I walk around, doing some 'tasks', my friend that is a crewmate.. Green, followed me, because he was afraid. All of us became friends on the first couple days on the aircraft. As me and Green were walking we went to electrical, I had the doors shut in the electrical so he couldn't escape, I thought to myself "Am I really gonna do this?.. I've never done this.... not even to one of my friends!" without thinking, I killing Green. I got so scared.., I didn't know what to do! The doors opened up, and quickly, I vented. I'm sure nobody saw.. nobody could've saw what had happened! I go out from the vent, into security. surprisingly, nobody was there, I walked out as if nothing happened. Then, the alert of a body being found went off.. I panicked, trying to look, and act normal. The others were also calm, except Yellow..., Yellow was shaking, and heavily breathing. As we were talking, Blue pointed out how he hasn't seen Yellow or Brown around, I'm guessing he suspects them as the impostors.. but then again, there's only one. And that's me. Everybody voted Yellow out first, I felt horrible for her.. that should've been me! Then they would've been safe, away from me. They wouldn't have to worry about anything, they wouldn't have to worry about finding anymore bodies. When the meeting was over, I wanted to try out sabotaging.... I looked at what there was to sabotage, I felt positive about sabotaging the Reactor, and so I did. A loud alarm went off, signaling everybody the reactor was sabotaged. We all ran to the Reactor putting our hands on the scan pad, after that I went in Medbay. I sat on one of the beds but right when I was doing that I had this urge.. to kill somebody? I felt like I was going crazy, I kept repeating to myself "You're not a murder... You're not a murder." Purple came in, once I saw them I killed them in a blink of a eye.. I got so scared! So I vented.. so nobody would see me. Again, I vented back in security, I walked outside towards the emergency meeting button, once I pressed it I told everybody I saw either Blue or Black killed purple, and that I saw through security. And as usual.. they voted somebody out. I was.. so.. scared. What if somebody saw me kill Purple but didn't tell the others it was me.. are they waiting the last moment? If you were the traitor of this airship this would be the most terrifying moment to experience, it's basically like a 'Try not to get caught, or else you die' thing. I've only killed two people.., that's as bad as killing a family member! Wait.. why am I still in the cafeteria? Didn't I move? Hmm... It seems I was thinking to myself for a bit.., I blacked out in a second. After a bit while.., I could see again! I'm not sure what happened.. but there was a body report? When we got to discussing, White has been accusing me of killing Red in front of him. It couldn't have been me...