"We live in a world with monsters. beings that..." The teacher's words continued... long, babbling words that Sel could not begin to follow.
Slowly, her mind drifted to a memory of the early days at school.
Primary school, to be precise. Those first, joyful weeks, when pupils wake up their parents in the morning to finally come back to the classroom.
And on just such a day, a teacher found herself in the subject of Inmati, the monsters around which in the course of history Myths and tales ran about.
However, a new student had Sel attention, as she noticed the red hair of this intensity and brightness no one could miss. Selena, with her simple, brown hair, was filled typical childish envy. Not at least by a bow, so artfully laced, which decorated the head of the new pupil even further.
But the day was not remembered by Selena because of the ribbon... at least not completely.
As I said, even then the teacher spoke of the Inmati ... or as she later said, monsters. Words that were often equated.
But something moved the new girl to protest: "Not all Inmati are monsters!
Selena had not expected such open protest from a new girl. The teacher apparently didn't either, or at least her look made it appear so. She called the Girl forward, which already broke into sweat and tears on the way, but the teacher asked her to illustrate her statement... illustrate, Selena knew
at that time not even what that meant. Neither did the new one, which stammered helplessly. Selena was imagining herself, that the beautiful ribbon on the head started to smoke. The insecure one turned visibly red, but it was only when she burst into tears that her hair went up in flames, the bow actually evaporated.
The heat must have been enormous, as even the so innocent Selena felt the dryness in her eyes.
Many children, especially those in the front row, jumped up and ran in panic to the back of the room, "Away from the monster".
A thought that was stuck in the mind of an ignorant Sel, but also the reaction of the teacher. She was very calm, her gaze went to a point in the upper, back corner of the room... to a camera, as it turned out later.
The next memory Sel has is of people in equipment storming the room, taking the girl and disappearing. It felt unreal. No fight, no marks, no blood, only the memory. Days later Selene learned that her rescuer was the 'Shield of reason". The official
body to shield people from all the monsters and unnatural things that threatened them.
It was that day that formed Selena's wish for the future. From then on, she called herself Sel, wore her hair short, did more sports with her father. All to become a soldier
of the shield to be able to protect people. The fact that she dyed her hair blond shortly before entering the shield had other reasons ...
But now the other teacher was suddenly standing before blonde Sel: "Miss Munfru, I asked you a question? The voice insistent and piquant. Redness rose in the face of the person addressed, she immediately stood up, as was the custom at the Academy of reason: "Excuse me Madam! I was dreaming." The teacher with bun, glasses and skirt, who behaved like a teacher of horror from a bad novel snorted carelessly. Sel took this as a sign to sit down.
If she didn't knew otherwise, she would have thought T05G was human. Of course, a human scaredy-cat, but just human.
But in fact, this woman was a robot of the fifth "teacher" generation, set up to teach history in an unemotional, objective way.
That's how Sel liked it. After all, the Inmati also had to be treated in an unemotional and objective way. Remove them before a human could be harmed.