Chereads / Sudden monster. / Chapter 9 - Growth.

Chapter 9 - Growth.

Even though the calamity happened a year too early Osiris wasn't very bothered by it, this in fact only meant that he could start growing stronger sooner. Humans were not the only ones who got access to special powers, in fact anything sentient would be able to receive such powers and it so happens that Osiris is sentient…

All he had to do was seclude himself from the outside world for a while to focus on his growth so that no one disturbs him either by accident or on purpose, and the cave he currently resides in is as good as any. The cave is far removed from society and other human interference and animals keep their distance from Osiris due to their instincts warning them. He wasn't an apex predator for nothing.

Sitting in a lotus position with his eyes closed Osiris started emptying his mind to make room for the newborn energy source. The source was relatively young as it has just recently been formed due to the mutation and because it is so young the energy is easier to be shaped and manipulated to your liking. That was also why people who were alive during the calamity and started using this energy early on end up stronger, not because of talents or anything, just because of pure luck. Sometimes life isn't fair and Osiris knew that, he wasn't alive during the calamity so he had a hard time using this energy, but now that he is present he will take full advantage of it and won't let a single drop of energy go to waste.

All you had to do to gain access to this energy which was aptly called magic, it was called as such because human understanding of the laws of the universe were too primitive, even though it certainly made leaps and bounds after the calamity it was still too little. Even Osiris didn't know much about it, how could he if not even the smartest people earth had to offer could figure it out. He was very average in the scheme of everything after all.

Osiris' mind was wandering too far off so he corrected his mindset and focused once more on making it empty. All he had to do was clear his mind to make room for magic to flow inside, it is a crude yet very simple process.

However Osiris didn't use this method, because this method was too primitive and didn't use the full potential of magic at all, it didn't even come close. It was so uneffective that it was deemed as suicide trying to do as such, this method was found to be usefull whilst magic was still young but later when it hardened and became more unflexible humans discovered their error and found was to improve. The method Osiris was using was discovered three years before his demise.

Although the method Osiris was more effective it was ultimately more difficult, why wouldn't something that yielded more efficiency be more difficult than the primitive way, why try and smash two flints together to create fire when you had access to a lighter when it yielded the same results?

Whilst magic was flowing inside of Osiris he carefully manipulated it into flowing through his whole body adjusting the absorbed magic to his own body before sending it to his heart where the magic stayed confined. This method used the person's heart as a storage for method, it may sound dangerous sending a foreign energy to his heart, which it in actuality was but for Osiris it was a piece of cake as he has already successfully done it once. But sending it to his heart actually enhanced it and made it that his heart became less of a weak spot than other vital areas. Although it wouldn't be able to survive a stab or a bullet through it in the beginning it made circulating his blood around his whole body easier which ultimately led to a less reliance on this vital organ, still it remained one of the most important organs.

Once the first round of absorption was done round two followed soon after which was easier than the first and this repeated for multiple times before Osiris felt he had absorbed the correct amount to make the most out of it. Take too much and you waste energy and potentially risk injuring yourself and take too little and risk building a faulty foundation for your future growth.

He was done building his foundation and all he had to do to grow further was to wait for his body to fully adapt to having this foreign energy inside of him so he could absorb more safely, and because he has such a wonderful monster body now his adaptability was way better than any human body was able to. But even with this ridiculous adapting speed he was still not completely safe from sudden backlashes so he took his time until he was a hundred percent sure that it was safe to move.

When Osiris looked out of his cave he wasn't surprised to see that it was already night time, the first time he absorbed energy for the first time he took a week to awaken from his meditation and he was curious how long it took him this time. He wouldn't be surprised if it were longer than a week because of the sheer amount he was able to absorb with his new body.

Stretching his body it made noises indicating that he has been sitting in the same position for way longer than just a week, now he was really curious how long it has been. Feeling the air around him he felt it was colder and humidity was lower than before he started indicating that the previous warm and humid air changed. During summer the air is warm and humid and during winter is cold and the humidity is lower making Osiris believe that he "woke" up in a whole new season.

Even though it may sound ridiculous even more than a year could have passed but that would be stretching it a lot, as the longest case someone to absorb magic for his first was around 2 months and said person was able to grow very strong later on making it a popular belief that the longer you take to absorb magic the stronger you are, which may have some truths behind it but it was never really proven as talent also plays a huge role.

Now you may think that this sudden magic goes against the three forms of power but it doesn't, magic is available to everyone only the three forms of power influence how you use this magic. Growth types absorb less magic at once but more over a long time and the instantaneous can have short bursts of a lot at once, and sometimes twice in a rare case which would more or less be classes as the special type.

Cracking his neck as the final stiff part in his body Osiris was ready to finally start his journey to find out what has happened to him…

(End of chapter eight of "Sudden Monster")

This was written on christmas eve, why I do not know but I felt like it. But you are probably reading this in 2021 so how is 2021 treating you as of yet?

So I think this will be the last addition to the power scheme in my book for a while. I've been throwing information and things that may or may not make sense around so I want to tone it down a bit, and if I keep adding extra information it'll make writing a whole lot annoying for me as I need to keep track of every detail and I don't want to make writing feel like a chore. And I know that my story isn't good but I like it, so I don't plan on stopping anytime soon, there may be some inactive periods but I plan to finish this story, whether it ends up being bad or great doesn't matter.

Also another information dump which is personally my favourite thing to write about as it allows me to functionally shape a whole story without some weird character background. I never really understood the need for character background if the information provided is good enough, now I'll stop blabbering because I am just talking nonsense as of now/