I had fallen asleep on the plane after reading my back story for what felt like the millionth time which is why I found myself being shook awake and screamed at. "Corporal we are 100 meters from the drop zone!" I jumped to my feet and put on the parachute that was handed to me. "You will be jumping a mile from the base of the flaming death, you are to hike to the base and proceed to start the mission. I nodded. The bay doors opened and I ran out without hesitation. The ground so far below me was a patchwork of snow covered trees and frozen lakes.
I pulled my chute and glided down to a valley. I landed and ditched my parachute. The moon caused the snow to sparkle and I couldn't help but think this was wrong, the perfect quiet of the night, the untouched snow. "If anyone came here they would doubt the existence of the war." I took another moment to take in the sight of the valley then turned and made my way to the base. The road to the base was quiet and I found myself being lured into a false sense of security. That is until I heard the sounds of the base. I looked over the crest of the hill I was walking up.
There it was, a monstrosity of stone and steel. It looked so wrong against the landscape. I sighed and pulled my sidearm. A colt 1911, a personal favorite of mine. Then I put it to my leg at the place I had been directed to and pulled the trigger. I bit down on my bottom lip to keep from making a noise. Then I dipped my fingers in the blood protruding from the wound and smeared it across my face. Had to make it look real. With that I limped my way to the road. I struggled with a now wounded leg. I wasn't worried about the damage done by the bullet, my wolf genes would heal the wound by tomorrow.
Soon a spotlight from the base fell on me and I waved my arms. The gates opened and soldiers poured out and brought me into the base. As a medic looked at my leg a man who appeared to be a high ranking officer questioned me. "Was ist passiert?" The mask translated for me. "What happened?" When I spoke it was German that came out. "I was attacked by Americans on the road!" I pointed down the road. "They have foxholes on the side of the road." The officer turned to three men and barked orders. They took off down the road. The officer turned to me.
"How many were there?" "Five sir." He frowned. "And you were able to get away with only a bullet in the leg? I shook my head. "I fell in a ditch and returned fire, but soon a helicopter flew overhead and the Americans fled." The officer seemed to question it but finally nodded and helped me stand as the medic walked away. "While I'm sure you want to rest, I have no doubt the commander wants to see you." I nodded but felt the blood run from my face.
He turned and led the way to the main building of the compound. I looked around as we walked in. axis flags were everywhere and soldiers were in every corner. The officer walked to an elevator and called it down. We stepped on and it started to ascend. Soon we came to a stop on the top floor. The doors opened and we walked into an office. In the middle of the floor was a desk and sitting at it with a bored expression on her face was the flaming death. "Why have you brought a common soldier here Schultz?"
"He was ambushed by Americans and shot but I don't understand how a lone soldier could walk away from that encounter alive." Mila, now interested, stood and walked around the desk. The man flinched as she walked past him. She walked up to me and despite being a head shorter managed to give off an intimidating presence. "What's your name soldier?" "Gabriel Miller ma'am." She walked around me in a slow circle. "You seem awfully calm for just being attacked." I shrugged. "Kind of used to being attacked." Suddenly she kicked the back of my knee. I growled but stayed standing.
She seemed mildly surprised by this. "Hmm awfully sturdy aren't you?" I nodded keeping my temper in check. Suddenly she put her gun to my head. "Remove your gas mask." I turned to her. "Ma'am is that necessary?" "Do it or I'll kill you." I sighed but slid the mask off. Mila openly stared. I sighed. I knew what she was staring at. My face was normal at least in my mind except for one thing. My teeth or more specifically my canine teeth were long and sharp. A side effect of my wolf side. "Du bist ein demi mensch?" It didn't take a genius to know she was asking if I was a demi human. I nodded. "Welche art von trier?" I stayed quiet, not sure what that meant. She repeated the question, then started to raise her gun. I started to change anticipating a fight but as soon as my ears and fur came out she stopped and nodded. I slid my mask on as she walked in front of me. "Now was that so hard Gabriel?" I grunted.
She sat down and put her feet up. "I haven't seen a wolf hybrid before, I think I like the rugged wild look it gives you." She turned to Schultz. "You can leave. I will have Gabriel keep me company for a while. Schultz nodded and with a salute walked away. I heard the elevator open and close and then I was alone with one of the most dangerous women in the world. Mila put her handgun down and looked up at me. "So Gabriel what do you think of my camp?" "Speaking honestly ma'am?" She nodded. I looked out the window at the barren walls and sighed. "It feels wrong for me to be here." She raised an eyebrow. "And why would that be?" "This place gives off a feeling of hate and the men who stay here look like all the life has been sucked out of them."
Mila nodded. "I can see how when you first arrive it may appear that way." She stood and walked around the desk. "This mask helps you speak?" "Why do you ask?" "When you took it off you didn't talk at all." I shrugged. "In a way yes it does." She nods and walks up to me. "Then I think I'll take it for now." She slid the mask off and I had to remind myself to keep the disgusted look off my face when she touched my neck to do so.
"Du bist ein hübscher mann." She looked at me as if she expected a reaction but I made myself keep a stoic face. Then she sighed and grabbed a pack of cigarettes. "Mochtest du eine?" She offered me the pack. I shook my head. She shrugged and lit the one in her mouth. I reached for my gas mask which she had placed on the desk. She slid it away from my hand. "Lass uns die stille ein wenig länger genießen." I went back to my original stance. She took a drag on her cigarette and sighed. Then she jumped off the desk. "Komm mit mir." She walked off and I followed her. She opened a door on the side of the room and walked through.
I peeked into the room and saw that it was a bedroom. An axis flag was on one wall on the other a mirror. The bed in the middle was huge and took up much of the room. Mila walked in and beaconed for me to follow. I shook my head and backed out of the room. Anger flashed through Mila's eyes. "Komm jetzt hier rein!" I ran to the desk and grabbed my mask then made for the elevator but only made it half way when Mila tackled me. "You dare disobey my orders!" "Ma'am please calm down!" Smoke was literally pouring from her mouth. "I should gut you like a pig!" I dodged her hand as it struck down where my stomach was. It went through the floor now sporting claws. I held up my hands. "Ma'am I'm just not comfortable being in a small room with you."
She paused then turned red. "I wasn't going to do anything!" I shrugged. "Forgive me saying, but you are kind of volatile." She growled and stood brushing herself off. "I would not sleep with a common foot soldier." "Ha like I would sleep with a lizard like you!" I froze as the words left my mouth. Mila turned slowly. "What.Was.That?" I was about to come up with an excuse then realized something. I didn't care what she thought of me. "I would not sleep with a lizard like you!" I didn't even see her move. All of a sudden I was slammed on the wall and Mila had a claw dangerously close to my face.
"Know your place soldier!" I snorted and stood taller. I knew my temper was out of control, a side effect of the alpha wolf genes but at this point I didn't care. "Excuse me ma'am but my place is where I decide it is." I shoved her back turning to my half wolf form. It would give me an edge if needed. I growled and popped my neck. Mila was seething and for a moment I thought my plan was going to fail before it started then she took a deep breath and smiled. "Oh thank god." Suddenly she changed back to normal. I hesitated then allowed myself to change back. Mila walked to her desk and sat down. "I've been trying to find a man who has enough of a spine to talk back to me for years, and finally one walks right into my base." I was beyond confused. "Ma'am what are you talking about?"
Mila kicked her feet up on the desk and smiled. "I am assigning you to my personal guard." Suddenly she was in front of me once again moving faster than my eyes could process. She leaned close and stroked my hair. "My very personal guard." With that she turned away. "You may leave, soldier... for now." I nodded and left the room as quickly as I could.