The creaking of trees came as a larger breeze moved through the area. This drew Walker and the other's focus. The manas were slightly more unsettled as a divide appeared within the endless night forest.
It wasn't as if the trees had been cut away or moved. Inteas it was like they had been guided to just simply not grow in the way of the thorny bushing growing in a perfect row. The vines within the bushes were curled up and protecting the toots. Seemingly as if they had been prepared to guard against being cut down in any way shape or form.
'Servant vine
This is a vine made by a witch, it is not a true plant but actually a familiar monster known to serve witches by feeding on their mana. Up to a hundred witches can be found to the same servant vine which allows it to grow powerful guardian abilities. Often, the servant vine will be able to protect their territory so that young witches are not threatened by monsters.