And so we got to the centre, they were people all over the place, it was jam-packed, I got really frustrated I had to phone up the centre administrator through my PA, BUT WHEN SHE CALLED she told me that the person said he couldn't talk to her now, I was shocked because the lady time I remember it was a female administrator, well it has to be that her assistant that people complain of being so proud and arrogant,

"well he just hit the wrong boss, I was to put him in his place" I thought to myself, we called again and he hanged up just then, we called again he repeated same thing, untill the missed call he had were rating up to 15.

well I was so damned and tired he was the only person I could get through to now, I told Erika to call him again so I could speak with him , she did and handed the cellphone to me as soon as she did the first thing I heard was, 'madam will you allow me have some peace am fucking tired and trying to get my head here' he spoke harshly

"Madam Michael on the line mister," I said trying to bring him down from his castle

he got so scared and said "madam ehn Mrs. Michael oh you were the one sent by the president to come give words to the teenag....ers" he said stammering

"cut your crap mister, you think you can disrespect my secretary and go Scott free, I will show you that in this society no body is too small and no body is too big" I said with ranging anger

"no madam please don't be angry I didn't....." he tried to explain but I wasn't having any of it.

"oga I really don't care if this is your country but one thing I know for sure is that we are one Africa and a true African will never behave the way you treating and addressing people like trash, it's wrong, why am I even talking to you? pass the cellphone to the centre administrator before I get mad" I said sternly

"alright ma" he said frightened

"hello ma'am, good evening" I saluted

"yes madam good evening ma , how are you doing ma? where are you? have you gotten here? the kids are waiting...." she threw all the questions without stopping to.take a breath

"yes ma, but the place is filled to the brink" I complained

"oh dear that! it's saturday guess that's why, they always come here for tour and to take pictures of the place, sorry for the inconvenience" she apologized finally

"ok ma I understand you totally" I said

"so....I will send my assistant to come pick you up, are you farmished so we could get food for you before you start addressing our kids..." she asked with concern

"no ma that won't be necessary, we have an issue here though, your assistant am sorry to say have problems with his manners, he is just too proud and to think that he is just an assistant baffles me..." I said smiling widely

"that won't be a problem we will be sure to demote him ma" she said assuring me

"which post are we talking about here?" I asked smiling

"the post of a gate man ma" she said

"nah.....being a gate man won't suit him as he will still come across people and speak to them rudely, well I think a gardener will be dim fit for him, just so the flowers will be the only living organisms to suffer his Ill mannered traits, what do you think?" I asked smiling sheepishly

"I think that would be preferable ma, would that be all ma?"

"yes for now, thanks for your assistance,bless you," I said and hanged up

as soon as I hanged up Erika looked up at me and said

"but ma, you didn't have to do that, I mean am used to people always reacting bad to me..." she said

"yeah they can, they actually can when am not there but if they dare when am there, I will make sure the person licks your feet and make you retrieve your pride...." I said firmly

"thanks ma I really appreciate it" she said shyly

"anytime darling" I replied smiling

in a few seconds the security man was already there to usher us in, the centre administrator is so wise I thought to myself, she knows just how angry I will be if her former assistant dare come here, well that was actually very thoughtful of her..

then I went in to start up my purpose of coming

the meaning of "oga" is BOSS...

hope you enjoy this chapter, you can follow me up on Instagram @Emikeofficial for more updates....