Chereads / Is her love true? / Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: A Test Of Greed

Chapter 2 - Chapter 2: A Test Of Greed


The town square is buzzing with activity as people go about their business on a rather pleasant afternoon. This area is visited by villagers kingdom-wide that come to sightsee what all the brilliant capital has to offer. Variety of shops to fulfill nobles' every need and a small fountain in the center where the numerous roads meet. On the edge sits the prince beside his childhood friend who eagerly listens as he explains his current engagement. 

Saelufu's short stature is expected given her race though stands fairly high among her fellow dwarves. She might be little in size but that doesn't match her spunk being the complete opposite of himself. The girl wears her usual pigtails which have grown down the back since they were kids. 

"Let me make sure I'm understanding all of this. Your strict mom said you can just up and call the arranged marriage off? So you don't even have to wed that Blanche girl now?" 

"Yes, as long as I propose before the wedding. I could hardly believe her compassion myself." 

"This works out perfectly! No need to suffer through that painful banquet and bet I know just who you wanna ask," Saelufu adds teasingly, causing him to avert his gaze. 

Of course, it's obvious what person he wishes to join hands with at the altar. However, just popping the question while doubts weigh heavily on his chest won't do. He has been thinking a lot since the initial joy settled and wants to hear her opinion on this predicament. 

"Um, mentioning that, do you think she-" 

"Good afternoon, Your Highness, Saelufu," A sweet voice greets, and they face forward to be met with the very topic of conversation.

Kana's sepia brown complexion glows underneath the sunlight, and her calloused hands are only proof of how hard she works. Afro brunette hair stands out uniquely from other hairstyles, the colorful ribbons decorating it adds a nice touch. She is taller for a girl, two inches or so above his own height--as he is on the shorter side himself, but that by no means takes away from her charm. The ragged dress seems to draw the looks of snobbish residents though he simply admires her gentle smile.

"K-Kana, it's rare to see you here in the capital!" he stammers, her giving him a small bow. The prince always insists Kana doesn't need to act so proper with him, yet she refuses to drop such formalities. It just makes him feel more distant in a way as they're near the same age. 

"Well, I'm running some errands for Mr. Fletcher. Lucille wasn't home when I came to visit and her father seemed overwhelmed with work piling up. He did offer silver coins to play an errand girl so it would be foolish to pass over that kind of pay. What business do the two of you have here today?" 

"Nothing much really. Just relaxing under this nice weather we're having before another spring shower hits. Though I say we could both stretch our legs for a bit," Saelufu suggests, and the brunette gladly accepts their company. 

With that, the three decide to take a stroll as Kana finishes her shopping list. Wendell can't exactly ask what he was planning to do with her walking right between them. He's just fortunate the question didn't slip where she could've overheard. The dwarf gives him a questioning glance as if curious will he speak about his new fiancee. It's best to keep the special terms under wraps but might as well inform her of the rest. This announcement is to soon be shared with the entire kingdom and he wants to observe her reaction. Well, considering there is one at all. 

"Actually, prior to your arrival, I was just telling Saelufu about the new arrangement. Since I'll be ruling over the kingdom much earlier than expected, my mother thought it best for me to have a wife now. Although, rather than a typical banquet I'm to take the hand of Blanche Valenta. She's a noble daughter from Quincy and this union is supposed to be beneficial to Calestra." 

"You're getting married!" Kana nearly drops her bags at the news. "When will that be held?"

"The week before my birthday coronation ceremony. I have yet to even meet this girl myself," Wendell responds, studying the girl who has fallen oddly silent. He can't read how Kana feels behind such a baffling expression and truly hopes she would show an ounce of disappointment. However, once the initial shock leaves a large grin spreads across her face. 

"Blanche is one lucky lady. It must be tough to juggle romance and you're still preparing for the throne. Despite this being forced, hopefully, the two of you will have some chemistry together." 


Not quite the response he was yearning from her, but to make matters worse, a familiar figure approaches them. 

"I cannot believe you're engaged to Blanche!" Oliver exclaims, and his self-proclaimed rival seems to pop up from nowhere at the most convenient times. 

