When I opens the trunk there was only one thing in it a book with a paw I it the title said wolf of life. I grabbed the book and ran out the door just before Grandma came in the house . I snuck the book under my bed before she came in . She asked me if my day was okay while she was at the store and while we were talking I never once mention of me going to the attic and of the book....
As day turned to night I opened the book the first page had what looked like a family tree of people in my family their were people I did not even know some still a live I also found out that there was 2 celebrities in my family still alive ...
But did they know of a secret that I did not I wished that I could solve this mystery but I did no know where to start or if this secret was so dangerous that I could die who know?
Would be worth my life I felt frustrated that thought that steam was coming out of my ears and I did not like it of only I know..