Now that I am able to normally manoeuvre my own body it is time to execute order 66, I mean execute my plan to find out how ugly I really look. According to my calculations my appearance should be around 2 meters tall with this black skin color, if you can even call it a skin anymore. It feels more like armor than skin, which is a good thing but I feel like not looking like a normal human would have some downsides.
It seems that the animals haven't mutated into monsters here, and since there were no locations left on earth that were not affected by the mutation it crosses out that I am on the earth that I was on before, hold on for a second here, this might sound weird, but that I might have been sent before the "calamity" even took place. If that is the case how long before it happens? Will it be days, weeks or even years?
He finally arrived at the edge of the lake and was staring at his own reflection in silence.> Long black hair, taller than he thought and the same color skin armor he has been describing for the past few hours. His face isn't even human anymore, his face was smooth with 6 blue glowing eyes and sharp ears that pointed upwards. On both shoulders there were these pointy things, why do I even have these? They only look funny and wouldn't add anything to battle… Wait, why am I even complaining about battle functionality when I don't even look human anymore? I am looking like a goddamn monster. Heck all I can think of when I see myself is a monster and here I am complaining about whether something will add to my ability to kill something! Whilst this was going on everything was seen by an outside party, the aforementioned military. Who will no doubt try and do something about this rogue monster of ours, and which was exactly what they intend to do. Multiple helicopters filled with soldiers wearing what looked like some experimental gear were headed towards our favorite monster that was currently holding a temper tantrum. The helicopters were getting closer after every minute that passed and he was completely unaware of what was getting closer to him.> … "Sir ,we are currently five minutes away from the entity that was spotted." A young soldier clad in a black metallic outfit said to his commanding officer whilst saluting. The officer just nodded and continued staring at a screen that portrayed the monster who was sitting on the ground doing what looked like sulking. The soldier had already joined his brethren who were in the middle of checking their gear just like they were trained to, these men belonged to the Special Containment Unit, or the S.C.U for short. These guys were a big thing back when our monster was still human since they were the ones who stood up the best against the monsters in the beginning due to their experimental armor. Back to the matter at hand, they first became aware of its presence when there were random vibrations coming from the forest and then a camera picked up something strange. It was a humanoid figure running through the forest and it looked like it was searching for something because of the way it looked around and carefully observed everything that moved. This obviously got the attention of the militairy, because you don't see a humanoid figure sprinting through a forest. … The people inside of the helicopters suddenly became more alert than they already were, it was because a humanoid figure standing at around 3 meters tall was looking directly at them, even though they were a good few kilometers away from it. It would still take them a few seconds to fly directly above the strange creature but out of precaution they landed at an open area a few kilometers removed from their target. "Alright men, this creature is unlike what we have ever seen so be sure to approach with caution" The commanding officer finally looked away from his monitor and started addressing his men just like every other commanding officer in the other helicopters."We do not know if this creature is hostile or whatnot so we go with protocol 7, I hope you don't fuck up since this is your first official mission outside of training and get your asses going!" The last sentence was said just in time for the helicopter loading door to open so the soldiers could leave. One by one soldiers came pouring out of the helicopters all fully geared with black metallic gear that covered them from head to toe. Weapons never seen before on earth ready to be fired at any moment's notice and filled with bullets that are able to penetrate your yesterday tanks like it's made of paper. (A/N : keep in mind that this is around the year 2030, not going to spoil any more.) … "Humans" I said with a surprising amount of disgust in my voice, which of course wasn't my intention. I wanted to converse with these humans but the language barrier would become an issue, I had tried speaking English but my vocal cords just weren't made for the English alphabet. Writing was also a no go since my claws already make it hard for me to even form a fist let alone grab a small pen or pencil. I guess it will all come down to luck then, I hope they won't fire without reason because I don't want to test how my body fairs against these weapons. I had seen and heard the helicopters approaching quite a while ago, that is also why I stopped thrashing around but I wasn't as shocked compared to what happened next. When the soldiers all left their respective helicopters I immediately recognized who they were from the armor they were wearing. It was considered an historical artefact when I was still living my human life, well not that that matters anymore, I have died and I don't want to die another time, especially against some weak monster. The armor they wore were the S.C.U Proto #1, the first type of armor that was used when the "calamity" first came to be, and later most armors would be based on this armor's design making this armor a legend amongst armor. So now I know where and when I am, if I am not mistaken that is. This should be around the year 2028 maybe a bit before that since that year was when the "calamity" took place. Because this forest is still in pieces and nothing was mutated it would be safe to say that this is before everything happened, does this mean that I am the first monster spotted? Does that mark this day as the "calamity"? Then a sudden thought popped up in his mind that had no relation to whatever was going on. 'What if I see myself in twenty or thirty years? That would be hilarious to see how little Osiris would live instead of me.' A creepy smile formed on his face and he directly looked at where two people were situated… (A/N : Name of this ugly bastard is Osiris if you missed it in the synopsis. "Hey I am not ugly!"... How did you even get in my author's note??? Well anyway...) (End of chapter two of "Sudden Monster") (A/N This is in no way foreshadowing… To be honest I haven't decided yet.) Link to my crappy discord : . I will post pictures that are useful for the story to clarify things easier.