouths after a week of being stuck here so we could talk among ourselves. They allow us to change our clothes and they feed us. But as soon as we finish, they put the rope back on our wrist. They make sure we can't escape by putting the girl guards in while we change and they took away all our weapons but we hid our watches so they couldn't take them. The general of the german army walks into the room. "Hello girls," She says. We nod at her. "I understand that you are spies for the US," She says again. I raise an eyebrow. "Actually we aren't. We were visiting our parents in the US. We live in Germany, ma'am." I say. She nods slowly. "What are your names?" She asks us. This time Skylar speaks up, "I'm Emilia," Then Sophia speaks up, "I'm Lillie," Then I speak, "I'm Emma" She nods again. "Well girls, I'm Lorelei," She says. "I know that you are lying to me and you are going to tell me the truth," She says. My blood starts to boil. "Möchtest du es nicht Wissen?" I snap. Both Skylar and Sophia turn their head to me, with their eyes wide. I sigh. "Sorry," I say. Her eyebrows are raised and I can tell she's mad. Her eyes narrow. "Ich sage, ich frage kein Kleines Mädchen, also sag mir, was ich wissen will!" She says back to me. 'Oh really?' I think as I look at my nails and pretend to clean under them. "Das Wichtigste zuerst, ich bin kein kleines Mädchen. Zweitens fordern Sie nicht, Weil Sie uns entführt haben und wir die Informationen kennen, die Sie wissen möchten. Ich Schlage vor, Sie ändern Ihre Einstellung." I say my voice ice cold. She sighs and walks up to me putting her face close to mine. "Ich werde dich so nennen, wie ich will, kleines Mädchen, und du vergisst eine wichtige Sache." She says. I look up. "und das ist?" I ask. She smirks. "dass ich dich und Deine Freunde Leicht töten kann," she says obviously feeling smart. "und Wenn Sie das tun, werden Sie Ihre Antworten nicht bekommen. Was nützt das?" I say smirking right back. "es würde die Welt von Smart-Aleck-Mädchen wie dir befreien." She says, getting out of my face. I roll my eyes. "Sie wissen, dass Sie Ihre Zähne Wirklich Mehr putzen sollten," I say. Sophia and Skylar's mouths drop open and Lorelei turns around practically seething. "Entschuldigen Sie?" She asks. "Du hast mich verstanden," I say. She grabs one of the guns but one of the guards puts their hand on her shoulder and tells her to calm down in german. Lorelei takes a deep breath and puts the gun down. Then she walks out of the room.