Zaru searched all night for where Jun went and she finally found him she had followed his sent from the neighborhood to his school. She looked around and the spotted him in the third story window. She started yapping hopping he would hear. But he didn't notice so she tried to use telepathy to speak to him in his mind but she couldn't get in as if something or someone was stopping her from doing so. Zaru huffed and sat next to a large tree. She had remembered to change her fur color to red like a normal fox but she couldn't figure out how to make her eyes brown so that would give her away. But she didn't have to worry about that because she was the only one of her kind she has seen since she was a small kit. Zaru rested under the shadow of the tree and the calming of the birds chirping and soft breeze blowing at her fluffy fur. She rested for a bit till a big ping ping sound woke her. It sounded like a huge bell was ringing in her ears. She jumped up still a bit dazed from her nap to look around. She then noticed humans everywhere. Small ones, big ones, tall ones , short ones and some old ones. She had never seen so many different humans in one place or really many at all except the ones who got mad at her when she was in her human form. Zaru was looking around when a familiar sent hit her nose. It was Juns she almost dashed to follow but now she had to be stealthy and quiet as a fox. She walked against the walls and stuck to the shadows of the big building his sent came from. She saw a large door but she couldn't get in unless she could open it so she had to wait for a human to open it. Zaru waited till a group of girls stuck chatting walked in and followed next to one of them but as she was walking next to the girl her tail brushed against the girls leg and she looked down and screamed alerting everyone to the little fox next to her. Zaru was spooked by the loud screaming of the girls and started running around inside the school. She learned its a place young humans go to learn which for a kitsume was not needed they normally are born with all the knowledge they need. Zaru was not but that didn't matter now she thought I am in a HUMAN SCHOOL she shuddered at the fact she had now trapped herself in a human building with no way out. She ran and ran with screams of terror from everyone she passed. She kept running untill she ran into someone. She slowly looked up to see a familiar face. It was Jun and he had a shocked expression on his face and he was frozen the only words that left his mouth was a whisper " why and how are u here?" . Zaru was confused why was he acting weird like he hadn't met her ever in his life. He learned down a scooped her up in his bag without and word and she panicked but trusted him enough still and let him carry her into his bag. Lucky no one was around in the hallway to see him do so. She could tell he had quickened his pace because sh was knocking around in his bag pretty quickly. She felt sick and dizzy when he opened his bag to let her out. She wobbled out and flopped down on the soft blankets on his bed her bed she found was never this nice.