Chereads / Mission to Complete / Chapter 25 - Chapter 25: People around

Chapter 25 - Chapter 25: People around

Izuki Midoriya, Aizawa-Yamada POV:

After I got back, I had to explain to the police where I've been, who kidnapped me and what they looked like, I had to explain to them how I escaped. With a little bit of lies, I had to tell them I copied a teleporting quirk from someone and they believed me, although there was this one guy who eyed me curiously, I soon figured out why, he had a truth quirk but before he could speak up. I tried to use my non-existent telepathic abilities to tell him not to speak up and it surprisingly worked. I dunno how tho, don't ask me.

When I got to school, everyone had bombarded me with questions and I had to lie to them that I had gotten sick and couldn't come for a week, some had looked a bit skeptical but accepted the answer and just let me be.

Except Kacchan, because of course, I can't hide anything from Kacchan, so I had to tell him everything.

...and that really didn't go as well as I thought, I really shouldn't have expected any less. I sighed as Kacchan screamed.

"What the fuck!" Kacchan rambled on and on about how he's gonna find that 'hand-job motherfucker' his words, not mine. I just let him ramble while we cuddle in my room. I'm suddenly thankful that Toshi decided to go hang out with a friend earlier in the day.

Now that I mentioned it, Toshi has been kinda suspicious lately, he's always on his phone, always blushing and making excuses, and always telling me that he's hangin ' out with a "friend."

Okay, Adrien.

After a while, I noticed that it's been pretty quiet, I turn my head a bit and I saw Kacchan nuzzling the juncture between my neck and shoulders. I noticed that his hold on me was pretty tight. I saw that he's hands were was shaky and a bit sweaty.

I know why Kacchan's like this, It would always happen when we were little and I would get hurt, he'd held onto me like a lifeline, like he was gonna loose me. It'd always happen because of my reckless tendencies.

I hate it. I hate worrying everyone around me. I hate when I worried my mom, my sister, I hate worrying my dad, my pops, Eri, Toshi,. I hate worrying Kacchan.

If I wasn't so weak, I wouldn't have to worry them at all. If I wasn't so weak I could've saved my home, my family, my people, I would have to be stronger and get my powers in check. Finally learn to control and use them for good. To Save people...

I didn't notice when my vision got blurry and face wet. I didn't realize the salty liquid I tasted. I didn't realize getting pulled back on the bed and having my face stuffed in a black shirt honing a muscular chest. I didn't realize slipping into a dark, dreamless sleep.