Chereads / one-shots of marvel and Harry Potter / Chapter 14 - CH 14 Here one minute, gone the next.

Chapter 14 - CH 14 Here one minute, gone the next.

Harry Potter was furious when he found out that there were people guarding him at the Dursley's. No one told him, he had heard the two people out in the garden when he snuck out using his invisibility cloak. He stood and listened to them and heard that Albus Dumbledore, the interfering old goat, had placed guards there, to keep Harry at the house. Yet no one told Harry about this, or even asked if he wanted guards. Harry knew his opinion wouldn't matter to the old man, but to not even be told made Harry very angry.

Well Harry was not going to allow anyone to force him to stay. Now that the Dursley's were frightened that Sirius might turn up and murder them, (Harry never told them he was innocent as it kept the Dursley's from locking him up) he was able to come and go when he wanted.

Harry had already worked it for Winky to now belong to him. She refused to be paid, so Harry offered her money to buy a uniform type of clothes, and money that she could use to buy him things that he would need. Since he didn't have a home for her to clean, the most she could do right now as shop for him, or make clothes for him, which she happened to be very good at. So Harry got to eat proper meals without having to interact with the Dursley's. He made sure they knew he would not be doing any work, if they tried to force him he would let Sirius know. They hadn't bothered him since.

Every day Harry would use his cloak and sneak out of the house and away from Privet drive. Harry wanted to have a proper holiday and not be stuck at number four with people that hated him, and that he hated.

Now he finds out there are people there that are loyal to the old man. Harry couldn't trust them since they hadn't even told him they were there.

Harry spoke with Winky and worked on some plans. One was to make the guards disappear, slowly, quietly and nothing suspicious would lead back to Harry. He wasn't going to kill them, he just wanted to punish them for keeping him prisoner. It would also make Dumbledore alarmed as to where his order members went.

Harry could act innocent since he supposedly didn't know he was being guarded. If they tried to move him from Privet drive, great, as long as the only place he would go would be to Sirius, he would wait and see what they would do. Harry figured nothing would be done until two or maybe three guards disappeared.

Winky explained about some old abandoned muggle buildings, and some that were underground. The little female elf took Harry to these places so he could decide which ones would suit him and his needs. Harry thought he found the perfect place. Old tunnels under London, but they had lots of rooms that had been closed off since world war two. Harry and Winky worked out to have a wizard tent moved down there, that way Winky could cook. Harry had to make sure she understood that she was not to give their prisoners full or proper meals. They were to have what the Dursley's normally gave him. He wanted them to know that by accepting the job of being a guard then they will feel a little of what Harry felt being kept prisoner by his so called relatives, and they were helping with that by keeping him in the house. So even though they weren't keeping Harry locked up like they thought, they were ordered to and accepted the job. Winky would cook normal meals for Harry and her, and small poultry meals for the prisoners.

It only took Winky two days to set everything up. While she did that, Harry would watch and listen. He had to work out when one of the guards would be alone, when they would switch guards and if there were any type of news that he may need to know.

Harry had decided to take a bloke called Mundungus Fletcher first. He was always drunk and usually did the shift during the night, he also slept while he was on duty. Sometimes he even left. So Harry waited under his cloak with Winky beside him. It only took about half an hour before Fletcher drifted off to sleep. Harry cast a stunner, then had Winky take both of them to the bunker. Or as Harry sometimes called it, prison, his prison for the people who tried to keep him prisoner.

There was an old army cot with one thin blanket, similar to the one petunia gave Harry to use. There was no pillow, no windows, no covering on the floor, and only a bucket in the corner to use as a toilet. There was also a drain hole near it, so Fletcher could dump the contents of the bucket. Every third day Winky would replace the bucket with a clean one.

Winky would only give them some porridge, no sugar, but they did get a little milk. They also got one slice of dry toast and a glass of water. That would be all they got for the day, exactly what the Dursley's used to give Harry. It didn't matter that Harry could sometimes sneak food, like an apple or carrot when he was cooking their breakfast. It also didn't matter that Winky could make or buy him food whenever he wanted. What the Dursley's allowed him to eat was what Harry allowed his so call guards to eat.

Once Fletcher was settled on the coat, Harry took the invisibility cloak and the man's wand. He checked for other wands and had Winky check for things like portkey's. Once the man was clean of magical items, Harry woke him up then he left with Winky before he knew who had taken him.

Harry got changed then headed back into the city. As Harry kept saying, he wanted a holiday, and he wanted to enjoy his life. Voldemort was back and there was a chance Harry could get killed. It was time to experience life while he could. He had been going out almost every night and so far he had four different girls pick him up. The sex was fabulous. He wasn't going to stop now, but especially as there was a chance he would die.

Harry woke late the next day, since he didn't get back to Privet drive until after three in the morning. He showered then Winky brought him breakfast, he still had to remind her to bring her own breakfast and eat with him. He would talk to Winky while they ate. He never really got to know a lot about house elves from Dobby, who was just to excited most of the time. So Winky would explain more about elves and their lives, she even explained how they didn't marry like humans, but they did have babies. Normally the owner would force two elves to have babies, so they would have more servants when the baby got older. Harry told Winky straight away that if she wanted a baby with a specific house elf, she could, it was her decision and he didn't feel right telling her who she could have children with.

Harry found listening to Winky fascinating. But one thing he did find out was that if a house elf didn't work or bond to a magical person, the house elf would slowly die. They needed the witch or wizard's magic to keep them strong and alive. House elves also got their magic from witches and wizards. The stronger the connection, the more powerful the elf. Since Harry wanted Winky to be more than just a servant, he wanted her to be his family, Winky's magic had began to strengthen. And since Harry was a powerful wizard even though he was only fifteen, her magic would become powerful as well. She had almost cried when Harry told her he wanted them to be family. He even told her that as long as she kept is secrets, then she could have secrets and a life away from him. Even though she liked to work, she liked the fact that Harry Potter wanted her, as an employee, as a friends, and as family, but allowed her to have a life of her own. It was a new concept for Winky, and Harry knew it would take the little elf time to get used to her new life.

Harry snuck out using his cloak again, this time he listened to two witches talking about where Fletcher went. Both were of the same opinion, he went off to do something illegal like he always did. Harry smiled, no one would look twice at him for Fletcher disappearing not when he seemed to be a thief and a drunk.

