Chereads / Mafia's Favourite Girl / Chapter 22 - Party Time!

Chapter 22 - Party Time!

Austin: How much long are you going to take to put on a dress?

Melanie: Just a second. Gosh can't you wait a little it was kinda hard to put on the mini skirt. Anyways how's my hair?

Owen: It looks perfect girl let's go and PARTYYY.

Melanie: WOW! This club really is beautiful.

Owen: I know right. First round of shots on me.

Melanie: YAYYY!!! Let's Party.


Camila: Its time for Stephen's and Lucas's medicine. Tia Has Lucas woken up?

Tia: No but he will be up in one to two days. Three days maximum. Its taking time to heal his bruises.

Camila: I understand. You go and give medicine to Lucas and I'll go give to Stephen.

Tia: But hasn't he said to not disturb him.

Camila: He can't skip his meds.

Tia: True. Have you seen mel? I haven't seen her.

Camila: I think she might be in her room. She needs rest too after all.

Tia: Yea. I'll go check up on her later.

Camila: *Knocks on the door* Stephen it's time for your meds. I'm coming in.

Stephen: I told you not to disturb me.

Camila: What are those files?

Stephen: Nothing. What did you come here for?

Camila: Its time for your meds. Here.

Stephen: Thanks.

Camila: Now please get some rest Please don't pressurize yourself.

Stephen: Fine. Close the door on your way out.

Camila: Ok. Good Night.

Stephen: Good Night. *I can't let anyone know about these documents. If these get out then everything is going to end, The Venatores Mafia, My family, And whatever that I have with Melanie. I need to hide them somewhere for now and then I'll just put them in the secret locker which is in Iceland. My enemies are close I should let my guard down*



Owen: I think she drank too much.

Austin: Let her enjoy. She's been through a lot. A lot more than we think.

Owen: Yea. But do you know her address?

Austin: No. Can she stay at your house for the night please because I can't take her with me. My father just-

Owen: I know don't worry she can stay the night.

Austin: Thanks. So let's enjoy for now.




Melanie: NO. *As I was going to the bathroom I bumped into a familiar women*

Brittany: Watch where you're going dumbass. You spilled all of the drink on my beautiful dress.

Melanie: Hmm You look familiar. Have we met before?

Brittany: Oh I recognise you Melanie Aniston.

Melanie: But I don't.

Brittany: I am Stephen's Girlfriend.

Melanie: Ok but I have never met your boyfriend and if we haven't met then don't waste my time. BYEEEE.

Brittany: What?

Melanie: *What a wierd lady. I am finally enjoying my life but I am afraid this happiness won't last long. But for now I want to live my life. No one can control it.*

Austin: You took a long time.

Melanie: I bumped into some wierd lady.

Austin: Are you sure you didn't bump into the mirror.

Melanie: No.

Austin: We just here for a few more hours and then we leave.

Melanie: But I wanna enjoy.

Austin: You've drunk too much. Also no more shots for you.

Melanie: No. *I wonder if Stephen has eaten his meds.* Nevermind.

*an hour later*

Melanie: WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!

Austin: MELANIE GET DOWN THE BAR COUNTER. She can't hear me.

Melanie: I feel dizzy.

Austin: She's gonna pass out and there she goes. Owen please take her to your home safely. I am sorry I couldn't help.

Owen: Its ok babe I'll take care of her. Bye baby.

Austin: Bye honey.

Melanie: *Mumbles*

Owen: You want to say something Mel?

Melanie: Stephen you're so wierd I never understand you. Sometimes you're warm and sometimes cold towards me. I don't understand what you want- continues to mumble.

Owen: She well asleep. It'll be hard to take her upstairs.

*In the morning*

Melanie: Oww My head hurts so bad. I am still in my party clothes and where the hell am I?

Owen: Here take some coffee you might need it.

Melanie: Owen is this your apartment?

Owen: Yes, Austin and I didn't know your address so I bought you here.

Melanie: Thanks Owen. I had a great time with both of you last night. We should hang out often.

Owen: You might want to go home so I have some hoodie and PJ's you can take.

Melanie: Oh yea definitely. Thank you again for taking care of me.

Owen: Haha! Don't worry it wasn't hard at all.

Melanie: Where's the bathroom?

Owen: To your right.

Melanie: I need a quick shower I'll leave for my work.

Owen: Its 9:30 a.m.

Melanie: Oh shit! I need to hurry.

Owen: You take your shower and I'll prepare some breakfast.

Melanie: Oh don't worry about that I'll just grab a donut from some bakery.

Owen: ok then be quick.


Camila: Good Morning Everyone.

Ava: I'm so hungry.

Camila: But no one has made breakfast. I think it was Melanie's turn today. Tia where is Melanie.

Tia: Oh no I forgot to check up her yesterday. Wait let me get her.

Stephen: Why you guys are so loud in the morning?

Camila: The breakfast is not ready and it was Mel's turn today. Tia has gone to check up on her.


Illunga: I've got the worst room. There's literally no window in that room.

Dmitri: You mean the store room.

Illunga: Did y'all really give me store room for living.

Declan: How's Lucas?

Camila: Tia said he'll be awake in a day or two.

Declan: That's some great news.

Stephen: There's a meeting today in the evening. Everyone has to be there.

Everyone: Yes boss.

Ava: What's taking Tia so long.

Camila: Melanie has got the last room what do you expect?

Ava: Oh damn.