Chapter 2 - Art

Amaris began to make flipbooks and stories, she became to want to create animation.

Amaris told her teacher, Ebony Diamond, "I want to make animations and be a Movie Maker!" Ebony yelled "Just like Disney!" Maria yelled "I'll name my channel Amaris Channel!"

At home...

Amaris' parents found the flipbooks and took them and had them be made i to animations on the big screen. Amaris was so happy, she didn't even mind that her parents were taking all the credit, she just wanted her stories out there!

Amaris' talent was a blessing to her parents, the stories, the animations, it all made them BIG BUCKS, THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS.

Amaris got nothing.

Amaris cried because her mom kept shouting "I hate you!" At her.

Amaris took solace in the idea her stories were famous, changing people's hearts, making money...

Amaris drew pictures of herself as a beautiful, beautiful princess so she can be in a movie, it worked, her character was so pretty, it made it onto the big screen and her family was a bunch of celebrities!

Amaris cried tears of joy, she was so happy! She cried happily in Xavier's arms about it.

Amaris was scared of what black people thought of her, she hated her pale skin when she looked in the mirror, she hated being white, as she stared in the mirror, her "mother" walks in and says "You're the golden goose, you can't die. If I be nicer to you, will you make more stories and draw more?" Amaris yelled "Yeah!" In terror but excited to see things will change for the better.

Amaris was scared of black people being mean to her, she was worried about that. She went to a mostly native American school where there weren't really many black or white kids.

The only black teacher Amaris only trusted was Ebony because she was Terrell's mother and was nice to her.

To be continued...