Harry wanted to take one of the woman who was his guard, but he figured he should wait a day or two. He was going out again that night, but all he had to do was sneak past the guard then Winky could pop him to London. The first day that Winky took him by elf magic, made him a bit light headed. Now he was used to it. He did get her to take him to London to buy some decent clothes, so even though Winky was making him clothes, and her clothes, Harry still wanted to buy some stuff, along with shoes and personal products. He could never get those type of things before, now he could.

Harry did wonder what would happen when he took the next guard. Would they take him away from Privet drive thinking he was in danger, or would they double the guards? They might believe death eaters and Voldemort had something to do with it. But there were supposed to be powerful wards around the Dursley's. It made him wonder if he should get Winky to take the guards the next time there were two.

Harry wanted to have Dumbledore confused, but also worried. Not about him, but why some of his order members were disappearing. Harry would love to get Snape, but he knew that Snape would never guard Harry, not that Harry wanted Snape anywhere near him. It did make him wonder if there was a way to get Snape. He would have to talk to Winky about it. If he could get Snape now, then Hogwarts might not be so bad.

Winky put two plates on the small table with her and Harry's breakfast. When she noticed that Harry never moved, he was still staring out the window, she knew he must be deep in thought.

'Is master having more idea's to stop the bad people keeping him in the house?'

'No, no, it's not that Winky, it's Hogwarts. We've seen what Fudge is making the Daily Prophet write. It means most will believe that, so life at Hogwarts will end up as bad for me as it was last year and second year. I'm not sure I want to go through all that again. They will try to force me to Hogwarts, so I'm tossing up about leaving or staying. If we left, where would we go? I know we can use a tent, and hide somewhere, but when winter comes that would make us both miserable. I read something once about a spell, so I'm wondering if house elves magic could make wizards believe something that isn't there, like an illusion? This spell I read about does this, but it's difficult and only powerful people can do it, like Dumbledore, and I know house elves have powerful magic. I only found a small part about it in one of the books I read from the restricted section.'

'Winky can do that type of magic if Winky can have master help her. Winky knows the spells, Winky just needs the power of her master to help create it.'

'So I could somehow help you do this?'

'Yes master, Winky would need to be holding your hand that held your wand. Winky would be able to pull magic from you so I could cast the spell. But it doesn't take your magic, it just gives Winky's magic a boost. The wand allows you to focus your magic, but the magic is part of you and Winky can tap into that. Only when her master allows it.'

'That's great, I'll let you Winky because there is a place we can stay. Right now it's damaged and would need repairing. I can't do magic without the ministry finding out so I can't fix the house. But we can't have anyone notice the house isn't damaged anymore of they will know where I am.'

'Winky can use elf magic to fix, then I would need to rest as big repairs would drain Winky.'

'Well, if you did a bit every day, then rest after you checked on our guest, would that be okay?'

'Winky likes the sound of that master. What house would need fixing?'

'My parent's home in Godric's Hollow. From what I was able to find out, the roof and part of my bedroom was badly damaged, but the rest of the house was okay. I know there is a lot of rubbish inside, bits of roof and broken things, but that's it, or so Sirius said in one of his letters. If you could use your magic to make everyone believe it's still damaged then we could hide there without anyone being the wiser. Right now I'm just staying in here to rest up, so if you want, you could go check out the house and see how long it might take. If Dobby didn't work for Hogwarts, I would have him help. But if the old man asked Dobby if he'd heard from me then Dobby would have to tell him.'

'Winky can go now that her master has given permission. Do you want anything before I go master?'

'No, thank you Winky. I'm just going to lie here and do some thinking.'

Harry helped Winky cast the illusionment charm, once that was done Winky could finally start the repairs.

It only took Winky three days to repair the house. Now they were ready to disappear if it was needed. Which Harry knew it would be if anyone found out he wasn't planning on returning to Hogwarts. Reading the Daily Prophet, listening to what the guards were saying, told Harry his life would be miserable at Hogwarts, and probably dangerous. He already knew it wouldn't be safe, not with people like Malfoy. His parent's were death eaters.

Now it was time to take more of the guards, but Harry asked Winky if there was any way she could get Snape. Harry explained what he heard about Snape and how the man acted. Winky still had access to Hogwarts, but the other elves might stop her. Winky thought the best time to take nasty Snape would be the moment he left the Hogwarts grounds.

Harry thought for a minute then decided to take the two guards that night, then disappear to Godric's Hollow. When they were settled, he would have Winky stake out Hogsmeade and wait for Snape to be seen. But he would ask Dobby to tell him Snape's movements. No one would suspect Dobby if Snape suddenly went missing. And all Dobby was doing was telling Harry what Snape did, day and night. If Dobby could find out when Snape might leave the castle and the grounds, then they could take him and hide him out in the prison.

That night, Harry had to be extra careful. The two woman, one younger than the other, were both under invisibility cloaks. Even though they talked, quietly, they kept a listen out for any thing that might be suspicious. Winky was going to help stun one while Harry stunned the other. They had worked out their plans that day and coordinated so they would stun the two witches at the same time.

Winky held Harry's hand that held his wand and as they got ready, they slowly lifted their hands. As soon as the wand got to the height of Winky's head, they both said their spells. Both woman dropped. Winky and Harry grabbed then then Winky popped them into the bunker. The woman were put in separate bunkers, and just like Fletcher, they had a small old army cot, one blanket and a bucket. Winky searched the woman this time, got their wands, portkey's and anything else she thought Harry might want. When they woke the woman Winky quickly popped them out before the woman saw who had them.

Winky handed over what the woman had on them to Harry, 'So both those woman are aurors. Good. I don't trust them either since they basically work for Fudge, and also Dumbledore. Two people that have hurt me, even if they never actually physically hurt me.'

Harry moved over to the sofa that was in the tent which sat in yet another room. He stared down at the two auror shields.

'I wonder how Dumbledore got aurors into his order? He probably lied to them or twisted some facts around so they would do anything he asked.' Harry looked over at Winky, 'Do you think they will put any more guards there?'

'Winky don't think so master. They lost three, old whisky face will believe death eaters took them.'

'I believe the same Winky. Alright. We best get back to the house and pack up the stuff and get out before they turn up.'

'Will master tell anyone he left?'

'I don't know Winky. My so called friends haven't bothered to write, so I'm not sure I should bother to let them know. I know Hermione just can't help doing what a teacher tells her and I bet the old man told her not to write. Ron would be too scared of his mother and Dumbledore, so again, I feel like they are loyal to others and not me. Sirius I understand, he can't get out. He said in his letter before I left Hogwarts that it will be difficult to sneak out, but he will try to write. He just wasn't sure he could. Okay, let's go.'

