Chereads / Seducing Miss Perfect / Chapter 20 - Sex Maniac.

Chapter 20 - Sex Maniac.

"Come on, don't be like that. You have to tell me how it went down last night," Ken insisted as he spoke with Pete over the phone.

"You should know me better than this. I don't kiss and tell," Pete said with a chuckle.

"She wore you out, right? I've heard rumors that she is a sex maniac, though," Ken said with a dreamy sigh.

"Wait, what? She is a sex maniac? How did you know that?" Pete asked in alarm.

No wonder she had almost killed him with her insatiable demand for more rounds of sex. Pete mused.

"I guess it's true. She almost killed you, abi?" Ken asked with a chuckle.

"This isn't even remotely funny. How did you know? Please don't tell me she sleeps around? Wait, have you slept with her?" Pete asked, even though he already suspected that was the case.

"Nah, I've just never been in the same room with her until that day I saw her at the wedding. So, when she asked after you, I figured I'd let you have her first," Ken said with a regretful sigh.

"But everyone who frequents most of these top clubs in Lagos knows it, sha. She picks different men up at the club and fucks them to her satisfaction. I even heard some of them run away when they see her now," Ken said and bellowed with laughter at the thought of men running away from free sex.

"How could you hook me up with her if you knew she's a slut?" Pete asked angrily.

"Chill, bro. She nuh be ashawo. She only just has a huge appetite for sex. Besides, I figured there was no harm in you having a taste of the national cake she was sharing around," Ken said, still sounding amused.

"Can you even hear yourself right now? What if I had gone raw and probably contracted some sort of sexually transmitted infection or disease from her?" He asked, not believing Ken was taking something as serious as this lightly.

"I'm sure you didn't go raw. Tell me, was she really good? How sweet was she?" Ken asked curiously.

"If you weren't my best friend, I would have come over to where you are and beat you to a pulp for asking me such a stupid question. How could you do something so careless?" Pete asked angrily and disconnected the call before Ken could say anything else.

Kathleen, who had been standing by the door trying to get his attention, cleared her throat, making him turn around to glare at her like she was the cause of his problems.

"What?" He yelled at her.

"Breakfast is ready, and I'm ready to leave," Kathleen said with a disapproving scowl on her face.

Her mouth was itching to tell him how condoms could only save him from sexually transmitted infections and diseases but not from hell.

"Are you deaf, or do you have a problem with your memory? I said you're spending the god-damned weekend!" Pete told her angrily.

"Do not speak to me in such a foul manner!" Kathleen hissed at him angrily.

"Or what? You would resign?" Pete asked with a sardonic smile.

"What exactly is your problem? First, you stopped me from going to my vigil because you wanted to fornicate, and now you're being rude..."

"Need I remind you that I'm your boss, and you have to watch the way you speak to me? Do you love your job?" Pete asked, narrowing his eyes at her angrily.

He wasn't worth losing her job at the moment. Kathleen decided as she took in a deep breath to calm herself.

"Your breakfast is on the table, SIR!" She told him before storming inside the house.

She would have to start seeking employment in other places while still working for him.

At the rate they were going, he was probably going to fire her soon since she was not going to stand idly and swallow his insults nor condone his immorality anymore.

Pete took a deep breath as he watched her storm into the house. One of his biggest problems was his quick temper, how easily he flared up, and how easily he transferred aggression.

He knew what he had said to her hadn't been called for, but she had also been rude to him, so she did deserve it.