|Today was supposed to be a good day, me ending up in another world does not count as a good day.|
Mary Jones should be in her bed on her laptop reading some manga and watching YouTube videos or maybe even helping her poor mum around the house considering that Christmas holidays had just begun. Mary Jones should be at home, defiantly not wherever in the Seven Hells she is now. Seriously, how did she get even get into this situation?
Said situation being the young Australian girl running for her life from a giant fish with a head of tiger chasing after her. Mary would have wondered how it was somehow on land and flying if it wasn't for the fact it was a giant fucking fish with a tiger head of all things, what the hell?! As the tiger-fish-thing continued chasing after her and slowly but surely catching up to the girl her foot snagged something on the ground and sent her flying face-first into some dirt. Groaning, she quickly got up and continued running,
"This is absolute BULLSHIT!"
Unfortunately, no, Mary's day did not start off with her being chased around by some weird ass creature. Mary's day started like any normal teenagers' day, slowly and painfully thanks to her trusty alarm clock on her phone. As soon as the buzzing from her alarm clock reached her from the depths of her dreams, Mary was ready to commit genocide. Moaning, the young girl rolled over in bed and tried muffling the sound of her alarm clock with a pillow. Groaning, she slowly sat up and blearily looked down at her phone with the numbers 8:55am. Seeing the time Mary blinked slowly, "Oh, I'm going to be late." Blinking, she looked around her room, "Well that sucks."
Sighing heavily, Mary got out of bed and shuffled towards her dresser for some clothes. Normally she would have to be forced to wear the god-awful school uniform but since today was the last day of school before the Christmas holidays she could wear whatever she wants. Yawning, she grabbed some random clothes hoping they don't look ridiculous together, and shuffled towards the bathroom. After a good ten minutes of wasting away her life in the shower, the young girl finally got out and slipped on the clothes she grabbed. As soon as she saw the full outfit she paused, "My God, I look like a weeb." Frowning, Mary smoothed down the glaring face of Levi from Attack on Titan and hummed, "Eh, It's not that bad."
After realising that, yes, she is late, Mary finally hurried up and grabbed her bag alongside some random croissant from the fridge to eat and hurried out of the house mentally thanking her mother for choosing a house that is only five minutes away from school. Biting into her cold croissant, Mary went around the street corner and froze in her tracks with the croissant still in her mouth. Sitting in front of Mary was a fox looking up at her looking far to calm for a wild animal, she'd assume it was someone's pet if having a fox as a pet wasn't illegal... well people are stupid- so, who knows?
Now a bit confused she looked down at the fox, who seemed weirdly calm, and froze when she made eye contact with the fox. You see, when Mary looked into the eyes of the fox, she was expecting fox eyes you know? Not human eyes, defiantly not human eyes.
A muffled "What the fuck?" could be heard from Mary and she spoke through her croissant looking down at the- uh, fox? As soon as those words left her mouth the fox's ears tipped backward and the fox yipped. This would have been normal if it were not for the fact that the floor underneath Mary's feet was not there anymore, or anything really. As soon as the yip left the foxes snout everything just faded away for the young girl, there was no ground, no surroundings, no wind... just nothing. As quickly as everything disappeared it was just as quick to reappear. Mary would have been relieved that everything was back to normal if it weren't for the fact that she was not on the sidewalk anymore but in some weird empty field next to a lake. Oh, the sky was also purple, great.
After Mary came back to her senses and realised that, yeah, she is in a weird field with a purple sky, she immediately started choking on her poor croissant. After a few moments, she finally got the croissant out of her throat and air back into her lungs. Breathing a bit heavily, she looked around and froze in terror when she noticed something shifting out of the lake. Mary could only watch in shock as a large tiger head seemed to slowly rise out of the lake. Her eyes widened as she saw that the tigers head was attached to a fish's body...
"What the fuck?"