Harry and Winky packed up their belongings, then Winky cleaned the room so there wasn't an speck of dust. When the room looked unlived in, Winky popped Harry to the house in Godric's Hollow.

'Winky found two wands when I was cleaning master. I put them in the room that looks like a small library. They are on the desk.'

'Probably my parent's wands,' Harry whispered but he looked around the house. He could see that Winky had cleaned the place, it looked good. But what got Harry was things like a baby's high chair was near the table, there was also a small broom. Sirius did say he bought Harry a broom when he was one, a broom specifically made for young children. They had extra safety features and never flew fast or too high.

It really showed Harry that he was alone in the world. He had no one, just Winky, and maybe Sirius even if Sirius couldn't be there for him. Harry left Winky to go do some shopping then he began walking through the house. He stopped and stared at every picture that he saw. Some of his parent's together, some alone, some with Harry, and some in groups. He finally got to see a little bit of his parent's lives.

Harry and Winky settled in to the house and their new lives. Winky gave Harry an idea that might help him stay anonymous. If he were to grow a beard Winky didn't believe anyone would think Harry Potter. Even though Harry was only fifteen, he was beginning to grow a lot of hair on his chin, so he decided to just let it grow. Until it did grow a bit more, Winky could give him a beard, she would just need to cast it on him every day. The other idea Winky had was one from the muggle world, muggle contact lenses. That was one thing Harry could do straight away. He could use polyjuice potion to make himself look like someone that was about twenty. And like when he used the potion in second year when he turned into Gregory Goyle, he still had bad eyesight.

It took a month, with Winky helping Harry with the potion, but ended up perfect. So Harry became a random muggle man, who Winky had stolen some hair from. He headed into London where he had his eyes checked and worked out to get contacts, also glasses. He figured he would keep the contacts when he left the house and used glasses at the house. It would help keep him unrecognisable. Harry Potter had glasses, this Harry Potter wouldn't wear glasses and he would have a beard. Harry decided to grow his hair as well. What he didn't expect was that the longer his hair got, the neater it became.

Dobby finally let them know that Snape would be leaving the school that afternoon. Since it was the holidays Snape planned to spend some time at his parent's old home, apart from when the dark lord called him. Winky went straight to Hogsmeade and made sure she was invisible.

Harry decided to head to his prison and listen in on his prisoners. He used his cloak, but he did keep the other invisibility cloaks in case he needed it. But he thought about sending one to Sirius so he could sneak around. He would have Winky check to see if there were any type of charms on the cloaks, and also see if she might be able to make it look a little different. Harry didn't want anyone blaming Sirius for the people that disappeared.

'Hestia, you awake?'

'Yes, what is it Tonks?'

'Did you make up your mind?'

'I don't believe it was you-know-who. They would have tortured us to get information then killed us. I think there's someone else in the game now. They took Fletcher first, then us. For some reason they were watching or staking out Potter.'

'We never saw Harry. How do we know he was even there?' Fletcher asked.

'We don't, only Dumbledore's word. But Arthur did say he saw Harry get into the muggle's car and Stergis saw Harry go into the house. That was the last time anyone saw him,' Hestia said.

'I heard the twins talking about when they rescued Harry because he was locked in the room. You don't think they were keeping him prisoner again, do you?' Tonks asked.

'Wouldn't he write that if they were?' Hestia asked.

'He was hurt, and he was angry. He wouldn't be in the best frame of mind right now. So it's hard to say what he would do. His friends said they hadn't gotten a letter from him,' Tonks said.

'Ah, but they didn't write to Potter, he might think they don't deserve a letter.'

'So you didn't see Harry at all Fletch?' Tonks asked.

'No, I took over for Stergis, all was quiet. I checked in the windows, didn't see him only the three muggles. I can't check upstairs as it could risk the muggles seeing me.'

'Back to what I ask, who took us and how long do you think we'll be here?' Tonks asked.

'There has to be someone else working against the light, but not for you-know-who.' Hestia said.

'What if they were there for Potter?' Fletcher said making Harry stiffen. He hoped these people weren't getting suspicious of him.

'What do you mean there for Potter?' Hestia asked.

'Think of this. Maybe he was there to protect Potter but saw us hiding under invisibility cloaks. He or she may have thought we were up to something, against Potter, not guarding him.'

'So someone could have thought we meant to harm Harry and that's why they took us and why we're still alive,' Tonks said.

'If that's true, why haven't they questioned us? Also, why are we getting one meal a day which consists of dry toast and porridge without any sugar? Something keeps nagging me about the meal, I just can't figure it out.' Hestia huffed.

'Didn't the twins say those muggle's didn't feed Potter properly?' Fletcher asked.

'Yeah they did. Hermione mentioned that the clothes he was given belonged to his large cousin. I know from Sirius that Lily's sister was not a nice person. He said she was mean to Lily, and that got worse when Lily went to Hogwarts. Sirius also told me he knows that neither James nor Lily would want Petunia to care of Harry. James would want his heir raised in the magical world. Lily would want him to know about them so being raised by Sirius or people like the Longbottom's is what she hoped. Sirius also made Harry is his heir when he was named godfather. He told James that if he had kids, then he would change it, but now after twelve years near dementors, Sirius can't have kids. So Harry will be the Black heir the moment he turns twenty one, unless Sirius dies before that,' Tonks said.

'If Sirius is now the head of the Black family, why doesn't he reinstate your mother?' Hestia asked.

'I asked Sirius about mum. He said he needs to talk it over with Harry before he can make that decision. He wants Harry to know that mum wasn't like her sisters, and that mum married a muggleborn. Mum hasn't spoken to Narcissa or Bellatrix since they were students at Hogwarts. Damn, how long are we going to be here and how are we going to let the old man know so they can get us out?'

'Professor Dumbledore may believe we were taken by death eaters, so he might not be looking,' Hestia said.

'But wouldn't his spy tell him that you-know-who hasn't got us?' Fletcher asked.

'It depends. I'm still not sure which side Snape is on. The way he acts makes me think he's spying on the old man and the order. We can't even depend on the aurors since they had no idea what we were doing when we disappeared,' Hestia said.