The male's jet black hair is an exact contrast to Wendell's ash-blonde color. His scarlet eyes hold their usual glare he has grown accustomed to ignoring by now. Taking another step closer, Oliver straightens his back like greater height makes him above the prince. 

"I've known her from spending my earlier years in Quincy before I was stuck moving here. A girl with such beauty and grace shouldn't be tricked into marrying the likes of you!" 

"It was our parents who set this-"

"And who is the better candidate then? You? Don't make me laugh!" His trusted friend butting in with hands placed on her hips. "Noble girls adore him from afar only wishing they were so fortunate. I don't see anyone flocking around craving your attention."

"T-That's completely false! In fact, I have too many admirers to even count!" Oliver insists, but his flaming red cheeks prove otherwise. Next spinning back toward the prince and he appears far angrier than his normal temper. "Think you're something special because of that royal title, huh? Well, mark my words one day I will win over the people's hearts and snatch this kingdom from underneath your very feet! You'll see, you'll all see!" 

Boldly proclaiming his declaration, he storms through the trio and is then swallowed by the crowd of people. The boy has made this same threat several times but has nothing ever to show for it. Oliver moved to Opal Forten about four years back, although the two never had exchanged many words. Yet, out of the blue, a few months later he swore that they were destined enemies. What caused this fueled rage is left unknown, but he dislikes mere associates who enjoy his presence. 

"...I suppose that is one person you won't receive a blessing from," Kana comments with a lopsided smile, and the dwarf snorts. 

"Oliver can keep it. Not like he's gonna be on the guestlist anyways."

The loud sound of the large grandfather clock interrupts their conversation. When it chimes, Kana sprints off ahead pausing for a quick goodbye. In recent days, she seems to be even busier than himself.

"Forgive me, I didn't realize it was so late! There's still another job I need to do today after dropping these bags off!" She pauses from her sprint to give one quick bow. "Good day to you both!" 

"Take care!" he shouts back, and giving one last wave she disappears out of sight. Wendell releases a sigh with the surprise encounter leaving him more indecisive than he already was. His sharp friend doesn't miss a thing facing the prince with crossed arms. 

"Kana is who you're proposing to right? Or rather the girl you have in mind but there's some reason why you can't." 

"Wow, you're quite perceptive as usual... There's something important I need to ask you." 

Taking a break back at the small fountain his hand runs through the cool waters. This very spot is where they first met over seven years ago. He can still recall the day so vividly, despite how long it has been.

At dusk sat a little boy on the edge of the cold stone fountain as his shoulders shook with his head hung down low. The few nobles still out shopping gave the young prince a quick look of sympathy. Although hush whispers were exchanged none approached, most likely not eager to engage in royal affairs. All but one small girl who squatted down right in front of him.

Wendell peeked at the stranger through his boney fingers to see her hazel eyes which stared up in concern. She couldn't be human with those unfamiliar pointed ears and a tiny frame that made him question her age. The soft mutters of onlookers escalated by this simple greeting, but he was far too upset to pay much attention. 

"Hey, what's wrong? Did you fall and hurt yourself or something?" The only response he gave her was a small shake of the head, and the next question she asked him had taken another approach. "Are you here all alone? Where's your family?" 

"I-I ran away from home. The lessons are just too hard and-and I'll just end up disappointing them," he explained through hiccup breaths, however, the prince had failed to mention his higher status. Wendell grew sick and tired of how drastically their attitude would change when learning he hailed from the royal family. Countless nights the boy so desired to be born in a common household like his peers. Whether all of the strict lessons or hardly ever getting a chance to spend time with his parents, these all amounted to a lot of stress for a mere child. It was much different than whatever amazing life outsiders dreamed to experience.

The girl didn't respond but instead gave him a comforting pat on the back. Such a simple gesture yet she did help calm his anxiety down just a tad. He then raised his head and was greeted by a wide toothy grin. 

"I know just what'll cheer you up! Check to see if you have at least one coin." 

The sudden request threw him off though fully stopped his crying. Rubbing his red eyes, Wendell dug around in one pocket before checking the other and pulled out a single gold coin. This had her smile grow as she pointed toward the fountain he was currently sitting on. 

