Pete found himself grinning when he thought of Kathleen and the kiss they had shared. He had only wanted to ask her to dinner, but now they'd had their first kiss already.
"God forgive me?" He asked with a chuckle as he shook his head. She was just so cute.
Somehow, he was looking forward to kissing her again. She had seemed relatively inexperienced as he kissed her, and that raised a lot of questions in his head.
Was that her first kiss? Was it even possible that had been her first kiss? How? If that was her first kiss, then did that mean she was a virgin? What did he, then, want with her? He asked himself as he stood up and started pacing around.
He couldn't wait for closing hours to be alone with her and possibly ask her questions. So, she wanted to have dinner with him? She liked him too? Then what about Chidi and her friend? Pete shook his head and decided to focus his attention on the work in front of him.