'Sirius told me something about Snape,' Tonks said, 'He found out by accident. When he sent Kreacher to the vault to get some money out, he also asked the elf to get any letters or parchment that was in there including files of any kind. He wanted to go through everything now that he was the last Black. He found a letter there from James. It was mainly asking Sirius to raise Harry like a Marauder, but also teach him that blood means nothing. There was one bit though that said they went into hiding due to a prophecy. Now the Potters didn't know what the prophecy said, just that the old man heard it and it was about Harry and you-know-who. The really bad part was that a death eater overheard the first part of the prophecy and went to you-know-who. Snape was that death eater. So really, Snape was also partly responsible for the deaths of the Potter's.'

'Then Dumbledore was wrong to allow that man to treat Harry the way he does. But he shouldn't be teaching at all. He got away with his crimes because Dumbledore spoke up for him. How many, apart from Potter, are victims or the children of his victims inside that school?' Hestia asked.

The three prisoners fell silent, Harry was seething. He was so angry that his body was glowing. He had to make sure he didn't do magic or the ministry would find out. He went back to the tent and took a drink from the bottle of bourbon. He normally only had a small drink of alcohol, but right now he took a big drink and hoped it kept his magic under control.

It was almost an hour later that Winky appeared before him, 'Nasty Snape man in the other cell master. I took his wands and portkeys, woke him then came here.'

'I want him dead,' Harry snarled. When he noticed Winky seemed scared, he relaxed then made sure she knew he would never hurt her. He told her what he overheard, then hugged the little elf, 'We need plans, I do want him dead Winky but not yet. I want him to suffer for a while. No food for him, at least not until I decide what to do with him. Also, don't change his bucket. I might put some ants or something in his cell. I wonder if I can get fire ants, or even bull ants, they bite and it hurts, and it takes a while before the pain eases. I'll have to think about that.'

'Winky will make sure he suffers master.'

'Thank you Winky. I need to do a lot of thinking, so let's head back to the house.'

Winky watched her master head upstairs. She knew he would go to his parent's bedroom. That was where Harry went when he was upset. And right now her master was very upset.

The following day, Harry went with Winky to the bunker. He had an idea the following night and decided to check out all the tunnels and rooms. Harry wanted to learn how to shoot a gun. If he did then maybe he could be somewhere, hidden, and when Voldemort or his death eaters appeared, he could shoot them. Harry would only kill Voldemort, Pettigrew and Snape, the others he would make sure they were seriously injured. It would mean going to St Mungo's where they would be caught. He knew he should capture Pettigrew to help Sirius. But he also knew it was risky, Pettigrew could become a rat and escape, again. Beside, Harry knew Fudge would still refuse to listen. That won't change until Voldemort was seen.

Harry was able to send one of the invisibility cloaks to Sirius with a letter. He said he had bought the cloak for Sirius in the hope it would help him sneak out and get around without being seen. Winky had been able to use elf magic to change the cloak, just enough that it wouldn't look like the one that Fletcher had been using.

It was two days after Snape had gone missing that an owl flew towards the house. Winky had charmed the house so if an owl had any type of tracking charm on it, it would be cancelled the moment it passed the property line. If any owl had this charm on it, then the person could not see where the owl was until it landed. By the time it landed in front of Harry, the charm was broken. Harry hugged Winky when she explained this to Harry.

He took the letter, gave the owl some treats and watched as it flew off. 'Hermione, now she writes.'

'They must know that master is missing.'

'Yeah, I bet anything the old man finally found out and asked Hermione to write to me. Well, I might write back and let her know because I had been abandoned, again, and some were trying to keep me a prisoner which means I think of all them as my enemy. Only enemies would keep me locked up. Because of that I decided to leave. I might say I went overseas. I mean even though it would take a long time, I could easily use my broom to fly to France, from there just slowly make my way through countries until I found a place I liked. I don't want to leave my home country, but they won't know that,' Harry looked down at Winky, 'What do you think Winky?'

'Winky thinks master should make his friends feel bad for abandoning him. It will also make the old goat know how you really feel, about him and your friends.'

Harry grinned at Winky. It had taken a long time to get Winky to say what she really felt. Now she called Dumbledore the old goat, like Harry did, she even swore sometimes. She picked things up from him even though he tried not to swear very often.

'Winky had an idea master Harry. It would really scare the old goat.'

'Then tell me Winky. I want to hear anything that will make Dumbledore scared or worried.'

Harry's grin got bigger and bigger as Winky told him her idea. He ended up hugging the little elf. He loved the idea and they still had a lot of polyjuice potion left. All Harry had to do was make the one he was turning into sound and look intimidating. First he had to write his letter, then he would work on Winky's idea.

Harry wrote the letter, but he was going to have Winky take it to the post office. But not yet. Harry wanted them to think he was overseas, so the letter would take longer to reach him and his to them. He decided to wait five days. It took Hedwig two weeks to get to where Sirius had stayed when he first left Hogwarts and Sirius had been in a tropical country. So five days should do it and make them worried.

Harry asked Winky to secretly look around at different muggles and find a man that looked a bit on the nasty side. If she could find one that had a scar on his face, even better.

While Winky left to check out muggle men, Harry had to decide what to do with Snape. He was serious. He was going to kill that murdering bastard. He just wanted Snape to suffer for a while first.

Harry waited two weeks after Snape arrived before he went to the cell door. He opened the little door so he could see in without putting himself in danger, nor would Snape be able to tell who Harry was.

'What do you want?'

Harry grinned but didn't answer. He could hear the anger in Snape's voice, but his voice was also parched and croaky from not having any water. Harry put his gun just inside the little window, then pulled the trigger. He shot Snape in the leg.

Hestia, Tonks and Fletcher jumped and screamed when heard the loud noise, and they heard a man scream. They realised there was another prisoner, and that prisoner was in a lot of pain. It made the three of them worried they would be next.

The next day Harry visited Snape again, he also shot him, this time in the arm. He could see the blood, it was everywhere, and he could tell Snape was weak.

By the end of the week, Harry knew Snape wasn't going to last much longer. He had made a decision while he watched Snape for a few minutes.

'You helped murder my parent's you bastard,' Harry didn't wait for Snape to say anything, just shot him in the head. He closed the little door then walked back to the room with the tent. He needed a drink, a big one.

Winky saw her master enter and go straight for the bottle of bourbon. She knew he needed it, she would be there to help him if he had too much. She left the room ready to take care of Snape. Harry and Winky had discussed what to do once the man was dead. Now it was time for Dumbledore to see what became of his spy. Harry hoped Voldemort got to see how Snape ended up.

