A week had now passed. The following Friday it was 12.00 midnight. I began to feel Elijah presence with her in the room as I went off to bed.
I was looking into the mirror combing my long dark hair. I felt Elijah's presence in the room with me. He came up from behind and stroked my hair and he was wanting to get close. up behind me. I turned around and he came close to begin passionately kissing me. But I felt spooked by him and I pulled away. I just wanted to go to bed and get some sleep.
The next day I was visiting my mum Anne. I told her I felt Elijah's presence when I was up 12.00. I was told 12.00 is the withing hour and I should be in bed at that hour. A very spooky time.
The next day Mum was at my house on a Sunday afternoon. She went out into the garden and noticed Elijah in the clouds looking down at her. She then went upstairs to tell me what she saw.
I then went into the back bedroom with her my mum to look out of the window. My mum pointed out to a strange ghostly white figure that was moving around at the window of a disused warehouse.
Anne pointed out it was definitely Elijah coming to see me. Who else would it be?
The white figure didn't stay around at the window for long though. It would regularly come and go. I really hoped that he would have now crossed over to the other side and now be in heaven.
Three weeks had now passed. Me and mum and my pet poodle Diamond who is also psychic. Had flown out to America to meet with Elijah's family.
His family were nice and welcoming towards me. They gave me, my mother and Diamond and Ann rooms to stay in for the next two weeks. Diamond and my goldfish that Elijah got me to look after stayed in the room with me.
The day before his funeral I stood to look at laying in his casket. Elijah was dressed in gold. His parents and his older brother a solo singer called Nigel Badura and his wife Holly were present.
I could feel Elijah's presence with me all day on the day of the funeral. most of the day. I got in the car with mum and I felt Elijah sitting next to me holding my hand. He was attending his own funeral with me.
I regularly spoke to Elijah though my mind. He was always telling me he loved me and doesn't want to leave me. Elijah was popular with everyone and loved with everyone. It was sad when he was tragically killed at only twenty-seven. And I a widow aged twenty-five.
After the next two weeks had passed. I was back at home in Ireland. I would stay in her room in her dressing and going though Elijah's belongings. I was planning on keeping his belongings.
Lucy went downstairs to feed and stroke her pet poodle Diamond and feed her goldfish.
'It's just you and me now girl' I told Diamond as I stroked her.
'Elijah' 'Please tell me you have crossed to the other side' I asked Elijah feeling concerned.
'I have Lucy' I can come and visit you' 'I love you Lucy' Elijah would tell me.
Sometimes I got scared with the image of Elijah. He appeared to me one time though my lamp when I was struggling to sleep. I would see his face in the walls, In the carpet and in the sky. Even in my dreams.
I wasn't totally sure if he did pass on into the light, But I wish he would instead of hanging around me at all times. But I soon excepted he wanted to stay with me He'd help me find my stuff and valuable's around the house that I couldn't find. Sometimes he played tricks on me.
For instances he would take my new toothbrush and replace it in my draw with my old one.
He was such a funny guy and made me laugh when they were married.
Now that he was a ghost he began busting in on me in the bathroom appearing as the Michelin man from Ghostbusters.
I would even see Elijah's eye lashes opening and closing in her breakfast bowl when I was pouring the milk in my bowl of cereal one morning . He was still creative even in his death.
Elijah was keen to talk to me. Though I was in shock about what had happened. 'Elijah didn't want to cross over. He was very sad about what happened.
'Elijah was your death an accident?'
'Yes' Elijah replied. 'I am sorry Lucy' I was driving to my apartment in Paris one morning without my sight-seeing glasses on' 'Im so sorry Lucy' 'I should of put my glasses on'
'Elijah' 'Your an Idiot' I told him.
'I know Lucy' Elijah sadly replied to me.
It was a dark place I was in when he passed. My life came to a complete standstill for a longtime. Maybe I shouldn't have drifted away from my psychic path at this time. But when Elijah passed it changed everything. He didn't want me drifting away from it.
A little cherub came to visit me just after Elijah had passed. I'd see his image one time on the bathroom door and a few times in the clouds. As a child, I'd see images of people in the clouds.
I saw a young girl in the clouds a few months before Elijah had passed. Elijah had traveled to London with his band at that time. The girl had long blonde hair and she was about eight years old. She was smiling and looking happy. But then her mood changed, She looked really angry like she was looking side to side screaming her head off. I don't know who this girl is as I've never connected with her.
A child in the clouds throwing a tantrum. She is like my mum's neighbour Freda, who has always been screaming her head off. Elijah often named her Freda Payne. After the singer. The neighbour Freda who I'd known all my life. I'd always hear hear load voice so often the whole street knows her. I told Elijah he sounded like Freda when he would sing in some of his songs. He would laugh at that.