"Great! Now close your eyes and make a wish. Don't need to say it aloud if you'd rather keep it to yourself."

He slowly stood gazing at the crystal blue waters which held numerous coins of many values. Wendell had passed the so-called magic fountain as people uttered their wishes but this would mark the first day he would be making one. Interlocking his small hands, the prince's eyes squished tightly shut as he repeated it multiple times in his head. 

'Pretty please let me improve at all of my lessons. To become a son that can soon follow in my parents' footsteps!"

Afterward, he tossed the gold and watched it gradually sink to the bottom to join the others. It was silent between them when the girl suddenly revealed a silver of her own. The prince was curious about what possible wish she held deep inside her heart. 

"What's your name?" she asked, him blinking in surprise.

"Um, Wendell..." 

"Okay then. I hope that Wendell can return home and have a happy fun day tomorrow!" she wishes, and his puffy eyes grew as her coin followed in the fountain.

"B-But your coin..." 

"The old tale says its blessed waters solely grant wishes at night, if you see a shooting star. But since the two of us made one together, I'm sure its magic powers can work now!" she insisted brightly, with a fist pump into the air. Her compassionate attitude brought him a warm smile that had been absent since early this morning. With that, the prince wiped at his tear-stained face as he finally felt motivated to go back home. 

"Thank you, ah..." his voice trailed off and only then realized she didn't introduce herself, but before he could ask someone cleared this mystery up for him. 

"Saelufu! Where did that girl vanish to this time?"

"Sorry, I gotta go. It was nice meeting you, Wendell. Hope things get better soon!" 

The girl ran off to meet two older women who were surrounded by children of all ages. Wendell continued to observe as they both lectured her about disappearing from their sights.

"We told you to stop wandering off on your own like that! You're lucky we're still letting you purchase a toy since you've been a good help to us pitching in. Now, you best choose fast because we're leaving in a few minutes." 

"Actually, I lost my money."

"What? This is why you should've just let us hold onto it," The taller woman said with a heavy sigh. 

"Lost it? Could it be..." Wendell stared down at the silver coin just tossed in moments ago. The single sliver this girl had to buy something with, yet she chose to waste it on him. 

"Did you lose it from another case of bad luck again?" a younger girl innocently asked and an older boy shook his head. 

"Fiona, that only applies to people hanging around dark dwarves. I'm sure it was a weird coincidence she lost this after her favorite stuffed animal last night. Besides, I doubt such a silly rumor is even true, to begin with."

"Well, she has to learn about responsibility. We can come back when you've earned your next allowance money. Let us head back home now. It's getting dark out." 

The older women took the lead as all the kids trailed behind them. Saelufu glanced at him and gave a small wave while walking away. Aware of what she did just to try and lift his spirits truly moved the boy. He sprinted toward the castle ready to start his lessons from the top. 

Wendell soon discovered she was an orphan from the Brighter Days housing. After Saelufu got adopted a couple of months later, the two met in town again. Ever since then they've been practically inseparable and when finding out he was a prince she never treated him any different. Thus sharing a type of bond he doesn't have with anyone else.

"So why can't you propose to Kana? Do you think your mother will oppose choosing her?" 

"Absolutely not! I'm sure my mother would be very pleased with her. She's not one to judge based on someone's social standing, it's just... You're aware of how the rest of these girls view me," he mumbles, his gaze drifting to a particular pair that stand across from them. They look to be around the same age and steal glances in their direction while giggling. He can faintly make out what bothersome things are exchanged between the friends.

"The prince is so beautiful, isn't he? You know, there has been a rumor spreading that his marriage banquet will be held much earlier." 

"Really?! Since he's taking over the throne soon he might get married right afterward. Wouldn't it be amazing to become his wife and queen over this vast kingdom? I do hope my name is on the list of suitress." 

"Yes, but one could only dream. A new home in a fancy castle with gorgeous dresses and everyone bowing at my feet. It would truly be living a fairytale life." 

Saelufu frowns clearly overhearing what the two said to each other. It's not just those girls either but a similar reaction comes from them all. They only care about his wealth and status, unable to focus on anything past that.