Winky normally didn't like hurting anyone and she would never kill anyone. But this man was dead, so all she had to do was remove the head from the body.

It only took Winky a short time to place Snape's head on part of the fence that surrounded Hogwarts. The face was looking towards the castle. The body was left in a heap at the gates.

'It is done master.'

'Thank you Winky. I would have done it but it was too risky. Yet I hate that you did it.'

'Winky did not mind master. He was dead I just separated him and place him where you wanted. Winky is fine master.'

'Alright Winky, and thank you.'

A picture of Snape's head ended up on the front page of the Daily Prophet. Some were now wondering if maybe Dumbledore and Potter were telling the truth. The minister blamed Sirius Black, like always, but more and more people were beginning to lose their trust in the minister for magic.

When Hermione read Harry's letter she burst into tears then ran through the house and up to the room she was using. Ron went to grab the letter but Albus summoned it to him. He sighed when he realised how Harry felt when he ordered his friends not to write. Albus was shocked to read that Harry now thought of them all as his enemy. He hoped that would change and Harry came to realise why he was being watched. Albus could only hope that Harry returned to Hogwarts so he could talk to the boy. He knew already he had to change his plans. He would have to tell Harry about the prophecy. First they had to find him, or just hope he came out of hiding.

Albus was also working on who kidnapped three members of the order of the phoenix. He knew it wasn't Voldemort, Severus had found that out before he was taken and murdered. He did wonder if maybe it was someone working for Fudge. He would have to speak with some of his contacts inside the ministry to see if they heard anything about his missing order members.

Harry finished changing into the man that would normally scare any muggle. He was very large, he had a bald head, a large scare down his cheek and chin. But what Harry liked was the eyes. The man had really cold eyes. After having Winky transfigure some of his clothes, Harry left the tent ready to put Winky's plan into action.

Harry stood outside the three cells that held his prisoners. He made sure he glared before he nodded to Winky so the little windows in the doors opened.

The three prisoners instantly jumped up and ran to the door. They were all yelling, all asking who he was and what did he want. Harry used his hand which signal to Winky to cast a silencing charm. He did that so the prisoners would believe Harry used wandless magic, it would make them more cautious as they would believe the person holding them was very powerful.

'You three kept that boy's abuse going by standing guard at the house. I watched and I listened. I know who the three of you are and I know who you are close to. I also know you were doing what the fucking old man told you to do. You didn't even ask questions. That poor boy had been abused his whole life and the old man knew about it. Well, after watching the boy over the last year I decided he needed someone there for him, someone that was loyal to him and not the old man.'

Harry glared but he found that when he was really angry he could make his eyes glow. Even though he had blue eyes, of the man he was impersonating, they still glowed as he snarled at the three prisoners.

'I spoke with Harry, I explained what I did to you three. He loved that, he really did. But do you know what he told me?' Harry smirked knowing his prisoners couldn't answer, but they did shake their heads, 'He told me that anyone loyal to Albus Dumbledore and his order of the phoenix were now his enemy just like Voldemort was his enemy. At one time he would have fought for his friends, but they proved to follow the old goat and showed Harry they weren't loyal to him, or even friends. Harry is very big on trust and loyalty, he also likes honesty. His friends and the old man weren't loyal to Harry or honest with him. So anyone associated with those people are in the same category.

'Harry doesn't approve of killing, so I didn't tell him what I did to Snape. But I don't think he would really care what I did to that bastard. That man was partially responsible for the Potter's death. I'm sure you three heard that Peter Pettigrew betrayed the Potter's. He gave Voldemort the secret to get into the house. But you didn't know that Snape took information to Voldemort that made him go after the Potter's in the first place. Snape wanted James and Harry Potter dead because he was in love with Lily Potter. He basically orchestrated their deaths and the old man hired him. That is your so called leader. He supported Snape even though Snape was also responsible for the deaths of the Potter's and left Harry an orphan and abused for years. Harry called the old man a dark lord who had his own personal death eater, I feel the same. You three disgust me. Two aurors who is supposed to protect yet you allowed that innocent boy to be abused.'

Harry moved his hand so Winky would remove the silencing charm.

'Are you going to kill us?' Hestia asked nervously.

'No, you will go back to the old goat and tell him what Harry said. All of you are now his enemy. I have no idea if he plans anything for any of you. But I do know you will never see him again and he will never fight for any of you.'

Harry turned making his black cloak swirly around him, he walked off. Once he was out of sight he nodded to Winky. Harry then went back into the tent to wait for his loyal little friend.

Winky stunned Fletcher then took him to the park across the street from the headquarters of the order of the phoenix. Once he dropped the man off, he went back for the older woman. He stunned her and left her beside Fletcher. Tonks was the last. Once all three were in the park across from the order's headquarters, Winky woke then then disappeared before they saw her.

Once the three missing order members got inside, Remus had floo called Albus who in turned called the rest of the order of the phoenix.

Hermione, Ron, Ginny and the twins were listening using the extendable ears as Tonks, Hestia and Mundungus told Albus what happened. When they began to explain about the man and what Harry said, they were shocked. After reading Harry's letter, Hermione was still shocked to hear he thought of them all as his enemy. But if she was honest with herself, she wasn't surprised. She only came to Grimmauld place in the hope she could talk to Harry since she hadn't been able to write. If she told anyone that she wanted to go home to her parent's, they might try to talk her out of it. But Hermione was worried about her parent's. Voldemort was back and his death eaters were again killing. If they found out where Hermione lived, they would go after her parents, and she knew someone like Lucius Malfoy would be able to find out where she lived.

Albus left headquarters, he needed time to think and work out what he could do now that Harry thought of him and anyone associated with him as his enemy and he thought of Albus as a dark lord. Harry thought of Voldemort and his death eaters as the enemy. He also thought of Fudge and most people at the ministry as his enemy. He thought of the staff and most of the students of Hogwarts as his enemy. And now he thought of his friends and the order of the phoenix as his enemy. But Albus was also curious as to who this person was that was helping Harry.

When the students returned to Hogwarts, Harry Potter wasn't amongst them. Albus realised he had made too many mistakes. The biggest could cost them the war.

Over the course of the following year, death eaters were turning up at St Mungo's severely injured. At first the healers couldn't find a reason for their injuries. It took a muggleborn midi-witch to explain that they had all be shot with a muggle weapon. The midi-witch had to explain about bullets and how the bullet was still inside the person. The death eaters all had their sleeves removed before they ended up at St Mungo's.

