Rose and Mary raise their eyebrows, intrigued. Lee and Tim relax their muscles and look at each other, confused. Pars puts her hands behind her head and thinks for a second before speaking, "huh?"
The tall general continues, "we were sent here...we think. To ...acquire something. Right? But we... don't remember what...or why...or where it is…"
The mustached general harrumphs in disagreement. The squeaky one looks at him and says, "do not start this again!" The mustached general hurriedly exclaims, "if I've said it once, I've said it four dozen times! We were sent to start a war! These villagers have something and they are hiding it! We all know it! I think…"
The fat general remarks, "what could a bunch of podunk villagers possibly have that we would go to this effort for?"
The mustached one nods in agreement. The tall one shakes his head in disagreement and the one squeaky one throws his hands in the air in outrage as they begin fighting amongst themselves again.
The teens look at each other bewildered. Unsurprisingly, Tim snaps again and yells, "who the hell's ass do we have to kick to get you to leave our village alone!?"
The generals stop their squabble and look at Tim in disbelief. Rose shakes her head in shame, Pars and Lee get in fighting stances shaking their fists like they are about to have a bout of fisticuffs. Mary speaks up before the fighting starts, "what my brawny friend is trying to say is, how do we make you stop attacking us?"