"Suppose Kana has their mindset? I honestly love her yet have no idea how she sees me through her eyes. At times, I do believe these emotions are mutual but is it out of love or greed? If she lacks genuine feelings it would work best to follow through with marrying Blanche. That will help strengthen Calestra and I couldn't even bear to ask for one-sided affection in return."

Regardless of how sweet Kana is, I still don't know for certain. I've been deceived in the past by 'kind' people whose sole purpose to befriend me was because of my title. I can't go about this lightly being a decision that will forever impact my life...

"I see. Kana seems really nice and hardworking on the outside but still hard to say where that falls on a romantic scale. Hmm, I could try asking though she can easily lie to me," his friend ponders, getting a better grasp of the situation at hand. 

They formed a close bond with her several months back when Kana joined the schoolhouse. The brunette was a new student who took a year off education because expenses led her family to move to Rainswood. Otherwise known as the slums whose residents are looked down upon by many. While going through this rough adjustment, Saelufu was welcoming to a person classmates rudely shunned. She even reintroduces them though the two had crossed paths on one fateful evening last winter. A kind-hearted girl he never expected to meet again and it didn't take long for her to steal his heart. 

"I need solid assurance before following through with my proposal. I wish there was an easy means to discover how she truly feels..."

While thinking of a solution to his dilemma, a pair rushes past them toward a nearby boutique. The girl is pushing for him a brand new look though her friend seems to be rather skeptical. Overhearing conversation bits it sounds like some love matters and both quickly tune in. 

"Are you sure about this?" 

"You want to impress Serah, right? After getting a complete makeover she must take notice then. I say by next week you will surely be courting her!" 

This particular remark has Saelufu's hazel eyes twinkle in excitement. Leaping on her feet, she faces him with a mischievous smile which sends a chill down his spine. He is well aware of what that look means. 

"I got it! I've thought up the best plan to figure out where her heart belongs!" 

By Saelufu's pleading gaze the dwarf is just begging him to ask for more. Wendell might hold a fraction of curiosity about the method she has in mind. Though, recalling her former ideas diminishes any hope before it can even sprout. The prince tilts his head offering a quite innocent smile. 

"I'll decline." 

"How can you say that and you haven't even heard it yet?!" 

"I've been down this road enough times and it's always dark at the end," he mumbles, as the punishments which followed are implanted deep in his memory. 

"My ideas don't always backfire..." she weakly justifies, though her tone tells another story. "W-Well that's old history but this is an urgent matter! At least hear me out before you refuse." 

"I...suppose you have a point. What is this master plan of yours?" 

"So, I believe if you were to play as a peasant boy and she still falls for you it would prove her feelings are real, right? However, if when doing a character swap Kana suddenly has no romantic interest then she must've had wrong motives all along. I call this operation: Decoding dear Kana's heart!" Saelufu's fast pacing comes to a halt and he feels the same about her ridiculous scheme. 

"You're suggesting I play dress-up to see how she reacts? That would never work!"

Honestly, he's shocked she even thought up such a spell for disaster. Saelufu has had plenty of crazy ideas over the years but this one far outweighs them all. Despite his refusal, she places her hands on her hips, obviously not ready to give in just yet. 

"Well, what actions will you take to discover her true feelings? Your mom may be giving you a small window but you still can't take ages to pop the question. I could create a mind-blowing transformation where she wouldn't possibly recognize you. And after making a decision you can either go through the proposal with no regrets or decide against it." 

Regardless of her persuasive argument, Wendell remains on the fence. Truth be told he doesn't have any bright ideas of his own and if they can pull this off it can clear these doubts. The girl retakes her seat wearing a smug grin like she has already won. 

"Come on, you can even go to our schoolhouse for a little while. You've wanted to try that for so long now." 

"...Let's see your makeover skills first and then I'll make my decision," he hesitantly agrees, and she clasps her hands in satisfaction.

"Once I'm done your family members will have trouble believing it's you." Saelufu grabs his arm pulling the prin

ce towards Opal Forten, and just like that, another outrageous plan is now underway.

A/N This is the end of the chapter. Hopefully, you enjoyed and stay tuned for the next update^^