The biggest shock came when a death eater, his arm showing the dark mark, arrived in St Mungo's. He had been shot like the others, but almost everyone recognised him and all believed he had been murdered. The healers ended up calling the aurors again, but this time they asked for the head auror and maybe the director of the department of magical law to go to St Mungo's and see who was there.

Amelia Bones instantly recognised Peter Pettigrew and saw his dark mark. After he had been healed, the head of the DMLE used veritaserum and got the truth about the Potter's and Sirius Black. With so much evidence Fudge had no choice but to declare Sirius Black innocent and explained that Peter Pettigrew was the one to betray the Potter's.

Fudge knew his time as minster was coming to an end. He had been given bad advice. He also realised the Lucius Malfoy had been manipulating him. The death eater had been one that turned up at St Mungo's, but by the time he got there the healers could not help him. Fudge also realised that Delores Umbridge, his undersecretary had many of the same beliefs as Voldemort. She might not be a death eater, but she did support Voldemort's ideas and what he wanted for their world.

No one had seen or heard from Harry Potter. Albus had asked Bill to watch Gringotts in the hope Harry might turn up to go to his vault. Bill could keep an eye on people coming and going, but he was not allowed any information on the people who had vaults. His girlfriend Fleur Delacour who also worked at Gringotts was also asked to keep an eye out for Harry. Even though she was dating Bill, she never told him that she found out Harry has made several withdrawals. He had not been to the bank personally, his house elf was the one that went to the vault. Fleur still felt she owned Harry Potter for what he did during the tournament. This was one way she could pay off that debt. She just hoped she was doing the right thing by remaining silent.

Hermione ended up being made to leave Hogwarts. Her parents, who had not like what had been happening at the magical school, put some plans in order. The Grangers had been making plans to move to Australia, they originally were going to move after Hermione finished her education. They decided to move now, and take their daughter with them. If Hermione wanted to continue her magical education, then they would find out about the Australian magical school.

Over that year, many students got notices that someone in their family had been killed. Some were killed by Voldemort and his death eaters. Some that died were death eaters so it was their children that got notified.

Voldemort was angry. He had no idea who was killing his death eaters. He had no idea who was injuring his death eaters then delivering them to St Mungo's where they ended up arrested. He had broken into Azkaban and got his most loyal out of the prison. Within a month half of them ended up either arrested or dead. His most dangerous, Bellatrix Lestrange, she died right as she was about to take care of the few candidates that could become the next minister for magic. All of his supporters inside the ministry were now dead or in Azkaban, which was now being guarded by goblins. He had lost both his spies, Snape and Pettigrew, and he was losing supporters. Many that had joined him, now fled. He had no money to offer since Lucius and the other death eaters that had money were either dead or in prison. Since Sirius Black had been cleared, he took up the position as head of the Black family. He called Narcissa Malfoy, nee Black an oath breaker which forfeited any money she had before she married Lucius. As Lucius's money mainly came from Narcissa, it meant she could no longer supply Voldemort with any funds. Draco only had a trust fund that normally got topped up from the family vault. Now the family vault was almost empty, even Draco could not use his money to help Voldemort.

Over the course of the next year there was many changes in the magical community in England. First, Amelia Bones was now the minister for magic. She instantly brought in many changes. One was how people were hired for jobs. No longer would blood status play any part in getting a job. First you needed the right scores in your newts. Second you had to take an aptitude test to prove you could do the job or be trained to do the job. If someone did not take their newts, they would be tested to see if they could do the job. With Voldemort and the way the ministry had been run, some never went to Hogwarts and others left before taking their tests. Amelia knew some of those people could be the right people for jobs inside the ministry so she didn't want to dismiss them outright. She also made sure that old laws that favourite purebloods were chucked out, new laws were now a lot fairer. Werewolves were allowed to work, as long as they took the wolfsbane potion and locked themselves up on the wolf nights. The governors were only hired after they had been questioned using the truth potion. They wanted people who would think of the education of the children and not of their influence or position.

Death eaters continued to turn up either dead or injured, yet no one had any idea who was doing it. The only clue they had was the person was using muggle methods in dealing with the death eaters.

Only one person saw from Harry Potter, no one else ever heard from him and he was never seen. Harry had Winky contact Sirius and bring him to where Harry was. Harry had bought a small flat just outside of London. He originally got the flat so if he happened to meet a girl then he would take her there as he didn't want anyone in his parent's house. He also didn't want anyone to see the house and get suspicious. No one knew that Sirius was in contact with his godson.

Harry had changed a lot in the last three years. First his hair was down his back and it had lightened, so even though it was still dark, it wasn't black anymore, nor was it messy. He didn't wear glasses, he finally got around to having laser surgery done. After that, he had his scar removed by plastic surgery. He had been given potions by a healer he had seen, using a false name, to help heal his body from the abuse the Dursley's had put him through. Which meant he had grown to his proper height and weight. At the age of eighteen Harry was six foot 2 and had a good body on him. He had muscles, without being muscly.

Sirius kept the fact he was in contact with his godson a secret because he knew that if he did tell anyone he would lose his godson forever. But Sirius realised that Albus made a lot of mistakes when it came to Harry, so Sirius was not going to risk losing his godson. They had talked for hours, they even shed a few tears at the loss they both felt. They should have been family from the time Lily and James were killed, but due to Albus and others, they never got to be family. Now they were very close, as close as brothers, they also trusted each other and were loyal to each other. Originally Sirius was supposed to take the role as a parent, but since Harry had to learn to look after himself from a young age, he didn't need a parent, so Sirius became his best friend and older but very immature brother.

'From the information Albus has gotten, he lost too many and he isn't getting any more followers. Too many are scared of this person who is using a muggle gun.'

'Does he know numbers?' Harry asked.

'Not exact numbers but from what he could find out he has about ten to fifteen. He's still at Malfoy manor even if Narcissa can't give him any money, not after I called her an oath breaker.'

'I might have a way to deal with them in one go. The trouble is finding out when they will all be together. Studying muggle weapons and with help from Winky, we've come up with spells and potions to make enchanted items work like muggle bombs. Winky is really good at potions.'

'Even if we could see the place we wouldn't know how long it might take for all of them to be there at the same time.'

'I might have an idea, I just need to talk to someone first.'

'Then let me know. But now you're an adult in the magical world and muggle world, you could come out of hiding.'

'I know, but the old man would try something. When Voldemort is dead then I'll show myself.'

'You make sense. Albus would get involved.'

That night after Sirius left Harry called Dobby. Dobby had been hoping to hear from Harry and asked if he could work for Harry. With a bit of haggling, Dobby would now work for Harry and get one galleon a week and two days off a month. Dobby wanted to take less, but Harry stayed firm. Finally he asked Dobby if he would do a bit of spying at his old master's home. Harry made sure Dobby knew that if there was danger he had to leave straight away. Dobby wanted to help even if he was still fearful of his old masters.

It was only a week later that Dobby told Harry what he needed to hear. Voldemort called a meeting for that night. The last of his supporters would be at the house.

Harry smiled then began to gather up his supplies. This time though it would be Harry, Winky and Dobby who would be going to Malfoy manor. With Dobby still be able to access the house, he could take Harry and Winky with him and no one inside the manor would have any idea that they got through the wards protecting the house and grounds.

Harry used his cloak to place the pellets around the outside of the house while Dobby and Winky spread them throughout the house. Once they had the entire house and grounds covered, Harry and the two elves ignited some which would cause the others to ignite, then they would explode. Harry knew with the amount of pellets he used that no one would survive the blast.

Harry, Winky and Dobby stood a fair distance from the house and watched as it exploded in a huge fireball. They never left until the house began to crumble.

Harry headed to the flat while Winky cooked, Dobby went to tell Sirius that Harry needed to speak with him.

'What's up pup?'

'I kill Voldemort and the last of his supporters,' Harry laughed as Sirius stood with his mouth hanging open. He grabbed his godfather's hand and pulled him into a seat.


'We made bombs. I studied a lot of muggle stuff like bombs. We were able to make our own using potions and pellets. The three of us went to Malfoy manor after I had Dobby spying on them to see when they would be together. We scattered the pellets all over the place then ignited them. It was blasted to pieces with a huge fireball. We stayed until the house collapsed. There was nothing left by the time the fire died out.'

'Damn pup,' Sirius grinned, 'So you'll come out of hiding?'

'Yes, occasionally, but I still won't be having anything to do with the ministry, Dumbledore or Hogwarts. I want you to return and wait to hear what they say, especially the old man.'

'I'll go now. I doubt this news won't take long to spread,' Sirius pulled Harry to his feet hugging him, 'No one will ever know pup, this will always be kept secret, forever.'

'I trust you Sirius,' Harry gave his godfather a smile before he left, then Harry grinned at the house elves. 'I think we might have a holiday soon. Somewhere warm, what do you say?'

Both elves latched on to Harry's legs which made him laugh. As far as Harry was concerned, his life had just gotten a lot better.

An emergency order meeting was called that night. Sirius listened as Albus explained about Malfoy manor and the bodies that were found.

'So the person who was shooting the death eaters decided to finish them off?' Tonks asked.

'I'm not positive Voldemort is truly dead.'

'Give it a rest Albus. He could not have survived what you described and the aurors who searched the place found bits of his body. He's dead, accept it and move on. The war is over even before it really began,' Sirius said.

'I'm with Sirius, I saw what was left of him and the others, he's dead, it's over,' Kingsley said.

Most of the newer members of the order all believed that it was over. Only Dumbledore's strongest supporters remained faithful. But the Order of the Phoenix ended that night.

Since it was late when everyone left, Sirius just went to bed. He would see Harry tomorrow.

Sirius arrived at the flat then sent his patronus to Harry so he would know he was there. It was only half an hour later Harry arrived with Winky.

'Dumbledore didn't want to believe he was dead. By the time we finish arguing, the order was disbanded. Tonks, Kingsley and many of the younger ones all believe it's over. Kingsley even explained what they found, bits of his body.'

'He just can't let go, but it is over. So how about you come to my real home?'

'I've been curious as to where you were really living. It was a good idea to have this place in case someone got suspicious about me.'

'That's the only reason I never told you where I was living Sirius. I didn't trust the old man. For all we know he could have slipped you veritaserum if he was suspicious. I did find out that Fleur knew I was making withdrawals from my vault, yet she never told anyone, not even Bill.'

'She's Veela, she feels like she owes you for helping with her sister. Veela become fire creatures when they change and they don't like water. She was going in with a disadvantage.'

'I'll send her a letter to see if we can meet up so I can thank her for keeping quiet. Come on,' Harry moved over to Sirius, Winky took both their hands they transported them using elf apparition.

'Godric's Hollow. Albus had people check this place out. They said it's still damaged, that no one could live here.'

Harry grinned then looked down at Winky, 'Thanks to some elf magic, it looks damaged. At first I used a tent, but I got talking to Winky about elf magic. We worked out to fix this place then make it seemed like it was still damage. It's like an illusion.'

Harry and Winky grinned as Sirius began to laugh. They realised their trick with the house worked better than they thought it would. Even Sirius, a Marauder had no idea Harry was living in his own home.

It was two weeks later that Harry worked out to meet Fleur at the Leaky Cauldron. Since he changed so much no one would recognise him. He wrote that he could bring Bill if she wanted to, that now the war was over he wasn't going to stay away any longer. He also explained that Sirius would be with him.

Harry and Sirius were talking quietly when they spotted Fleur and Bill but also another blond girl. Harry realise it was Fleur's sister, Gabriel. Fleur smiled when she spotted Sirius and the good looking young man with him, she knew that was Harry Potter. The two men stood as they approached and Fleur instantly hugged Harry.

'It iz good to ze you 'arry.'

'It's good to see you too Fleur,' Harry grinned, 'And Gabriel, it's nice to see you as well.'

'Hello Harry,' Gabriel said as she blushed making Sirius grin.

'Hello Bill,' Harry held out his hand which the red head took.

'Even though you had us all worried, after reading your letter we realised you were right and Albus was wrong. Then Fleur spoke to me and I knew that I wouldn't like being treated like you were. I wouldn't allow Ron and Ginny to be treated like that either.'

'Let's sit, order some drinks and lunch,' Sirius said, but he made sure Harry and Gabriel were seated next to each other. He had seen the way his godson looked at the young blond beauty and thought he just might give his godson a nudge. After Harry's life, he deserve to finally act like a normal young man, which meant speaking with a good looking young woman.

'I want to thank you Fleur, for not revealing the fact I was accessing my vault.'

'You're welcome Harry. I only told Bill after I received your letter.'

'I get why she kept it from me mate. To Veela, she was honouring the debt she felt she owed you. Debts are serious business in the magical world.'

'I don't look at being owed a debt at all, but I realised that's why you did it Fleur. I also wouldn't ever use a debt to get anyone to do what I want. I just needed to get away from the old goat,' Harry turned to Gabriel who giggled which made him and Sirius laugh, 'He is an old goat and just didn't realise how wrong he was when it came to me.'

'He said that to Moody, who told me. We got talking after an order meeting just before you were due to start your fifth year. See, there was a big argument about the fifth year boy's prefect. Albus overruled Minerva and named Ron as the prefect. Now apart from mum, we all knew Ron would abuse that position and we also knew he didn't deserve it. Most of us believed it should have gone to you. Apart from winning the triwizard tournament, you also saved Ginny's life and stopped more people being petrified or killed. It was like Albus was publically showing that he didn't' think your achievements meant anything.' Bill explained.

Harry sighed, 'Ron would have used that position to cause trouble for the Slytherin's, or anyone that he just didn't like. But if he wasn't going to give it to me, he should have given it to either Dean or Neville. Those two had better marks than Ron and had a lot less detentions. So Hermione would have received the girls if she hadn't left?'

'She was named, it was given to Parvati Patil. It was her or Lavender Brown.'

'Even if those two girls weren't serious about anything but fashion, makeup or boys, they were the only other girls in our year. Do you know if McGonagall argued about Ron being prefect?'

'No, apart from you, she felt it should have gone to one of the other boys, not Ron. But no, she didn't argue about it at all.'

The group began eating, but they kept talking about what they were doing in their lives now Voldemort was gone. Harry spoke with Gabriel as well making Sirius, Bill and Fleur grin. Fleur knew her sister had a thing for Harry, she has since he rescued her from the lake. At the time Gabriel knew Harry would never look at her as she was only twelve. It might have been only two years difference in their ages, but no fourteen year old would be attracted to a twelve year old. Now Gabriel was a very grown up sixteen year old and Fleur could tell that Harry was very much attracted to her little sister. Bill also realised that Harry was attracted to Gabriel, which meant he would never look at Ginny in a romantic way. Ginny has had a crush on Harry for years. She always hoped he would return and see her now as a young woman and not Ron's little sister. Bill could see that was never going to happen.

Before the group split up, Harry said he would be seen now, he just wouldn't have anything to do with Dumbledore or anyone from Hogwarts. Harry did ask if Gabriel would be interested in going on a date, which she was, so they organised that before the young blond kissed Harry's cheek and left with her sister and brother-in-law. Harry couldn't stop grinning which made Sirius laugh before he dragged his godson out of the pub ready to head home. For now Sirius was living with Harry, just until he got around to buying a new home. He hated Grimmauld place and planned to clean and fix it before selling it. He would remove all the dark objects and dark books first, but he had time. He mainly wanted to get used to a free life and spend more time with his godson. Harry said he could stay at the house as long as he wanted. He might be an adult, but he loved Sirius, and wanted to spend time with him.

Three times Harry had been seen over the following weeks. One photo ended up on the front page of the Daily Prophet. Harry with his arm around a beautiful blond girl. Many began to speculate that Harry Potter disappeared to be with the woman he loved.

When Bill saw the picture he went to speak with Ginny. It seemed she realised she would never get her chance with Harry. She did ask Bill if he knew who the girl was. When she heard it was Fleur's sister, she asked if she had used her Veela power to get Harry. Bill went into details about the dinner they had and his attraction to Gabriel had nothing to do with Veela power.

Albus Dumbledore was trying to find a way to separate Harry from the Veela. He knew many would not like the boy who lived marrying a Veela. But after Harry left and how he looked now, Albus had a feeling Harry would never allow anyone to tell him what to do.

Harry had been offered many jobs at the ministry, he turned them all down, without offering any explanation. He thought they should realise why he said no. First was his godfather's imprisonment, then what everyone believed and said about Harry over the years.

At the age of twenty one, Harry married Gabriel in a private ceremony. Sirius, Bill, Fleur and her parents were the only guests. They did have a big party in France at the Delacour's home, but the people invited were friends of the family. Two wedding pictures had been released by Sirius to Witch Weekly. Harry wanted it known he was married in the hope the woman who saw him and tried to come on to him would back off.

Albus sighed as he stared at the picture of Harry Potter with his Veela wife. He knew now there would be no use trying to get Harry to work for the ministry. Having a Veela wife and one that came from a very progressive family would mean Harry would want changes.

Harry ended up being fluent in French, thanks to his wife, so he accepted a job as a teacher at Beauxbatons. The moment he arrived he realised just how behind Hogwarts was. Gabriel had also accepted a job as a teacher. Both had said they will teach until they felt it was time to have children, which meant they would have to leave. Madame Maxime had explained that there were apartments for married teachers with children. There was even another part of the school where young children could have their lessons.

Sirius ended up moving to France, not only to stay close to his godson, but he still felt betrayed by the people back in England. He had met and fallen in love with a friend of Fleur's, she wasn't Veela, but to Sirius, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. What no one expected was Sophia liked to play pranks on people and often got Sirius. They had decided to open their own joke shop, but also work on things like the communications mirror Sirius and James Potter used when they were students.

Within a year of Harry teaching at Beauxbatons, the French school ended up with an influx of transfers, mostly from Hogwarts. People didn't just want to learn from Harry Potter, they had read an interview from Harry how advanced Beauxbatons was compared to Hogwarts. Also how liked all the staff were by the students and how bullying was taken very seriously, where at Hogwarts, it was ignored.

Over the years Hogwarts ended up having to close because it only got children from old pureblood families. But since those families only had one child, it was not enough to keep the old school open. Albus Dumbledore died alone, but still with his belief that Harry had to die or Voldemort would return, one day. He had tried to tell others what he believed, no one took Albus seriously and thought he had gone senile.

Harry and his wife Gabriel ended up having six children. Four girls, all had Veela traits, and two boys who resembled Harry except their hair would sit nice and neat. Harry remained teaching at Beauxbatons until he was in his seventies, then he was offered the position as headmaster.

When Harry was a young student at Hogwarts, he thought there might be a chance he could teach at the castle when he was old. He did teach but not at Hogwarts, and now he was headmaster.

To Harry Potter, the day he decided to kidnap his guards and have Winky as his house elf changed his life, for the better. He loved his life, he loved his wife and children. To Harry, his life was perfect.

The end: